
Warpath, Declare, BURN!

Kiseki - Chapter 12: The Declaration. 

Meigui's frost-laden eyelashes fluttered weakly, her once vibrant eyes now an eerie, dull white, devoid of their former brilliance. Her tattered white gown, now a patchwork of shredded fabric and icy fragments, clung to her frame in a delicate dance of frost and ruin. Each thread of the gown seemed to whisper tales of its own demise, intertwined with the cold bite of the dungeon's eternal winter. Her hair, once a symbol of her ethereal beauty, lay in a tangled, snowy cascade of fluffy, long white strands, shimmering faintly in the dim light. Scars marred her delicate feet, a labyrinth of pain etched into her flesh, each step a painful reminder of the metal chains that had cruelly bitten into her skin, leaving raw, open wounds beneath the iron. She moved with a haunting grace through the barbaric dungeon, the oppressive air thick with the stench of decay and the echoes of suffering. The glares from other prisoners, burning with either lust or hatred, pierced through the darkness, each pair of eyes a window into a soul twisted by despair. Shadows danced along the damp, moss-covered walls, playing out scenes of torment and anguish. The clinking of chains accompanied her every movement, a somber symphony of her captivity.

At last, she reached a threshold, an ominous portal leading out of the winter-hidden castle. The female guard, an imposing figure of stoic silence, opened the gate without a word, her expression unreadable behind the cold, unfeeling mask of duty. Meigui stepped forward, her bare feet sinking into the icy ground, each step a painful reminder of her captivity. She emerged into a vast open plain, the landscape dominated by a grand shrine, its ancient Japanese decor a stark contrast to the desolation around it. The air was heavy with the scent of pine and the distant murmur of a frozen river. The shrine's intricate carvings and weathered stones spoke of a bygone era, each detail a testament to the craftsmanship and devotion of those who had built it.

Simultaneously, from a distance, Kyotani moved with grim determination. His metallic boots clanked against the cobblestone path, each step resonating with the weight of his resolve. His hair, a fiery blend of red and black, was tousled, adding to his rugged appearance. Scars crisscrossed his body, each one telling a story of battles fought and endured. A fresh burn marked his shoulder, extending to his collarbone, dark and raw, the stitches around it a stark contrast to his pale skin. The burn wound was an ugly, angry mark, its edges jagged and inflamed, hinting at the intense heat that had seared through his flesh. He wore baggy black pants, held up by a thin Japanese belt, and a tight black compression shirt that clung to his muscular frame, highlighting every sinew and scar.


he bellowed, his voice a guttural roar of rage, eyes blazing with a psychotic intensity. The name echoed through the cold air, a declaration of his unyielding hatred. His eyes, wild and bloodshot, seemed to burn with an inner fire, a testament to the fury that fueled him.

"Yo! You're walking too fast," 

Kei Igana called out, his voice a mix of exasperation and concern. His short, perfectly styled dreads framed his face, a testament to his meticulous nature. He wore a fur neckpiece that flowed into a longer, matching white jacket, zipped up over a sleeveless, tight-fitting shirt that accentuated his lean build. The animal fur, soft and luxurious, contrasted sharply with the rough, worn fabric of his jacket. His eyes, dark and piercing, reflected a sharp intellect and a hint of weary amusement.

"You've been screaming that all day, give it a rest!" Ulyana Illyin remarked, her tone sharp yet weary. Her long, blonde hair flowed like a golden river to her waist, framing her strong, athletic figure. She wore a tight, white crop top that highlighted her muscular physique, paired with loose, flowing white pants that contrasted her tanned skin. Her muscles, honed by years of training, rippled with every movement, a testament to her strength and agility. Her eyes, a striking blue, were sharp and unyielding, reflecting a steely resolve.

"Remain calm, Please?" 

Agata Bjurr urged, his voice soft but firm. His shoulder-length green hair brushed against the collar of his light beige coat, adorned with intricate golden patterns. His hands were wrapped in bandages, and crystal gold earrings glinted in his ears, adding a touch of elegance to his rugged appearance. The tight yet lower-bagged white pants flowed down neatly, adding to his enigmatic aura. His eyes, a deep emerald, held a calm, reassuring presence, contrasting sharply with the turmoil around him.

