Chapter 135: The Proposal


When Jessica returned home, she noticed a change in the atmosphere and was slightly surprised.

"Darling, what's going on here?" Jessica asked as she wrapped her arms around Link's waist from behind, standing in the kitchen.

"How about a candlelit dinner?" Link smiled, turning to embrace her, planting a kiss on her lips.

Jessica giggled and said, "That sounds perfect! I'll take a shower and change, and be ready for your romantic dinner."

With that, she headed to their room, while Link continued preparing the meal, ensuring everything was ready to cook once she came out.

As always, women take their time when it comes to bathing and changing clothes. Jessica, who had once been casual about these things, had grown more particular since being with Link, paying attention to her hairstyle, clothes, and makeup, especially given how well-maintained her physique was from regular training—even boasting defined abs.

When Jessica finally emerged, dressed and groomed, Link's eyes lit up. "You look stunning. Just wait a moment, the first course is almost ready."

"Alright!" Jessica responded, lighting the candles on the dining table. "Alfred, dim the lights."

"Certainly, Miss," came Alfred's voice as the smart system turned off the main lights, leaving only the ambient lighting to softly illuminate the room.

Link brought the first course to the table and served it to Jessica. They sat across from each other, and Link poured the already-decanted wine, raising his glass in a toast.

Their eyes met, and they gently clinked their glasses, each taking a sip.

Jessica's heart was racing; she could feel that something special was happening tonight, but she didn't dare ask or say anything. She was afraid of being wrong, of disappointment if her instincts misled her.

Link, meanwhile, had meticulously prepared each dish, cooking them to perfection, and the wine flowed generously. Jessica drank a bit more than usual, her cheeks flush with a warm, rosy hue, looking slightly tipsy.

When Link left to prepare the final course, Jessica felt a pang of disappointment. Had she misread the signs?

But just as doubt began to set in, Link returned, carrying a dish with a covered plate, setting it down in front of Jessica.

"Darling, the last course!"

Link lifted the cover, revealing a small velvet box with the lid open, exposing a diamond ring encased in platinum.

"Oh my God!" Jessica gasped, tears welling in her eyes. She hadn't been wrong after all.

Link waited for her to take the box before kneeling down on one knee, holding her hand. "My love, will you marry me?"

Jessica nodded rapidly, tears flowing as Link slid the ring onto her finger, standing to kiss her deeply.

Dinner? What dinner?

The night erupted into passion, and it was fortunate their bedroom was soundproofed and reinforced. Jessica was wild with joy.


The next morning, Jessica lay wrapped around Link like an octopus, clinging to him. Neither of them was in a hurry to get up.

"Lin, should I start planning our wedding now?" Jessica asked, her voice soft in the morning stillness.

"Yes. But do you want to get married on Earth, or in space?" Link replied. "If it's on Earth, we can have a grand celebration. If it's in space, we can keep it more intimate."

Jessica's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Let's get married in space! I want a wedding among the stars."

"Then it's settled. I'll take care of everything," Link assured her. After all, being part of the Avengers meant access to the space station, most of which had been built and funded by the World Security Council, but with significant work done by him and Stark. A wedding up there would be no problem.

He also thought about asking Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers if they wanted a joint wedding.

After getting up and tidying up, Jessica prepared breakfast. Once they ate, she left for work, practically bouncing with happiness. Link, on the other hand, called up the space station.

His first call was to Steve Rogers. "Hey, Steve."

"Link. What's up?" Steve asked, sounding curious.

"Nothing much. T'Challa and the others are still training, so they won't be heading to the space station soon. But I wanted to ask—are you thinking about proposing to Peggy?"

"What?" Steve was taken aback.

"I proposed to Jessica last night. We're planning to have our wedding at the space station. I was wondering if you'd like to propose and have a joint ceremony?" Link said plainly.

Steve fell silent, mulling it over. Did he need to wait any longer? Peggy had regained her youth, and neither of them had married. He had been frozen for seventy years; was there really a reason to wait?

"Alright. I'll propose to Peggy. But I'll need your help," Steve replied. "And yeah, let's have a joint wedding at the space station."

"No problem. I'll pull up Peggy's ring size and make a ring for you, then sneak it to you. Just wait for me in your room tonight," Link offered. Thanks to his space ring, he could appear directly in Steve's quarters.

"Would you like some flowers?"

"Yes. A bouquet of roses will do. Just something simple," Steve responded. "Peggy and I don't need much."

"Got it," Link replied, ending the call.

He went to his workshop and synthesized another diamond, though this one was smaller and more understated. Peggy was an Avenger now, so a ring too large would interfere with her duties. A modest ring would be perfect.


Jessica, meanwhile, was elated. After arriving at the foundation, she quickly handled her work, then excitedly called her sister, Trish.

"Trish! Link proposed to me!" Jessica's voice brimmed with joy, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Seriously?" Trish was surprised, then immediately burst out with congratulations. "That's amazing! I can't believe it—you're getting married!"

"Yes! We're going to have the wedding in space, and I want you to come. We can't invite too many people, though, because of the venue," Jessica explained. Then, after a pause, she added, "Should we invite... her?"

By "her," Jessica meant their mother. Trish hesitated for a moment before answering, "That's a decision you'll have to make yourself. I can handle her being there, but it's your wedding. I don't want you to have any regrets."

"But if you invite her, she might never leave you alone again."

"Hmm... I'll talk it over with Link first," Jessica sighed, fully aware of her adoptive mother's tendencies, especially when it came to money.

"Whatever you decide, it's your day. Do what feels right," Trish said softly. "Jessica, I just want you to be happy."

(End of chapter)