Ivan and Adward

After returning to her room, Ivan undressed and indulged in a quick warm shower, shampooing her hair and drying off with a soft towel. Donning comfortable pajamas, she made her way to her desk to draft a comprehensive summary of the Neo bio-data-chip project's completion. She attached the data along with the source code and sent it to Genie through an exclusive email application. However, Ivan deliberately omitted the code used to distort the signals of her brainwaves and GPS from the transmission to Genie.

The following morning, upon checking her email, she found Genie's response indicating that he would assemble another team to further advance the Neo bio-data-chip project. Genie believed it premature for the technology to be released for widespread use in the current year, recognizing its potential significant impact on human society. He emphasized the need for perfection before its eventual deployment.