What does he want from her??

COC {college of California} 

 "I had the worst hangover yesterday I woke up in a trash bin" Damien groaned so bitterly.

 Aleeyna kept mute picking in on her food,they were at K&K restaurant but her mind was stuck on Tyler.

 "omg guys!!!" Samara almost screamed off her seat bringing Aleeyna back to reality.

 "what is it Samara??" Aleeyna said.

 "look at this, billionaire Tyler Lockwood is back in California!!", Samara squeaked starring at her phone.

 " billionaire? "Aleeyna asked.

 " hell yeah,the most richest and youngest philanthropist in all of California far and wide he has up to fifty company all over the world and his currently running three here in California all by himself he is a trillionaire !!!"Damien narrated and Aleeyna went awed in surprise.

 "and he is a great sponsor of this very school his father was part of the founders and when he passed Tyler didn't forget once his duties he keeps donating to the school" Samara said dropping her phone.

 "can..can I see his pics??" Aleeyna found her self asking, the guy she met in los Angeles was quite different as the person they were describing to her,but she didn't forget his billon dollar mansion and trillion dollar car.

 Samara picked her phone and scrolled to his Instagram page and handed it to Aleeyna.

 "he is the same person " Aleeyna muttered to her self.

 she could never miss that eye never ever, and his hair no wonder the name rang a bell he was maliah celebrity crush.

 "Enough feasting on his pics Aleeyna let's get to class" Samara said and all stood up.


 After the long day at school, Aleeyna found her way to their apartment and stepped into the parlor she slumped the couch and threw her bag anywhere.

 she was the only at home then,maliah was no where to be found.

 She made to stand up when she heard a tackling sound coming from her room.

 Checking the door carefully she knew it was locked when she came in she tiptoed to her room door and muttered a prayer before she opened the door.

 "who are you??" Aleeyna asked seeing a large body standing by her window.

 "You love outside views don't you??" She heard his surprisingly familiar voice say.

 "how did you get into my house, Mr Tyler?!!" Aleeyna said walking to him and he turned to her.

 "o please don't call me Mr Tyler simply Tyler, Reselda" Tyler said taking a seat on her bed.

 "hey I didn't ask you to seat,and don't call me Reselda my name is Aleeyna!!!" Aleeyna groaned out 

 "well Reselda..., do you want to know how I got in or what I got for you?" Tyler said standing up he walked close to her as she took steps backward but he kept coming towards her till her back hit the door

 Aleeyna tried to push him off but Tyler held her hand down.

 "pick one Reselda" Tyler said leaning down to her face his breath on her cheeks.

 Aleeyna heart kept racing fast,but not the usual anxiousness something like nervousness.

 "What did you get??" Aleeyna finally said and Tyler let go of her Aleeyna quickly pushed him back and crossed her hands below her breast.

 "I know you'll never tell me how you got in,can I know what you bought so I can nicely reject it" Aleeyna said and Tyler smiled.

 "you're quite smart you know" Tyler said,he walked to her lamp stand and opened the second drawer bought out the box he had kept in there.

 "I got this for you " Tyler said showing Aleeyna.

 "what's inside?" Aleeyna asked taking the box it was wrapped with a bright color gift wrapper.

 Aleeyna starred at Tyler suspiciously and then unwrapped the box and a gasp escaped her mouth seeing what was inside.

 "a phone?!!!" Aleeyna said eyes widened.

 "oh no Mr Tyler I can't accept this, I cannot !!" Aleeyna said placing the box back in Tyler hand.

 "come on its not a big deal can't you accept it if your uncle and aunt ask just tell them a girlfriend had lent it to you they did destroy yours!"Tyler said and wanted to swallow his words back.

 " how did you know they are my uncle and aunt and they destroyed my phone who told you that, are you spying on me or something???"Aleeyna asked suspiciously.

 "divert the topic Tyler fast"

 "Reselda please just accept take it as a peace offering,I took you without your permission the other day please do forgive me" Tyler went in a narrow escape, placing the box back in Aleeyna hand but she placed it back in his hands.

 "I said no Mr Tyler I don't accept such gifts from strangers,and this is too much a phone that too an expensive one" Aleeyna said and Tyler sighed she was a hard nut to crack.

 "okay fine, if you don't accept my gift then fine" Tyler said and Aleeyna nodded.

 "thank you,now please leave before someone sees you" Aleeyna said pointing to the door.

 "I'll take back my gift only if you return to my house tomorrow by noon" Tyler said dropping the box on her bed.

 "Oh no mister!!!" Aleeyna almost yelled at him, but Tyler just turned to the door and shut the door.

 "hey!!" Aleeyna called but he was out long gone.

 She walked back to her room and picked

the box up opening it her jaw dropped it was a freaking iPhone 14pro max, she could have been mistaken but the name was written on it.

 "you can't accept this Aleeyna you can't!" Aleeyna said dropping it on the bed then her eyes caught another piece of paper laying on the bed.

 She picked it up and opened it,it was the address of Tyler house.

 "he really thinks I'll fall for his tricks"Aleeyna scoffed loudly.

 " but if I don't return it he'll think am like other girls who accept just anything because he's rich"Aleeyna said bitting her lower lip.

 Tyler played His game well.