Chapter 24: Facing Aunt Sally

Dimitri POV

What had Ariana told her aunt?

She was the one who wanted to keep their arrangement a secret from her aunt and uncle! What had she done?

By the Elder Gods!

"What did she tell you?"

Sally's eyes, like chocolate diamonds in the light, glittered fiercely. "Answer the d*mn question, Dimitri."

"I need to know what she told you so I can answer truthfully--"

She sucked air through her teeth. "Typical bloodsucker."

Irritation stung him like running through a thicket of nettles. "Just tell me!"

"She told me as little as possible," Sally snapped. "Just that you were 'kind' and 'gentle'. She wouldn't have told me at all, except I think the secret was too heavy a burden."

He relaxed. "It's true ... I have been gentle and careful."

"How can you--"

"Because I saved her for a reason," he snapped. "Reasons that have everything to do with your family's tragic past. If you want justice for your family--"