Chapter 3: Meteor Crash

Caius stood up, bewildered and disoriented. He looked around the cramped bathroom, the small space seeming to close in on him. "What is this place? Why am I in this tiny, messed-up room?" he muttered, his voice echoing off the walls.

He fumbled with the door of the bathroom stall, trying to open it. "Why can't I figure this out?" he grumbled, his frustration mounting. He attempted to use his power, but nothing happened. "I can't even use my magic?" he exclaimed, his anger growing.

In a fit of frustration, Caius kicked the door of the stall. The door, already partially ajar, swung open forcefully, causing him to nearly lose his balance. He stumbled out into the main bathroom area and was greeted by a large mirror on the wall.

As he steadied himself and glanced into the mirror, his eyes widened in shock. He saw a figure staring back at him: thin, with short black hair, and wearing a skirt. Caius frowned, his confusion deepening. "Is that me?" he asked aloud, moving closer to the mirror.

He stared at his reflection, scrutinizing the details. "What is this? Why do I have two different eye colors?" he wondered, his voice trembling with disbelief. One eye was a deep, unsettling shade of brown, while the other was a striking, icy blue.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his head, and a flood of fragmented memories rushed in. He saw flashes of a different life— The memories felt overwhelming and foreign, as if they were not entirely his own but were filling the gaps in his understanding.

Caius clutched his head, struggling to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions and memories. His breaths came in ragged gasps as he tried to piece together the identity and situation of the reflection in the mirror.

After a few minutes, the sharp pain in Caius's head subsided. He stood in front of the mirror, his gaze fixed on his reflection. Slowly, he began to accept the reality of his situation.

"I'm reincarnated in this world," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and resignation.

Taking a deep breath, Caius composed himself and tried to make sense of his new reality. "So, I'm Caius Harper now. I still have my name, at least. My life seems average, but with strained family relations. I have two twin sisters, a mother, and a deceased father."

He bit his lip, frustration evident in his expression. "Why is my next life like this? Not only am I on bad terms with my family, but now I'm also a loser at school!"

In a moment of anger, Caius almost punched the mirror but stopped himself. "Calm down, Caius. You're a prince; you should maintain your composure. This body is weak, but I must stay elegant."

He continued to stare at his reflection, his eyes growing misty. "Where's my cute, handsome face? My more masculine body? Everything I had is gone. This world has no magic…" he said, his voice breaking as tears threatened to fall. "What a cruel twist of fate."

Caius sighed deeply, feeling a profound sense of loss and confusion as he tried to reconcile his previous identity with the reality of his new life.

Caius washed his face in the bathroom sink, trying to clear his thoughts. As he dried his face with a towel erasing the makeups and removing the wig then he muttered to himself, "I should go home."

Just as he was about to leave, the ground began to tremble violently. The school shook, and Caius's heart raced with fear. He immediately ran toward the exit, but his breath grew ragged, and he felt exhaustion setting in.

With his hands on his knees, Caius tried to catch his breath as the earthquake continued. The shaking finally stopped, and some students were running around towards in the school ground. Caius stood up, confused, and started walking toward the commotion when someone suddenly shoved him from behind.

"Hey!" Caius shouted, turning around to see Derek standing there.

"Stay down, loser!" Derek shouted back, his tone filled with contempt.

Caius clenched his fists and tightened his jaw, his anger flaring. "Damn you, Derek! I will remember you! You're the number one bully of this body."

Shaking his head in frustration, Caius ran out into the school grounds where other students had gathered. He saw a large rock crash down from the sky and muttered, "Meteor?"

Before he could react further, a girl elbowed him sharply in the stomach. The pain made him gasp and stagger backward.

"Hey, be careful!" he said, looking at her with a mix of anger and surprise.

But the girl didn't respond and just shoved him aside, causing him to fall to the ground.

"What a disrespectful bunch of people," Caius thought bitterly as he pushed himself up. The chaos around him only added to his sense of disorientation and frustration.

As the tremors settled, students gathered around the school grounds, murmuring about the meteors that had crashed down.

"Did you see that meteor? It came from nowhere!" one student exclaimed.

"I heard the meteors were huge. Are we in some kind of disaster movie?" another said, trying to calm their nerves.

"I think it hit the gym. This is crazy!" someone else added.

Caius, feeling overwhelmed, stood up and turned around, puffing out his cheeks in frustration. "I'm going home," he muttered.

Suddenly, a strange ding echoed in the air. Caius looked around in confusion. "Please say status," a voice repeated.

Other students seemed just as puzzled. "Did anyone else hear that?" one asked.

"Please say status," the voice repeated again.

Caius hesitated but finally muttered, "Status." Instantly, a screen appeared in front of him. He stumbled back and bumped into someone.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting gay!" the person snarled, glaring at Caius. They shoved him away, making him struggle to maintain his balance.

Caius moved away from the crowd, trying to get a better look at the screen. He reached out to touch it, but his hand passed through it as if it were a hologram.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud, recognizing it as similar to the status window from the game he used to play. The screen displayed the following:

Name: Caius Harper Age: 18

Level: 0

Race: Human

Class: None

Agility: 0

Mana: 0

Strength: 0

Stamina: 0

Caius frowned, remembering that the status window in his world was similar, In his world it was called Orb identification but the Level 0 status was new to him.

"What the heck is Level 0? Did everyone start from 0 too?" Around him, students were whispering and murmuring, their curiosity piqued.