It's a perfect day, with the sun shining not too harshly down on us, a cool breeze, and a partly cloudy sky.

Rain's arms are around my torso as we speed on the highway on my bike, helmets on, and Troye Sivan playing softly on the connected Bluetooth on our helmets.

I felt that a little road trip to celebrate and get away from the city for the day was perfect. I have no destination in mind but the further we get away from the city, the more our options get.

I have always imagined taking rides like these with my lover in the past. Perhaps taking a longer road trip like this would be fun.

We pass state lines and soon, we are coasting by the beach, and I know that we will be stopping by this town. I love the beach and rain does too.

"Have you ever been to a motel before?" I remove my helmet before cradling it under my arm and looking at Rain who is laughing.

The wind blows his now long hair and I just marvel at how pretty he is.