Walking alongside Kyotani was Feijin Ikko, his long, black hair parted in the middle, framing his angular face. His angelic features contrasted sharply with the darkness in his eyes. He wore a white compression shirt beneath a zipped-up collared jacket. Long, thin, fluffed ponytails draped over his shoulders, adding an almost ethereal quality to his otherwise rugged appearance. His jawline, once clamped by a barbaric torture device, was now covered in a myriad of tiny, star-shaped cuts, each one a testament to his resilience. His eyes, dark and brooding, seemed to hold a world of pain and determination.

They moved forward, a slow but deliberate march towards their unknown fate. The wind howled around them, carrying the promise of both salvation and destruction. The sky above was a swirling mass of grey clouds, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the path ahead.

With a sudden, fluid motion, Meigui slashed through the air, engaging in a fierce battle with a white-cloaked figure who wore a soft, enigmatic smile. Her movements were a shattered dance, each strike a desperate bid for survival. She collapsed into the snow, only to rise again, her strength drawn from the biting cold around her. She encased her blade in ice, moving with a deadly grace as she clashed with her opponent. A powerful block with her ice-encased sword followed by a swift thrust through the figure's throat seemed to end the fight, but the figure slipped from the blade, regenerating its form from a swirling vortex.

Meigui coughed, her breath visible in the frigid air, as she unleashed a powerful slash. The sky above split in half, a booming impact that shattered the figure's blade into pieces.

"Ahah! How much you've grown!" 

the figure exclaimed, its voice a chilling whisper. The hood fell back, revealing ragged, dark green hair that flowed around a face marked by a cruel smile. The figure's athletic, muscular form was covered in putrid stitches, each one a grotesque reminder of its inhuman nature. It wore a loose, black net shirt that barely concealed the network of scars and stitches beneath, and a long, robe-like garment that added to its menacing presence.

The battle raged on, each clash of blades a symphony of violence and desperation, a testament to Meigui's unyielding spirit and the relentless evil that sought to consume her. The shrine stood as a silent witness, its ancient walls bearing the weight of countless battles and untold stories, as the struggle between light and darkness played out in its shadow. The epic clash between Meigui and Isamu Kajihara raged on relentlessly, an orchestration of metallic resounding through the battlefield like a symphony of destruction. The opposing forces collided with an indomitable ferocity, their strikes reverberating through the very fabric of reality. The sheer magnitude of their blows rent asunder the clouds above, unleashing seismic shockwaves that rippled through the terrain below. Mighty trees, once stalwart and majestic, were shattered into fragments, hurtling through the air like shrapnel from a cataclysmic explosion.

Meigui, her corporeal form transformed into a formidable beast, moved with an ethereal grace that defied mortal limitations. With each step, she left an indelible mark upon the snow-draped ground, imprinting her presence upon the battlefield. The frigid atmosphere crackled with electric anticipation as she twisted and contorted her lithe physique, skillfully evading the relentless onslaught unleashed by Isamu. His strikes, imbued with an unstoppable force, possessed the power to sunder mountains, yet Meigui's innate instinct and unparalleled agility allowed her to narrowly evade their lethal trajectories.

In a fluid and seamless motion, Meigui's weapon sliced through the air, cleaving Isamu's form in twain. Yet, to her astonishment, he effortlessly regenerated, his corporeal vessel reassembling with an uncanny swiftness that defied the natural order. 


 wielded powers that surpassed Meigui's comprehension, elevating their battle beyond the realms of parity into an arena of training and honing. It was an opportunity for Meigui to acquire invaluable experience and for Isamu to satiate his insatiable appetite for titanic challenges.

The clash between these two formidable warriors traversed through an expansive frost-kissed forest, where the very essence of nature seemed to respond to their entwined struggle. Verdant vines erupted from the ground, intertwining and lashing out with thorny tendrils, attempting to ensnare both combatants within their treacherous grasp. Arcs of electrifying energy danced with tempestuous abandon, illuminating the already frenetic battle with capricious chaos.

Unfazed by the onslaught of nature's wrath, Meigui seized the opportune moment presented by the tangled vines. With a deft twist of her lithe physique, she propelled herself through the air, utilizing the makeshift ropes as her own personal catapult. Her movements transcended the boundaries of mortal perception, her velocity reaching hypersonic levels as she closed the distance between herself and Isamu with astonishing alacrity.

