Chapter 68: Just a Kiss

Dimitri POV

A kiss. King Lothair wanted a kiss from Ariana. At least he didn't ask to drink her blood.

"Why a kiss?" he asked.

Lothair smirked. "Let's just say I'm curious about the woman for whom you're risking an internal civil war, not to mention a fight with Lammas, not to mention betraying your own family. She must be a rare woman, indeed."

"I doubt your wife will agree," Dimitri said dryly.

"She doesn't have to know." Lothair's eyes burned with dark fire. "If you want this alliance, you'll agree to this wager."

And there it was. Lothair had Dimitri by the fangs. Of course, he could refuse Lothair--but who was to say the king and queen wouldn't tip off Luc as well as Dimitri's parents?

Bill scowled. "Here now, that's my niece you're talking about. Her kisses are not for sale."

"It's not a sale, it's a simple wager," King Lothair said, wrinkling his pointy nose. "Dimitri, if you don't think you can win the bet, just say so."