Chapter 27: Yaga's Unsettled Mindset

Gojo Satoru smoothly dodged Yaga's sudden attack from behind, turning with a grin. "I'm done here."

He paused for a moment, then added with a playful wave, "I'll leave the rest to you~"

Before Yaga could respond, Gojo's figure vanished from sight.

"Mirai-sensei, are you alright?" Yaga rushed over to Mirai, his face a mix of worry and relief. He was thankful that Gojo hadn't killed or severely injured Mirai, but a hint of tension remained—worried that Mirai might not let things slide so easily.

"Gojo's always been a bit off in the head, don't take it to heart," Yaga reassured, his fists clenched in frustration. "I'll track that brat down and give him a good beating!"

Maki chimed in angrily, "That damn blindfolded idiot!"

"Principal Yaga, this isn't entirely Gojo-sensei's fault," Mirai interjected, still leaning on Maki for support. He raised a hand to stop them. "I asked him to unfold his domain."


Everyone froze, looking bewildered. Had they been worrying for nothing? After all that stress, it turned out this entire ordeal had been planned between the two of them?

"Couldn't you at least have picked a more remote spot for this?" Yaga grumbled. "Unfolding a domain right in the residential area of Jujutsu High? It's not just about the damage to the buildings—what if it had dragged in passing students or nearby supervisors?"

Seeing that Yaga was about to launch into a lecture, Mirai quickly interrupted, "I suggested we go to the training grounds, but Gojo-sensei refused."

'No wonder Gojo left saying he'd leave the trouble to me,' Mirai thought.

That "trouble" included Yaga's inevitable sermon.

"!" Yaga ground out through clenched teeth, eyeing the wreckage around them before storming off in a huff toward the school building.

Meanwhile, Mei Mei's gaze lingered on Mirai with an intrigued glint in her eyes. She hadn't spoken much, but watching him go from needing Maki's support to standing up on his own in such a short time was... unusual. He seemed to recover far too quickly.

Gojo Satoru's domain was different from other jujutsu sorcerers'. Some domains target the body, others the mind. Reversed Cursed Technique can heal the body, but the brain? That's another matter entirely...

Mei Mei's lips curled slightly as she turned to follow Yaga. Whatever happened between Gojo and Mirai was not her concern. As long as her employer was safe, her focus remained on the important task at hand—applying for her battle bonus from yesterday.

The others also calmed down once they realized the situation. Maki asked, "Mirai-nii-san, didn't you already master...?"

Before she could finish, Mirai cut in quietly, "Maki, where's White Zetsu?"

Right, where's White Zetsu?

Maki glanced around. Panda, Inumaki, and Okkotsu had caught up, but White Zetsu, who loved to stick around during chaotic situations, was nowhere to be seen.

"Could it be that some passing sorcerer exorcised him by mistake?" Panda cautiously suggested.

Jujutsu High was a big place, and they weren't the only sorcerers here. It was possible that a former student or an auxiliary supervisor who didn't know about White Zetsu could have purified him. After all, both White Zetsu and Fushiguro had only arrived at Jujutsu High a few days ago.

"Salmon Roe!" Inumaki added, concern evident in his voice.

"Senior Maki, let's hurry and search for him!" Okkotsu urged, his eyes full of worry.

"Maki, you go on ahead. I'll rest here for a bit," Mirai said, his expression softening despite the weariness on his face.

Maki's face showed a hint of anxiety as she quickly gathered her friends to head back to the training grounds.

"These kids..." Mirai shook his head, letting out a small sigh as he glanced around at the debris. He wondered silently where they would even begin searching.

"If Maki finds out the truth about White Zetsu, her first reaction will probably be to bash his head in," he muttered, a faint smile appearing on his previously pale face. His complexion was visibly returning to normal.

The vow he made with Gojo didn't include a clause to avoid injury. Bearing the brunt of that much information overload meant inevitable brain damage. Healing such damage with Reversed Cursed Technique was extremely difficult, but not impossible.

Fushiguro shook his head slightly. "Looks like I'm about seventy percent sure of the healing method now."

"Objective three... partially accomplished."


At the Jujutsu High infirmary.

The surgeon's white coat and pre-op gloves were already in place. Ieiri Shoko, her scalpel poised in hand, was practically trembling with excitement. Her eyes gleamed as she gazed at the figure lying on the operating table.

It was rare for her to feel this kind of thrill. Only someone this... unique could spark such emotions in her.

White Zetsu lay unconscious on the table, his signature black-and-red robe folded neatly on a nearby chair. His skin was pale—almost as pale as the ceiling above him.

"As long as I don't cut into the core, he shouldn't have any complaints when he wakes up..." Shoko murmured to herself, slicing into his flesh with precision.


Shoko's brow furrowed as she observed the liquid oozing from the cut. "Black blood...?"

Most curses had purple or red blood. Black blood wasn't something she often saw in curses, especially not blood that flowed so slowly and was so thick.

In fact, this kind of phenomenon was more common in corpses long past their prime.

After death, a body's blood would pool at the lowest points due to gravity and eventually coagulate, turning darker in color.

"And this smell..."

Shoko's face wrinkled in distaste. The scent that wafted from the incision, mixed with the black blood, was unmistakably one of decay. Even her mask couldn't block it out entirely.

Frowning, she set down her scalpel and left the room. Ten seconds later, she returned, now wearing five layers of masks. Her eyes gleamed once again with enthusiasm.

"This body just keeps getting more interesting."


Half an hour later, the group still hadn't found White Zetsu.

Panda and the others finally tracked down Yaga in the school building and asked for help. After questioning a few people, they finally learned from a passing student that Shoko had carried White Zetsu to the infirmary.

Alarmed, they rushed toward the infirmary.


The door flew open, and the stench of decay hit them hard.

"Ugh, it reeks!!"

Covering their noses, the group burst into the operating room.

What they saw chilled them to the bone: the surgical table was covered in dark blood, White Zetsu's body was dismembered, and Shoko was sitting nearby, smoking a cigarette with a frown.

The sight left everyone frozen in shock.

Yaga, ignoring the smell, rushed to check White Zetsu's condition. For the first time in his career, he was truly at a loss.

Out of all the students he'd taught—from his days as a teacher to now as the principal—he had only ever taken on three. One had turned rogue and tried to destroy humanity. Another was a reckless maniac who did whatever he wanted.

And now, the last one... well, he thought he could rest easy with this one, but now...

Panda had shared stories with Yaga about White Zetsu after spending a few days with him at school. White Zetsu had been a part of Mirai's life for nearly ten years, ever since he appeared when Maki was just seven.

And now, after Gojo caused a ruckus, Shoko had dissected White Zetsu?

If someone had done to Panda what Shoko had done to White Zetsu, Yaga would have felt the same way.

For the first time in his life, Yaga found himself... caring about the life of a cursed being.

He never thought he'd live to see the day.

Damn... what a headache.


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