Truths of War and Heart [61]

Clark soared through the night sky with Diana firmly in his arms, as the currents of wind parted around them, heading toward Belgium. The landscape below was deeply desolate: ruined villages, fields reduced to craters, and a trail of destruction stretching as far as the eye could see. Diana observed the scene with wide eyes, taking in the melancholic vision of a devastated land.

"Where are we, Clark?" Diana asked, her voice laden with a somber unease as she observed the ruins below them. She had never witnessed destruction on such a scale, and the sadness she felt weighed heavily on her heart, evident in her expression.

"We're in Belgium. This place has been ravaged by war. The front lines of the trenches are just ahead," Clark replied.

Diana remained silent, trying to process what she was seeing. Her gaze fixed on the long trenches that snaked through the landscape, like open scars on the body of the earth. Soldiers were scattered throughout these deep fissures, their faces exhausted, enduring the mud, cold, and constant fear. The scene felt surreal to her—a brutal remnant of the battle, even after Ares's death.

"This doesn't make sense, Clark," Diana said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Ares is dead. The war should have ended. Why is there still so much pain and destruction?"

Clark sighed, his gaze hardening as he observed the trenches below. He knew the explanation wouldn't be simple or easy for her to accept, but Diana needed to understand the complexity of human nature.

"War isn't just about Ares, Diana. He may have instigated the conflict, but hatred, fear, greed… those emotions come from within men. Even without Ares, these feelings remain, and they are what continue to fuel the war."

Diana looked at Clark, confusion still visible in her eyes. To her, Ares represented the source of all evil, and now, seeing him defeated, she had expected the conflict to end. Yet, Clark's words echoed in her mind, forcing her to confront a deeper and more painful understanding of the human condition.

"So nothing we did matters? All the sacrifice, the fight… none of it makes a difference?" Diana asked, her voice tinged with a mix of anger and frustration.

Before Clark could respond, the distant sound of gunfire and explosions echoed through the night. The conflict was boiling in the trenches just below them, and Diana knew she couldn't just stand by and watch. Without warning, she broke free from Clark's arms and leapt toward the ground.


Diana landed with immense force, the impact reverberating through the trenches, drawing the attention of all the soldiers around her. She rose to her full height, her unmistakable figure standing amidst the darkness and destruction. Soldiers on both sides of the conflict paused momentarily, their weapons lowered, staring at the figure that seemed to have descended from the heavens.

"Stop this immediately!" Diana commanded, her voice resonating with authority. "All of you are guilty of the destruction and suffering I have witnessed. Continue this war, and you will face my wrath. It doesn't matter if you're allies or Germans—I will not allow any more destruction!"

Clark hovered in the air, observing the scene with a mixed expression of concern and curiosity. He knew Diana had the ability to inspire both fear and respect, but he doubted the effect her intervention would have on soldiers already consumed by war.

"Does she really believe this will work?" Clark murmured to himself, a touch of irony in his voice as he crossed his arms, continuing to watch.

For a moment, it seemed as though the soldiers had understood her message. Silence fell over the battlefield, but the tension was soon shattered. A gunshot rang out, followed by another. Explosions resumed, and the cries of combat arose from the chaos.




Diana turned, frustration evident on her face. Soldiers on both sides had resumed fighting, completely ignoring her words. Bullets whizzed through the air around her, and bombs exploded, sending dirt and debris flying.

Clark descended a bit further, maintaining a position where he could see Diana but without intervening directly.

"Seems like words won't be enough."

Clark knew they needed a more direct approach to stop the fighting. He decided to activate the **Speed Force**. Time slowed to a near halt as Clark descended toward the ground, moving among the soldiers frozen mid-battle. The sight of the war paralyzed was surreal—bullets suspended in mid-air, expressions of anger and fear frozen on the faces of men.

Clark began moving swiftly among the soldiers, both German and Allied, touching their heads and using his hypnotic powers to manipulate their minds. He planted deep suggestions in their consciousness: the desire to stop fighting, to lay down their arms, to seek a peaceful way to coexist. Soldier after soldier, Clark moved through them all, imbuing them with the feeling that fighting was no longer worth it.

After finishing his task, Clark returned to the air, hovering above the scene. He deactivated the Speed Force, and the world around him resumed its normal pace.

The soldiers, now freed from the violence imposed by their orders and hatred, began to look at one another in confusion. Clark, seeing the first signs of hesitation, focused his vision on the point from where the initial shots had been fired. His eyes began to glow, a fiery red light intensifying as he used his heat vision to target those soldiers who, even hypnotized, posed an immediate threat.


The first soldiers who had fired dropped instantly, their bodies struck by the overwhelming energy of Clark's heat vision. The message was clear: there would be no more room for violence.

Clark raised his voice, powerful and cutting, resonating across the battlefield.

"You may not fear her, but you'd better fear me. The war here is over."

The soldiers, still under the influence of Clark's hypnosis, promptly obeyed. They all dropped their weapons to the ground, their expressions shifting from rage to a mix of relief and resignation. The sound of weapons hitting the ground echoed, marking the end of a tension that had felt eternal. The battle was over.

Diana watched the scene before her, observing the soldiers abandoning their arms. She turned to Clark, a smile of relief and gratitude forming on her lips. Finally, she saw real hope for peace, even if only for a brief moment, in that war-torn land.

Clark returned to Diana's side, landing gently beside her. Diana looked at him, her eyes shining with hope and admiration.

"Thank you, Clark. For what you did. Perhaps peace is truly possible."

Clark, however, couldn't resist a sarcastic remark, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Interesting you talk about peace after threatening them, Diana."

Diana raised an eyebrow, a slightly offended expression forming on her face. "I only threatened them, Clark. You're the one who killed them."

Clark shrugged, not losing his sarcastic tone. "They were Germans. We needed an example, and I did what had to be done."

Before Diana could respond, Clark quickly scooped her into his arms, taking flight once again. She was momentarily surprised but soon smiled playfully.

"You like holding me, don't you, Clark?"

Clark was momentarily confused, his mind trying to process Diana's words. He glanced at her with a puzzled expression, trying to discern if it was a joke or something more. He felt momentarily vulnerable, as if dealing with something he didn't fully understand.

Diana looked at him, a soft, meaningful smile curving her lips. She lightly touched Clark's face, her fingers tracing a delicate line along his jaw.

"Clark, I've lived for thousands of years. I may be innocent in some things, but I'm not naïve. And yes, I want you too."

Diana's words left Clark momentarily speechless. The sincerity and clarity in her voice were unexpected but deeply welcome. Clark's heart raced, and he felt warmth grow within him—a mix of surprise, emotion, and relief.

He looked into her eyes, seeing a depth that seemed to echo his own feelings, ones he was still trying to understand. Clark smiled, a genuine and disarming smile, as the two continued to fly, now with a newfound understanding between them.

"Diana, I… I didn't know you felt this way." The words came out softly, almost like a confession, as he held her more tightly, now aware of the significance of her touch.

Diana laughed lightly, leaning her head closer to his. "Maybe you need to pay more attention, Clark. I'm not that hard to figure out."

Clark shook his head, chuckling softly as they flew toward the horizon. The night around them seemed less cold, and the world, for a brief moment, felt like a less dark place.

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