With a primal roar reverberating through the expanse, Meigui launched herself toward Isamu, her weapon poised for a precise thrust aimed at his vulnerable points. Yet, Isamu's reflexes, honed to perfection through years of arduous training, countered with a swift and surgical slash of his frost-forged sword. The convergence of their blades birthed an eruption of energy, the sheer force of their clash sending cascading shockwaves that reverberated through the surrounding landscape. As the dust gradually settled, the scene transitioned, unveiling Kyotani's intrepid group navigating through a somber and ominous forest. The atmosphere was tinged with an eerie silence, an ethereal hush broken only by the soft crunch of their footsteps upon the forest floor. Kyotani, his eyes ablaze with unwavering determination and a smoldering ember of suppressed rage, clutched a lantern within his firm grasp. Its feeble glow cast elongated shadows upon the path that lay ahead, adding an otherworldly aura to their surroundings.

With each measured step, the tension grew palpable, as if the very air held its breath, anticipating the impenetrable veil of the unknown that lay concealed within the depths of this enigmatic forest. And then, as if guided by an unseen hand, Kyotani's eyes ignited with an incandescent radiance, piercing through the shroud of darkness and illuminating the landscape before them. What they beheld was a ghostly tableau frozen in the annals of time, a desolate town bereft of life and haunted by a profound sense of abandonment.

" Is There No Hope? "

The village sprawled beneath them like a forsaken nightmare, a tableau of abject horror and unrelenting despair. The once-thriving community now lay in smoldering ruins, engulfed in an inferno that seemed almost sentient in its voracious hunger. Flames writhed and twisted like demonic serpents, consuming everything in their path with a malevolent glee. The air was thick with the stench of charred flesh and acrid smoke, a noxious miasma that choked the breath from any who dared inhale. Corpses littered the streets in grotesque poses of final agony, their blackened forms a stark testament to the brutality that had been visited upon them. These were not mere casualties of war but victims of a macabre transformation—children, their innocent faces contorted into monstrous visages, limbs twisted and elongated into unnatural, horrifying shapes. Their eyes, now hollow voids, seemed to stare accusingly at the heavens, as if seeking answers to the unspeakable cruelty that had befallen them.

Weapons of all kinds were scattered across the ground—spears, axes, bullets—all relics of the savage conflict that had ripped through this place. The mid-orange sky, dominated by a bloated, malevolent blood moon, cast a sickly, crimson hue over the scene, bathing the devastation in an eerie, otherworldly light. It was as if the very atmosphere had turned against the village, conspiring with the forces of darkness to obliterate any vestige of hope or life.

Kyotani and his group stood on a jagged cliff, overlooking the carnage with a mixture of horror and impotent rage etched on their faces. The scene was a cruel mirror to Kyotani's own memories of home, similarly ravaged and destroyed by senseless violence. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a painful reminder of his own helplessness. His fists clenched so tightly that his nails dug into his palms, drawing blood, a visceral response to the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through him.

The urge to leap into the fray, to exact a brutal vengeance on the perpetrators, was almost irresistible. His muscles tensed, ready to spring into action, but just as he was about to move, Feijin's hand closed around his wrist. Feijin's eyes, filled with a mix of sorrow and urgent pleading, locked onto Kyotani's, silently imploring him to stay his hand. The silent communication between them was profound, a bond of shared pain and mutual understanding that transcended words.

Below them, pandemonium reigned supreme. Horses, their eyes rolling in terror, pulled chariots through the burning streets, their riders fanning the flames higher with sadistic glee. The wooden structures, unable to withstand the relentless onslaught, collapsed in on themselves, sending showers of fiery debris skyward. The screams of the dying and the tormented echoed through the night, a haunting symphony of despair that seemed to resonate with the very soul of the world. Kyotani watched, seething with a white-hot rage that threatened to consume him, as the village's population was systematically annihilated. Each passing moment added another layer of horror to the grotesque tableau unfolding before his eyes. The scale of the destruction was almost beyond comprehension, a testament to the unfathomable cruelty of the attackers. It was as if the very essence of life itself was being extinguished, leaving behind only darkness and desolation.

