Chapter 11: First Encounter, Geto's Shock

[T/N: I have released two more fanfics beside it this week, you can swing by.]

"Wow, look at that display!"

"Which rich kid is out for a joyride?"

"Look at that little prince in the sports car!"

"If he wasn't so young, I wouldn't mind being his sugar baby for a few years~"

The scattered crowd along the street murmured to each other as they eyed Mirai in his flashy red convertible. Some girls, who were quite pretty, even pulled out their phones to look up the heirs of various conglomerates. A few were already daydreaming about baby names.

However, no one dared to get too close to the line of sleek black cars, afraid that a single scratch might cost them everything they owned.


Mirai observed the pair in front of him with great interest—young Suguru Geto and Ieiri Shoko. In person, they had a far more human presence than the characters from the manga panels he remembered.

Shoko and Geto, in turn, frowned slightly as they studied the boy in the passenger seat through the car window.

It had only been a short while since the two had met, and yet here the Zen'in family had arrived with such grandeur. It definitely didn't feel like a coincidence.

"We've arrived. Let them proceed as planned."

Hearing Mirai's command, the driver quickly relayed the instructions through his earpiece.

"Family Head."

The sorcerers stepped out of the black cars, and Maki and Mai's mother approached with a bow.

"Take your daughters shopping. Let them buy whatever they like. The Zen'in family isn't short on money," Mirai instructed.

He then turned to the sorcerer standing nearby. "As for you, make sure they're safe."

"If anything happens, you know what the consequences will be."

The sorcerer, dressed in a black suit and looking every bit the bodyguard, trembled slightly before responding, "Please rest assured, Family Head! I'll protect the young ladies with my life!"

The two sisters in the backseat knew better than to interrupt. They obediently waited until Mirai finished speaking, then quietly got out of the car and joined their mother in the black sedan waiting on the outskirts.

"Geto, aren't you going to run?" Shoko whispered. "You're a wanted man now, a fugitive from Jujutsu High, remember?"

"Zen'in sorcerers showing up here... could be to arrest you."

Geto chuckled softly, "Let's wait and see. I'm curious about what this Zen'in family head is up to."

Aside from Gojo Satoru, Geto didn't fear any sorcerer coming after him, even if they belonged to one of the Big Three families like the Zen'in clan.

This confidence came from his unshakable belief in his own strength.

As one of the three Special Grade sorcerers...

Geto had no intention of hiding in the shadows like some cursed user.

The next moment—

To Shoko and Geto's surprise, the line of black sedans slowly pulled away from the street.

Only the bright red sports car remained parked before them, its striking presence hard to miss.

The driver at the wheel showed no signs of possessing cursed energy; he was just an ordinary human.

As Geto watched the calm expression on Mirai's face, he grew even more puzzled.

Were they not here to capture him? Or was there some other purpose?

Seeing their confusion, Mirai smirked, his lips curling slightly. "Just wait a bit longer."

"I hate having mosquitoes buzzing around when I'm trying to talk."

'Is he... talking to us?'

Shoko blinked in confusion, not understanding what the young family head meant.

But Geto seemed to catch on, glancing thoughtfully in a few directions.


On the rooftop of a nearby building, a masked cursed user stared down at the ten-billion-yen prize sitting in that red sports car.

He felt torn.

He had come after receiving a tip, planning to follow the Zen'in convoy and find an opportunity to strike.

But with the main group suddenly leaving, it felt like a rare chance—yet also like a well-laid trap!

Should he make a move now, or wait?

While he hesitated, other cursed users hidden in the crowd began to act.

Wearing masks to conceal their identities, the cursed users leaped from their positions, each attack aimed to kill.


Several sharp blades flew through the air like bullets, cutting through the atmosphere with a whistle, heading straight for Mirai.

They were aimed at vital spots—his head, heart, and throat!

The first cursed user's assault was like a starting gun, signaling the others to join in.

From rooftops, alleyways, shopfronts, the center of the crowd, even from sewer drains...

In that instant, more than a dozen masked cursed users appeared from their hiding spots, eager to claim the ten-billion-yen bounty.

Whether it was a trap or not, the bounty was worth the risk.

Controlled knives, elemental fireballs, air bullets, gunfire...

All kinds of techniques, and even some modern weapons, were hurled toward the red convertible where Mirai sat.

Geto stood with his hands in his pockets, showing no intention of helping.

The young family head seemed calm, as did his ordinary driver.



Just when the cursed users thought they had succeeded, their triumphant smiles froze.

A monstrous hand appeared from Mirai's side, swatting away the barrage of attacks as if they were nothing but dust!

In the blink of an eye, massive tails emerged from the void, moving faster than sound, and pierced through their bodies!


Screams barely escaped their lips before they were skewered like meat on a spit, dragged into the void by the giant tails.

The crowd looked up in confusion, only to see nothing but blue skies and fluffy white clouds.

In the distance, they faintly heard a faint "crunch, crunch" sound, like someone chewing.

Shaking their heads, they dismissed it as an illusion and went about their day.

But Shoko and Geto...

Their pupils shrank, and their expressions turned deadly serious.

They hadn't seen the full form of the cursed spirit, but the ten colossal, tree-like tails swaying in the air, blocking out the sky, were unmistakable!

The overwhelming cursed energy, like an ocean of malevolence, far surpassed anything they had encountered from a Special Grade spirit, crashing over them in waves!

This was an unrecorded cursed spirit—undoubtedly Special Grade!

Cold sweat trickled down Shoko's forehead as her trembling hand fumbled for her phone.

Gojo needed to get here fast—this thing could really kill Geto!

Geto's previous nonchalance vanished as he looked at the boy in the passenger seat of the red convertible. Any trace of disdain he had felt for the Zen'in family head disappeared in an instant.

Just from this sheer amount of cursed energy alone, this eleven-year-old boy already had the qualifications to become a Special Grade sorcerer!

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight you."

Mirai leaned back in his seat, his hands behind his head, smiling at Geto through the car window. "I was interested in what you were saying earlier with Shoko."

"The idiots at Jujutsu High don't understand you, but maybe you'd have better luck collaborating with the Zen'in family."

As he spoke, the driver thoughtfully adjusted Mirai's seat, reclining it further so he could lie back more comfortably.


"You think you understand me?" Geto raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Mirai's offer.

Then Geto chuckled, "But if we were to work together, what about Gojo Satoru? That monster won't just let us have our way."

Geto had to admit, the boy was strong, maybe even stronger than Gojo in terms of cursed energy reserves.

But that didn't mean he believed the boy could handle Gojo.

Mirai nodded, acknowledging the truth. "For now, yes, we're not quite there yet. That's why we need time to develop."

"If you're open to it, come find me at the Zen'in family."

Geto glanced back up at the massive tails swaying in the sky, his eyes flickering with thought.

After a moment of silence, he smiled and nodded. "Alright, if I need anything, I'll come to you."

Throughout their conversation, neither of them bothered to acknowledge Shoko, who was still on the phone nearby.

They had completely treated her like air.


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