Chapter 29: The Curse Spirit Hell

The full moon hung high in the sky.

At the Jujutsu High dormitory, Yaga Masamichi's small room was dimly lit.

The flickering candlelight crackled, casting a warm orange glow that dispelled the room's gloom.

Sitting amidst a pile of dolls, Yaga diligently knitted, his face serious.

Shoko, dressed in her usual doctor's attire, glanced at her watch, frowning as she remarked coldly:

"I told you, you should have informed that scumbag an hour in advance."

Still mending a doll, Yaga didn't even lift his head as he replied, "I notified him half an hour ago."

"What can I say? His habit of being late is getting worse."

Shoko sighed, "Terminal case, no cure for that."


The subject of their complaints, Gojo Satoru, finally showed up, strolling in late, bathed in moonlight.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I didn't expect to see you here, Shoko, given how busy you always are."

Though he apologized verbally, Gojo's hands were stuffed into his pockets, his rebellious demeanor showing no sign of genuine remorse.

"You're way too late, Satoru!"

Yaga put down his needle and thread, his expression stern. "I haven't even settled the matter of the destroyed residential area with you yet!"

"Come on, it was only two or three houses."

Gojo waved dismissively, his tone casual. "As usual, just dock my salary."

Before Yaga could blow up, Gojo shifted his attention to Shoko. "So, what's the urgent matter that had you, the busiest person here, waiting for me?"

"I talked to Yaga about your analysis on White Zetsu earlier."

Lighting a cigarette, Shoko frowned. "You weren't wrong in your assessment after dissecting that cursed spirit..."

"Though perhaps calling it a 'cursed spirit' isn't entirely accurate..."

"Like you said, it's more like a corpse animated by cursed energy."

"A dissection?"

Gojo's brows furrowed.

Yaga took the opportunity to explain the events that had unfolded after Gojo left earlier that day.

Gojo raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise flashing across his face. "I confirmed with my Six Eyes that the pale creature wasn't a puppet controlled by someone's technique."

"Not to mention, it had the ability to communicate. Could it be a new species?"

Gojo rubbed his chin thoughtfully, striking a pensive pose. "Or perhaps... aside from cursed spirits, this world also has ghosts?"

"Reincarnated souls?"

"What nonsense are you spouting now?"

Yaga scolded.

If ghosts were real, this world would have fallen apart a long time ago.

"Shoko... you don't actually believe this, do you?!"

Yaga turned to Shoko, who was deep in thought, his voice filled with disbelief.

"I wouldn't say Gojo is completely wrong."

At that moment, not only Yaga, but even Gojo looked shocked.

Shoko took a deep drag from her cigarette, her tone grave. "The truth is, by the time you arrived today..."

"That cursed spirit was already dead."


Yaga's face contorted in disbelief, his glasses slipping down from the shock.

"Already dead?!"

"Do you realize what you're saying?!"

Yaga's eyes widened as he shouted.

Once a cursed spirit is confirmed dead, its body turns to dust and disappears.

This has been a fact for thousands of years, with no exceptions.

No matter how powerful a cursed spirit, it cannot escape this fate!


"Shoko, are you absolutely sure you didn't make a mistake?"

Gojo, equally incredulous, opened his mouth in shock.

Hearing this, Shoko's face darkened.

"You think I don't know who I am?"

Setting aside her strength, when it came to matters of the medical field, questioning Shoko's expertise was nothing short of an insult.

Yaga, quickly realizing his misstep, hurried to explain, "Shoko, neither Gojo nor I meant to offend you. It's just that this is... well, it's beyond belief."

Shoko waved him off, exhaling another puff of smoke. "I didn't mention it in the infirmary earlier because I didn't want the students overhearing, especially Maki."

"From the very first incision, I was almost certain about its true nature..."

"And after making a small cut into its brain and heart..."

"Even a first-grade cursed spirit couldn't survive such damage."

"Let alone that thing, which at best was only third-grade."

Yaga picked up his fallen glasses, trying to steady his thoughts. "So, what Master Tōdō said before he left was right..."

Shoko let out a soft murmur through the smoke. "Who knows..."


In the depths of the Zen'in Estate, beneath the second level of the Kurokumo Hall.

Mirai Zen'in stared indifferently at a trembling cursed-user in front of him.

This man was usually the one responsible for receiving the captured cursed spirits at the entrance to the second-level barrier.

Though scrawny in appearance, he had mastered the art of bullying the weak while avoiding the strong.

If the cursed-users transporting the spirits were heavily injured or weaker, this man would sometimes launch a surprise attack.

Not for any particular reason, other than to mercilessly slaughter those weaker than himself.

But if he encountered someone stronger...

"Master Mirai, what brings you here today?"

Haruta Shigemo hurriedly hid the blade he had been preparing for a sneak attack, forcing a stiff smile onto his face.

"No wonder I heard the chirping of magpies before I came in. It must have been heralding your arrival."

Mirai couldn't help but snort in amusement.

The sorcerers of the Zen'in family were forbidden from entering the basement without permission. Who in their right mind would leave? Unless magpies had dug tunnels underground and flown out?

Hearing Haruta's flattery, Naobito's amusement turned into a chuckle.

Haruta's eyes flashed with malice as he glared at the old man, but then quickly turned to Mirai, awaiting his orders.

He had been imprisoned for years now. The thought of angering Mirai again? Haruta wasn't eager to relive that nightmare.

Mirai's crimson eyes briefly glanced at Shigemo before continuing forward.



As they passed through a dimly lit tunnel, Shigemo's so-called "cave" came into view.

A massive wooden door, half-closed, revealed faint yellow light from within.

Naobito frowned at the strange noises coming from inside, his face growing serious.

Stepping through the door, the sight that greeted him made Naobito's hair stand on end!

Hundreds—no, thousands—of cursed spirits, ranging from first to fourth grade, hung from the cave ceiling by chains.

Aside from their heads, hearts, and other key cursed energy points, the spirits' bodies were locked in place by chains imbued with cursed energy.

Their bodies were covered in countless scars, crisscrossing with varying depths.

Thick, purple blood dripped onto the cursed spirits' corpses below, pooling into a blood-soaked bath.

Naobito surveyed the hellish scene, for the first time feeling a twinge of sympathy for the cursed spirits.

"Haruta, continue with your task."

Mirai managed to curl his lips into a semblance of a smile as he gave his orders softly.

"Yes, sir!"

"I'll get right on it!"

Seeing Mirai's chilling grin, Shigemo broke out into a cold sweat as he grabbed his blade and rushed to the cursed spirits.

He nearly tripped several times, his legs trembling as he sprinted towards his grim task.

The Devil's Smile!

Shigemo vividly recalled that smile—the same one Mirai wore when he'd snapped his neck, shattered his legs, and broken his fingers...

Gripping his forged katana tightly, Shigemo began hacking away at the cursed spirits' bodies without hesitation.


Purple blood sprayed out, chunks of flesh splattering into the cursed bloodbath below.

Naobito, watching from the side, now understood what he had heard before entering the cave.

The strange noises he had heard earlier... they were the anguished cries of these tortured cursed spirits.

Outside, the cursed spirits would always roar with rage, mockery, and malice.

But here... this was something else.

This was the cursed spirits' personal hell.


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