The flames painted grotesque shadows on the blood-stained ground, flickering specters of death and destruction that seemed to dance to a macabre rhythm. The once-vibrant village was now a charnel house, a testament to the darkest aspects of humanity's capacity for violence. And as Kyotani stood there, bound by his own fury and the weight of Feijin's silent plea, he knew that this vision of hell would haunt him for the rest of his days. Isamu's palm strike, a nightmarish amalgamation of sinew and muscle, shattered Meigui's blade with a force that sent shards cascading like a rain of glass. The air thickened with tension, each particle charged with an oppressive sense of impending doom. Angelic motifs that adorned the chamber's walls now seemed to mock the grotesque reality unfolding within, their once delicate designs transformed into a sinister backdrop for the brutal conflict.

Meigui's frost-covered eyelashes fluttered weakly, her eyes a milky white that betrayed both fatigue and unyielding resolve. She grasped Isamu's wrist with inhuman strength, twisting it until the bones audibly cracked. Despite the pain, Isamu's expression remained disturbingly serene, his eyes cold and detached. She slashed at his face, her nails cutting through flesh, but the wounds closed almost instantaneously, regenerating with an unnatural fluidity that defied logic. In a calculated counter, Isamu struck Meigui's neck with a blow so powerful it sent her reeling, her vision momentarily darkening.

The chamber, a surreal blend of ethereal beauty and macabre horror, seemed to close in around them. The walls, adorned with angelic frescoes, were bathed in an eerie luminescence that cast long, unsettling shadows. The soft, melodic hum, once a soothing presence, now felt like a sinister lullaby in a house of nightmares.

Isamu's body, a grotesque symphony of shifting flesh and bone, adapted fluidly as he advanced. His arm morphed into a grotesque whip, covered in a layer of what appeared to be living tissue, and lashed out with blinding speed. Meigui dodged the attack with feline grace, the whip slicing through the air with a sharp, wet sound. She retaliated with a series of precise, ice-encased strikes, each blow landing with the force of a sledgehammer.

Their battle was a brutal ballet, each movement a deadly dance of survival. Isamu's attacks were wild and feral, his claws tearing through the air with savage intensity. Meigui fought back with cold, calculated precision, her icy strikes aimed at key points on Isamu's body, seeking to exploit any vulnerability.

Isamu's body continued to regenerate, the pain of Meigui's attacks barely registering. He flexed his clawed hand, testing its strength, and charged at her with a roar, his form a blur of motion. Meigui raised an ice barrier in a desperate attempt to slow him down, but Isamu shattered it with a single, devastating blow, the ice fragments glittering like deadly confetti.

Meigui summoned a towering pillar of ice from the ground, sending it crashing into Isamu with the force of an avalanche. The impact sent him sprawling, encased in a thick layer of frost. But even as he lay there, seemingly defeated, his flesh writhed and twisted, breaking free from the icy prison with an almost leisurely grace.

Isamu rose to his feet, his body steaming from the rapid thawing. "You have potential," he admitted, his voice a low, rumbling growl. "But raw strength alone won't save you."

Meigui's breath came in ragged gasps as she summoned another ice wall between them, buying herself a moment to strategize. She knew Isamu was right; she needed more than brute strength to defeat him. She needed to outthink him, to find a way to exploit his regenerative abilities. Isamu's body continued its grotesque transformations, his flesh a constantly shifting arsenal of nightmarish forms. One moment, his arm was a whip of sinew; the next, a serrated blade, slicing through the air with deadly precision. Meigui fought back with cold determination, her ice-based techniques pushing Isamu to adapt with each passing second.

The Kajihara techniques, derived from the mystic and frigid heritage of the transcension blessing Kajihara, represent a pinnacle of arcane power within the Empythrone nation. These techniques are not merely a form of martial prowess but rather embody a profound and arcane understanding of elemental manipulation and spiritual essence. In this nation, Kajihara techniques are revered as god-tier blessings, a classification denoting their supreme status within the hierarchy of supernatural abilities. The core principle behind Kajihara techniques lies in their intricate alignment with the fundamental logic of human physiology and metaphysical constructs. They operate on a level that transcends mere physicality, intertwining with the essence of the user's core and their internal organs. This alignment with fundamental logic is rooted in the ancient traditions of the Kajihara lineage, which has long understood the delicate balance between elemental forces and the human form.

