When did these all start?

"How can you guys be so cruel? I didn't even do anything wrong to you. Why are you doing this to me?" Ashley cried out as the hot iron made contact with her thigh. 

"Oh, she didn't know! Should I tell you what you did wrong?" Lauren asked her rhetorically and wanted to go ahead and hit her with the iron, again. 

"No! Claiming innocence won't get me out of this mess. I need to give in if I want to get away from these bitches." Ashley thought quickly. 

"Wait, I have realized what I did wrong now!" She yelled, stopping Lauren from pressing the iron on her body. 

"Oh, good! Now, what will you say to us?" Lauren dropped the iron and stood akimbo, waiting for her response. 

"I am deeply sorry. I have learnt from my mistake and I won't ever disrespect you again. 

"Good girl!" Lauren stated and Ashley wanted to stand up and leave. 

"You can't go yet. Girls, we should welcome her into our midst!" Lauren announced and the girls giggled.