Chapter 14: Uzumaki Naruto, Reporting for Duty!

A month quickly passed as Naruto continued his training.

Ever since he mastered the technique of generating power, his tree-punching speed had increased by several times. One by one, the trees along the riverside grove were knocked down.

Every time the Third Hokage saw another tree fall, his headache grew worse. His desk drawer was now stocked with blood pressure medication...

'What's wrong with this kid?'

He worried that at this rate, even the First Hokage's efforts to reforest the village wouldn't be enough to keep up with Naruto's destruction.

Luckily... today was the start of school. The Third Hokage figured that Naruto would have less time for his "tree training" now.


"Hey, big fox, how do I look in this?"

"Shut up! Be quiet!"

Naruto was chattering away, asking the fox sealed inside him for advice. After all, today was the first day of school, and Naruto didn't have anyone else to talk to besides Kurama.

Kurama, however, had no patience for the boy's incessant noise.

'This brat really doesn't get it, does he?'

The fox glanced at Naruto's wardrobe, filled with only black and white clothes. Was there anything else to choose from? What could he possibly say?

Naruto was unfazed by Kurama's grumbling and cheerfully changed into an all-black outfit. After looking himself in front of the mirror, he was quite satisfied with his look.

"Alright! Time to go to school!"

Naruto muttered to himself, opened a portal, and disappeared into a purple cocoon of light.


At the entrance of the Ninja Academy.

Parents crowded around, dropping off their children for their first day. Some were from Konoha's renowned clans, while others were civilians. Every child had at least one adult accompanying them.

The start of the school year was always a bustling time in the village, made even more lively by the fact that the Third Hokage would be giving a speech to the students. For the sake of appearances, many people had come to show their support.

Standing on stage, the Third Hokage scanned the gathered parents and children, his brow furrowed as he failed to spot Naruto.

'Did that kid oversleep?'

That didn't seem right. Given Naruto's excitement leading up to today, it was hard to imagine he would be late on his first day.

Sighing deeply, the Third Hokage felt like he had aged a decade since Naruto was born. The boy was constantly giving him reasons to worry.

"Go check if Naruto has left yet," he instructed an ANBU member nearby. But before the order could be carried out, a bright purple light cocoon suddenly appeared on the field.

'This kid...'

The Third Hokage's face wrinkled with frustration. He distinctly remembered telling Naruto not to use that jutsu in front of others. Does he ever listen!?

The sudden appearance of the purple light drew everyone's attention, and the crowd began to stir.

"Protect Lady Hinata!"

"Lord Fugaku, please take Sasuke and step back!"

"Is this an enemy attack from another village!?"

"What on earth is that thing?"

The crowd buzzed with anxious voices. Itachi, standing beside Sasuke, recognized the familiar technique and knew it was the arrival of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

The children instinctively hid behind their parents, while many of the adults drew kunai from their pouches, ready to protect their children if needed.


"Uzumaki Naruto, reporting for duty!"

Naruto, for some reason, felt compelled to shout as he emerged. Maybe it was the excitement of the school atmosphere, but something inside him made him want to make a dramatic entrance.

However, as soon as he finished his declaration, he realized that he had materialized right in the middle of the crowd. His face froze as he noticed that a group of shinobi had surrounded him, their stern expressions making it seem as though they were guarding against a dangerous foe.


Naruto suddenly realized the situation and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. 'Damn it! So awkward!'

Meanwhile, the parents, upon hearing the name "Uzumaki Naruto," relaxed and put down their weapons.

They may not have been familiar with this particular boy, but they certainly recognized the Uzumaki name from previous generations. Thoughts began to swirl in their minds...

'Uzumaki Naruto?'

'The last member of the Uzumaki Clan was Kushina, but this kid doesn't have red hair... Who is he?'

Since Naruto had largely stayed out of the public eye for six years, many people had forgotten about the existence of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

Shikaku, watching the boy with short, spiky blonde hair, narrowed his eyes and spoke up.

"Put your weapons away. He's one of our own, not an enemy."

At his words, the crowd gradually lowered their weapons, though many were still in shock at what they had just witnessed.

"Wait a minute, was that... a space-time jutsu!?"

"No way! That kid looks like he's only six!"

"It must be some kind of unique bloodline limit!"

"Whoa... if that's true, his potential could rival the Fourth Hokage..."

The murmurs of amazement quickly shifted to admiration as people speculated about Naruto's space-time abilities, and the conversation naturally drifted to the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. As they talked, many noticed the boy's blonde hair...

"No way... could this kid be... the Fourth Hokage's son?"

"Wait, what did he just say?"

"Uzumaki Naruto?!"

"Hey, I remember the Fourth Hokage's wife was from the Uzumaki Clan!"

"What?! You mean... this is the Fourth Hokage's child?!"

In just a few exchanges, the crowd had pieced together Naruto's identity as the son of the Fourth Hokage.

Standing beside his father, a curious Shikamaru tugged at Shikaku's sleeve and whispered, "Dad, is the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki really the Fourth Hokage's son?"

Shikaku didn't answer directly but gave the boy a knowing look. Shikamaru got the message.

Across the field, Sasuke peeked out from behind Fugaku, his teeth clenched in frustration.

'Damn it! It's him again!'

Naruto had stolen the spotlight once more, and Sasuke could barely contain his jealousy.

Meanwhile, little Hinata was watching Naruto from a distance, her mind drifting to the memory of him escorting her home, and to the time he had saved her from bullies...

'So nice... Now I can see Naruto-kun every day...'

Her face turned bright red at the thought, and she quickly hid behind her father, though she couldn't resist peeking out for another glance.

As the crowd processed the revelation of Naruto's parentage, their attitudes changed. Suddenly, there were warm smiles all around.

"Hey, kid! Come to my house for dinner tonight!"

"No way! He's coming to my house—my food is much better!"

"Hey, kid! How about meeting my daughter?"

A number of the shinobi started inviting Naruto to their homes, with some even introducing potential marriage prospects. However, the prominent clans remained silent, their eyes filled with complex emotions as they observed the boy.

They, of course, knew exactly who he was...

Naruto, who had never been the center of attention like this before, was completely overwhelmed by their sudden enthusiasm. His first day of school was turning out to be nothing like he had imagined.

Wasn't this supposed to be the part where the other kids call me a demon fox, and I prove them wrong with my strength?

How did everyone suddenly figure out that I'm the Fourth Hokage's son!?

If he could, Naruto would've logged onto some online forum to ask for advice on what to do next. He even had the perfect title for the post: "Starting school in Konoha and immediately exposed as the Hokage's heir—What do I do now? Help!"


Elsewhere in the village, Danzo received a report from his Root ninja.

After reading the details about the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, a dangerous glint flickered in Danzo's eyes.

Perfect. The Nine-Tails Jinchūriki even has a space-time bloodline limit...

I must have him.


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