I take the bottle Travis is holding and pour us drinks on the glasses infront of us.

"What did you do when you found out?"

"He doesn't know it yet but I killed the guy. He confessed that he liked day but they never progressed into anything.

"He was being pushy and onto him but day kept playing games with him."

"So he was telling him no."

"No. He was entertaining him. Never a no. Not enough to throw him off his back but enough to keep him around."


"Day confessed to me as well."

"What did he say?"

"He uses his looks to get favours and opportunities. He said that giving the illusion of being free and unclaimed paired with being young and sexy got him where he is.

"He wasn't ashamed about it. He says that he is good at what he does, it's just a cruel profession that even the most basic talents got passed over him when he was qualified."