Residual energy, a critical component in the application of these techniques, is a concept deeply embedded in the mystical framework of the Empythrone nation. The average human possesses approximately 18% residual energy, a measure of their innate potential derived from blessings. This energy, accumulated through various forms of spiritual and physical experiences, represents the baseline capacity for harnessing mystical powers.

In contrast, babies and fetuses born with blessings exhibit significantly higher levels of residual energy, often reaching around 140%. This heightened energy signifies their innate potential and predisposition toward harnessing and amplifying mystical forces from birth. Higher-tier blessings, known as "Godmarks," present an even more extraordinary case. These blessings can elevate residual energy levels to an astounding 300% or more, marking the individual as a bearer of divine power and immense potential.

The Kajihara, revered as embodiments of pure Godmark status, represent the zenith of this mystical hierarchy. Their techniques are not merely powerful but are intrinsic to their very essence, reflecting a profound mastery over elemental forces and the manipulation of their own spiritual and physical forms. The Kajihara's techniques are characterized by their ability to transcend ordinary limitations, enabling them to wield frost and ice with a precision and ferocity that few can withstand.

These techniques involve a meticulous understanding of elemental forces, as well as an intimate connection with the user's internal energy channels. The Kajihara's mastery over ice is not just a display of power but a sophisticated manipulation of elemental principles. Each movement, each strike, is a calculated expression of their deep-seated knowledge of the natural and metaphysical laws governing their world.

In the application of these techniques, Kajihara practitioners demonstrate an extraordinary level of control over their residual energy. This control allows them to inflict profound effects upon their targets, ranging from instantaneous death to debilitating afflictions. The techniques are designed to exploit the inherent vulnerabilities of their opponents, targeting the fundamental logic of their physiology to achieve their desired outcomes.

When employed against captives or slaves, Kajihara techniques are both feared and revered. Their application can lead to instant death or the imposition of debilitating conditions, depending on the circumstances and the inherent resilience of the target. For those who possess blessings themselves, the techniques can either overwhelm or subdue, rendering them powerless before the Kajihara's superior might. In summary, the Kajihara techniques represent a culmination of ancient knowledge, mystical mastery, and elemental control. Their status as god-tier blessings reflects their profound impact on the fabric of reality and the power they bestow upon those who  wield them. The Kajihara, as pure embodiments of Godmark power, exemplify the highest echelon of mystical prowess within the Empythrone nation, embodying a legacy of profound mastery and elemental dominance.

In the shadowed annals of Empythrone's history, the Kajihara are venerated with a sanctity so profound it borders on the grotesque. Clad in their opulent, ceremonial vestments, they are the living embodiment of the divine right and celestial authority that governs their realm. Their robes, intricately embroidered with symbols of light and purity, veil the true nature of their existence—a reality suffused with cruelty and unspeakable torment.

The Kajihara's attire, though resplendent, is not merely for show. It serves as an elaborate mask that conceals their dark, almost malevolent essence. Their garments, woven from fabrics that shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, seem to mock the suffering they orchestrate. The saints' robes are not just a façade but a symbol of their twisted interpretation of divinity. Beneath the surface of their saintly appearance lies a well of darkness, a deep-seated cruelty that defines their actions and philosophy.

The Empythrone nation, with its celestial rulers and saintly figures, occupies a position of terrifying authority in the world's intricate tapestry. The celestial beings who govern this realm are described in ancient texts and universal lore as the epitome of divine strength and unassailable wisdom. They are the architects of the world's order, the primordial forces who shaped the very fabric of existence. Their influence was not merely symbolic but manifest in every aspect of life within their domain. These celestial entities are more than myth; they are the foundational pillars of civilization's history. The ancient chronicles tell of their monumental role in crafting the world's balance, guiding the evolution of societies, and nurturing the nascent civilizations. Yet, the celestial legacy is marred by a relentless tide of conflict that erupted as their divine progeny became embroiled in a savage struggle for survival.

