Hopeless struggle (3)

Staring at the floating display in shock, they no longer knew what was happening in the world. However, Einsamer had a lingering suspicion that these masked men had been planning something all along. Nevertheless, the rapid pace of events made it difficult for his brain to process the cause of this war and slaughter.

In an instant, the holographic displays went blank and the projector shut down, leaving them in darkness.

"What are they trying to achieve?" Einsamer muttered, his brow furrowing and his eyes narrowing.

Shan chimed in, sharing his thoughts, "They likely want to take over Tellus, perhaps they are working for the Dogma of Yallareon or some other secret organizations. That's all we know for now."

Einsamer acknowledged Shan's point, realizing that their current state of confusion made it impossible to reach any conclusions. The feeling of hopelessness and frustration began to creep in.