Chapter 2. The Proud Kurama

Six years later—

"Phew! Finally finished!"

Naruto adjusted his hard hat, his young face brimming with excitement.

He stood atop a large stone pillar, one of four towering structures that marked the boundaries of the sealed space. These pillars were stationed at each corner, as if they were holding up the entire sealed space.

Naturally, Naruto's intention was to install high-powered spotlights. Now, the sealed space had its own artificial day and night cycle. Although it couldn't compare to the outside world, it certainly swept away the previous gloom that lingered in the space.

Naruto pulled out a switch and pressed it lightly. Instantly, over forty spotlights at the top of the sealed space blazed to life, banishing the darkness and illuminating the entire area as if it were broad daylight.

Standing atop the pillar, Naruto gazed around, admiring his handiwork.

At the center of the space stood a three-story mansion, surrounded by golden fields of wheat. Along the borders, rows of pear, apple, and jujube trees stood proudly. On the outermost edges, a stream, dug out by Naruto, flowed gently, encircling the villa like a blue ribbon.

Looking at the scene before him, Naruto couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction.

Farming—something that, even after crossing worlds, remained ingrained in him to the core.

In these six years, apart from eating, drinking, and sleeping, he had devoted himself to renovating the sealed space.

He transformed it into a world of diverse landscapes: forests, snowy plains, deserts, and open fields. He even introduced various creatures into the mix.

The dark and gloomy vibe that once defined the space had completely changed.

After all, before taming the fox, one must start by transforming the living environment.

Naruto had plans for Kurama, after all—Kurama was his future energy source.

Naruto pulled a bucket of water from his system and casually poured it down the side of the pillar. The water trickled down, cascading into a small waterfall.

Without waiting for the water to hit the ground, Naruto adjusted his pants and leapt down.

He wasn't worried about anything going wrong. Worst case scenario, if he messed up, he'd just get kicked out of the sealed space. By now, he was well-practiced in this.


Naruto landed, drenched but unfazed, and headed straight for the pigpen. After slaughtering two pigs on the spot, he returned to the villa to cook himself a meal of pork cutlet rice. Then, he pulled out a diamond sword and made a swift cut across his neck.

His consciousness returned to reality.

Naruto sat up in bed and took out the freshly prepared pork cutlet rice along with a bottle of orange soda.

Time for lunch.

Over the years, Naruto had come to understand his system fairly well. He could bring items from the system into the real world, but the rules of Minecraft only applied within the sealed space.

For instance, when he brought animals out of the system, they immediately turned into normal, real-world animals. Objects became more realistic as well. The only exception was items like dirt and stone, which retained their original form, but he couldn't place them into the void—they needed a support structure. If the support was removed, the structure would collapse instantly.

Most of the items in the system required crafting, just like in Minecraft.

Take the pork cutlet rice he was eating now—it came from a food mod in the system.

It wasn't too much of a hassle, just an extra step in the process.

To craft high-level tools, however, he had to max out his level.

Though the system was in creative mode, Naruto discovered that he still had an experience bar. Since that discovery, he'd been grinding in the sealed space to gain levels.

It took until today, but he had finally reached level 100.

The difference between a tool enchanted at level 0 and one enchanted at level 100 was staggering.

For example, take the diamond sword he enchanted before:

[Diamond Sword: Attack Power 64.]

[Enchantment Effects: +2% Attack Power, +1% Attack Speed.]

[Durability: 100/100.]

After reaching level 100, the enchantments became much more impressive:

[Diamond Sword: Attack Power 64.]

[Enchantment Effects: +10% Attack Power, +70% Hardness, +30% Attack Speed, +20% Knockback, +30% Bleeding Effect.]

[Durability: Unlimited.]

Just looking at the stats was enough to make anyone's head spin.

He hadn't fully tested all the effects yet, but he had secretly tried a comparison.

A level 0 enchanted diamond sword could be crushed in Kurama's hand. However, a level 100 enchanted sword? Kurama couldn't make a scratch on it.

So far, Naruto had only enchanted the diamond sword. He hadn't gotten around to enchanting other things like magic wands, portals, or various types of armor.

Back in the sealed space, Kurama opened his eyes as the kid vanished.

In these six years...

Kurama had watched that kid gradually transform the sealed space. From the day he built his little treehouse, things had only escalated from there.

At first, Kurama didn't pay much attention, thinking, Isn't this just some strange kekkei genkai? It had lived for so many years—what hadn't it seen?

So, Kurama spent most of its time sleeping.

Every now and then, it would glimpse the kid, placing blocks, bit by bit, transforming the space.

Then one day...

Kurama opened its eyes and saw an entire forest. It was completely stunned.

'What in the fu*k?'

In all its long life, it had never seen a jinchūriki who could bring a forest into the sealed space!

And as time passed, the kid created snowfields, deserts, and even brought in strange animals—square rabbits, cows, dogs, and tigers, among others.

These animals would occasionally wander over to Kurama's territory.

At first, Kurama couldn't take it anymore and decided to teach them a lesson. One swipe of its paw, and instead of corpses, all it saw were chunks of meat.

Surprisingly, the meat tasted better than expected.

The only downside was that the portions were too small—not even enough for Kurama to savor.

Having been sealed for so many years and enduring three generations of jinchūriki, Kurama hadn't tasted anything in a long time.

Unfortunately, those animals didn't wander over every day.

The once quiet and lifeless sealed space had become full of life and energy.

Kurama found itself feeling disoriented.

If not for the fact that everything looked a bit too blocky, it might have forgotten it was still sealed.

Strangely enough...

Every day, when Kurama woke up and saw the new environment, its mood brightened a little.

But at the same time, it grew more puzzled...


'Why didn't that kid ever renovate my side of the space?'

Kurama regretted scaring the kid in the past. Its cage was dark, damp, and had a strange, unidentifiable smell. Compared to the flowing streams and fragrant flowers outside...

Kurama felt utterly miserable.

And then there was that delicious meat...

It made Kurama even more uncomfortable.

It wanted to talk to the kid, but pride held it back.

Besides, sneaking around and eating someone else's food...

It was incredibly shameful. Kurama, the most powerful of the tailed beasts, resorting to petty theft? How far it had fallen!

So, the boy and the fox continued their silent standoff in the sealed space.

Kurama didn't bother Naruto, and Naruto, while working, never stepped foot in Kurama's territory.

Kurama sighed, glancing at the landscape before it. Shifting its massive body, it drifted back to sleep, the scent of fresh earth, flowers, and trees filling its nose, reminding it of a time long ago...


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