I can't believe I am dry-humping my boyfriend in front of my friends.

Does it help that he is so hot and he looks exceptionally tempting tonight?

"Where is the bathroom here?"

 I whisper in his ear, unable to hold back my lust anymore.

"We should go dancing!" a chipper voice shouts a little too unnecessary.

Maybe if I ignore it, I might get what I am in the mood for right now. "Seriously, where is the bathroom?"

"Rain, come on," Day whines and I huff before looking over my shoulder.

"Day, I am a little busy right now." a little busy about to get my boyfriend's cock in my mouth.

"You can do whatever you want in another place. You love dancing don't you?" his voice pitches higher at the end of the sentence and I groan inwardly.

I can't believe Day is cockblocking me.