The up side down world (3)

I shook my head, knowing accessing those files would be impossible, and decided to move on to another room. Moments later, I arrived at a meeting room of the science facility where Setsuna was exploring.

Standing beside her, I asked, "Did you find a way?"

She replied, "I accidentally touched this wall, and then a hidden door appeared out of nowhere. Why would there be a secret door here in the meeting room?"

Setsuna cautiously touched the mysterious door, made of high-quality aluminum. It seemed incredibly durable, even a laser gun wouldn't be able to scratch it. No wonder the terrorists left it untouched, or maybe they weren't even aware of its existence.

Either luck were on our side or this door was a trap.

Just then, Geralt approached, holding his hand with a bio-data chip, and stood before the aluminum door. He placed his hand on the door, and a green light appeared, scanning the card, followed by a robotic female voice.