The wars that unfolded were not mere territorial disputes but apocalyptic clashes that reshaped the world's destiny. Chariots and knights, the cutting-edge technology and martial prowess of their time, were deployed with an almost sacrificial fervor. These instruments of war were not merely tools but extensions of a larger, more profound conflict—a testament to the celestial's enduring influence and the devastation wrought by their absence.

As the ages passed, the celestial beings receded into the shadows of myth. The grand narratives of their divine rule and celestial order became obscured by the relentless grind of warfare and retribution. The once-glorious tales of their reign were replaced by the grim realities of a world in chaos. Their progeny, once celebrated as the custodians of cosmic balance, were slaughtered in a relentless, bloody struggle that annihilated their once-great lineage.

In the void left by the celestial beings, new powers emerged, each carving out dominions from the ruins of the old order. Empythrone, with its Kajihara and their saintly guises, became a new bastion of power—a realm defined by its own interpretations of virtue and justice. The celestial's absence left a profound void, one filled with new rulers who perpetuated their own vision of order amidst the remnants of a shattered world.

The Kajihara's role in this new world order is marked by a grim irony. They are both the inheritors of a celestial legacy and the architects of a new, darker paradigm. Their divine techniques, categorized as "Godmarks," represent the pinnacle of power but are tainted by their origins in torment and suffering. These blessings, derived from the very essence of celestial power, are wielded with an almost perverse sense of authority. They manipulate the fundamental principles of strength and human complication, bending the residual energies of individuals to their will.

The Kajihara's mastery over these blessings is not merely a display of power but a manifestation of their profound detachment from the suffering they inflict. Their techniques, while awe-inspiring in their complexity, are employed with a chilling precision that underscores their role as both divine rulers and merciless tormentors. The celestial's legacy, once a symbol of balance and creation, is now a tool for maintaining their own dominion through fear and domination.

In essence, the history of the celestial beings and their influence is a darkly complex narrative of power, myth, and reality. Their legacy, obscured by the mists of time, continues to reverberate through the world's conflicts and struggles. The celestial's children, who once represented the zenith of divine authority, are now emblematic of the harsh, often brutal realities that have shaped the current era. Their story is a sobering reminder of the fragile balance between divinity and destruction, and the inexorable march of history that has forged the world into its present state—a realm where the shadows of the past loom large over the present and the future. 

Wether or not kajihara were celestials, was under conflict itself.

In the sacred expanse of the Holy Grail Land, where celestial luminescence once graced the soil and divine silence was a reverent norm, an unsettling calm had taken root. The land lay in desecration, its once hallowed ground now marred by the stark reality of devastation. Shuxue, Nanfei, the king, and Jinghai were strewn across the earth in grotesque disarray, their bodies a macabre testament to the violence that had befallen them. The delicate balance of divine sanctity had been shattered, replaced by a tableau of mutilation and ruin.

Shuxue's once-ethereal robes were now tattered rags, clinging to a form that had been violently ravaged. Nanfei's regal attire, symbolic of her exalted status, was stained and torn, her visage twisted in a final, silent scream. The king, who had been a symbol of celestial power, lay slumped in an unnatural pose, his crown askew and his once-imposing form now reduced to a broken relic of grandeur. And Jinghai, who had once been a beacon of hope and strength, lay amidst the carnage, his body a grotesque amalgam of blood and twisted flesh.

The air was thick with the metallic stench of blood and the cloying tang of death. The silence was oppressive, a heavy blanket of despair that seemed to smother any lingering remnants of hope. It was in this somber, almost funeral quiet that an unexpected and unnerving anomaly occurred—a twitch of Jinghai's index finger. It was a subtle, almost imperceptible movement, yet it carried with it the weight of a profound, unsettling portent.

The twitch was the first sign of defiance against the finality of death that had claimed the Holy Grail Land. From this seemingly insignificant movement, a low, guttural growl emerged—a raw, primal sound that pierced through the silence with a haunting intensity. It was a growl that spoke of survival against insurmountable odds, a visceral manifestation of a will that refused to be extinguished. The sound reverberated through the desolate landscape, sending a shiver through the remains of what was once a sacred realm.

This faint but undeniable sign of life was more than just a physical anomaly; it was a beacon of grim defiance against the encroaching void of oblivion. The twitch and growl became symbols of a dark and thrilling mystery, a portent of something that defied the absolute finality that had claimed the land.