Chapter 41: Night Class – Teaching in Battle

"What's this?"

"You still intend to fight me with these burdens holding you back?"

Jogo's face twisted in scorn. "Humans these days have become incredibly arrogant."

If it weren't for the fact that Sukuna's vessel and his other targets stood behind him, Jogo would have already unleashed a massive blaze to incinerate the jujutsu sorcerers before him.

"Don't mind me, just go ahead and do your thing," Mirai said with a smile, recalling the scene from his previous life where Jogo had erupted in fury.

"Because, you know, you're... really weak."


At the sound of Mirai's words, the ground beneath Jogo's feet exploded with a deep crater.

"You brat, you're asking for it!"

In the blink of an eye, Jogo's fist pierced straight through Mirai's head!

Yet, strangely enough, there was no spray of blood.

A flicker of confusion crossed Jogo's lone eye. Although his senses told him that he had blown apart the sorcerer's head, his fist didn't feel the impact of a hit.

"Itadori Yuji, White Zetsu told me about your situation."

In front of the group's dumbfounded stares, Mirai calmly caught Jogo's outstretched fist with one hand.

"You haven't awakened your cursed technique, but you've got an impressive body."

As he spoke, Mirai slammed his knee into Jogo's abdomen.


Jogo's lone eye bulged wide, bloodshot and full of pain. His body folded like a shrimp, and a large splash of purple blood sprayed from his mouth. The force tore through his chest, sending his cloak fluttering wildly in the wind.

"Basic knowledge about reinforcing the body with cursed energy will be taught at the academy later," Mirai said. "But for now, let me teach you just one thing."

With his free hand, he delivered punch after punch to Jogo's face, each strike landing with a sickening thud.

Purple blood splattered in all directions, like it cost nothing.

Itadori and the others stared at Mirai's back, their minds racing with a single thought...


Incredibly strong!

Had they not felt the suffocating pressure of Jogo's cursed energy earlier, they would have thought that the creature Mirai was beating senseless was just a lowly Grade 3 or Grade 4 curse.

"Absolute focus. Always maintain absolute focus," Mirai said as he swung his arm, hurling Jogo into the air like a ragdoll.

Red and black lightning crackled through the air as she whipped her leg in an arc. The sonic boom shattered the sound barrier, warping the space around him as his kick connected with Jogo's face.


A visible shockwave rolled through the air, and Jogo was blasted into a nearby mountain, crashing into the rock with enough force to send dust and debris flying.

Mirai glanced down at the severed arm he had been holding with some distaste before casually tossing it into his Kamui dimension.

"Every time you strike, remove all unnecessary emotions and distractions from your mind," he instructed. "Keep only the pure intent to defeat your opponent, or in this case, exorcise the curse."

"T-thank you, sensei," Itadori stammered, dumbstruck by the gentle smile on Mirai's face.

"As for you, Fushiguro, the control of your Ten Shadows—"


The mountain where Jogo had crashed erupted like a volcano, sending flaming debris and molten rocks hurtling into the sky like a meteor shower.

The heat that radiated down from the mountain made even breathing difficult for Itadori and the others.


"You bastard!!"

"I'm going to tear that smug face of yours to pieces!"

Jogo's face twisted in fury as he roared down from the mountain's peak.

He had underestimated them—underestimated Mirai.

Earlier, he had held back, hesitant to go all out because of White Zetsu and Itadori standing behind him.

But after that humiliating beatdown...

Now, his cursed energy surged wildly, as flames and molten lava spewed from his body, cascading down the mountainside like a monstrous, devouring wave.

Mirai paused for a moment before continuing his instruction to Fushiguro. "Don't rush to summon your next shikigami too soon."

"Spend more time honing the ones you've already mastered. Explore their potential. Understand the shadows."

"Sensei! Sensei!!"

Itadori interrupted, his voice filled with panic as he pointed behind Mirai. "Behind you! The lava's coming down!"

Ijichi, Nobara, and Fushiguro broke into a cold sweat as well. The heat from the molten rock was so intense that it curled the fine hairs on their skin, and yet Mirai seemed more focused on giving a lecture than acknowledging the deadly threat.

But Mirai only smiled, forming a hand seal with a casual air.

Fushiguro's eyes widened in shock—wasn't that the hand sign for Escaping Hare?

Was that really going to be enough to deal with a special-grade curse?

Before he could finish his thought, shadows began to writhe beneath their feet, boiling like a dark tide.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands—no, tens of thousands of shadowy hares surged forth, cloaked in a swirling mist of black energy.

The sea of shadow rabbits charged toward the molten rock flowing down the mountain!


The black and red tides clashed with a deafening roar, the constant sound of their collision echoing in the air.

As the molten rock came to a halt before them, Fushiguro stared in disbelief.

The sheer number of hares wasn't even the scariest part—it was the overwhelming difference in cursed energy.

That's what he couldn't grasp yet.

But the incomplete form of the Escaping Hare—that was something he could study. He had seen it mentioned in the materials Gojo-sensei had given him, but he'd never bothered to explore it deeply.

Just as Mirai had said, Fushiguro had been too focused on preparing for his next shikigami, always looking ahead without fully mastering what he already had.

"You're not done yet!!"

With a furious roar, Jogo unleashed a swarm of hundreds of fireflies from the sky, each one brimming with explosive cursed energy.

Mirai's hands shifted to a different seal. "Nué."


Bright lightning split the night sky as Nué's massive wings swept down, wiping out the entire swarm of fireflies in one motion.

Jogo, who had once appeared so calm and indifferent, now looked battered and bloodied.

The game was no longer just a warm-up.

At first, Jogo had thought it would be an easy warm-up match...

But now, he realized he had almost been kicked into a game-ending defeat.

The red and black curse energy strike from earlier still left his face throbbing with pain.


With a thunderous explosion, Jogo summoned a volcano from beneath the earth, lava erupting from the ground.

In an instant, the molten rock consumed the countless hares, vaporizing them.

Jogo, no longer concerned about White Zetsu or Itadori, charged forward in a flash, appearing right in front of Mirai!

With cursed energy surging through his palm, he unleashed a punch that caused four volcanoes to rise from the ground around them, their molten fire sealing off any escape route.

Itadori and the others could only watch as the roaring flames swallowed Mirai's figure.


Itadori's voice trembled with concern.

"Relax, relax~"

White Zetsu waved his hand dismissively, showing no sign of worry.


Ijichi adjusted his glasses with a serious expression. "Sensei will be fine. Don't do anything reckless and stay where you are."

Itadori finally noticed something strange beneath his feet—a soft shadow ripple spread across the ground, covering all of them.

No wonder the air around them hadn't grown unbearably hot, even with the volcanoes so close by.

"Don't step out of the area. The moment you do, you'll be turned to ash," Fushiguro warned.

He knew that someone as reckless as Itadori needed a clear explanation, or things could go horribly wrong.

Had Mirai escaped?

Did he dodge the attack?

Jogo narrowed his eyes in suspicion as he stared at the silhouette within the flames. His fists hadn't made contact again—just like the beginning.

He could see the figure burning in the fire, yet his cursed energy felt nothing.

"What... What the hell is going on?"


Jogo watched, wide-eyed, as his right arm was blown apart yet again. Alarms blared in his head.

Step, step.

From the sea of flames, Mirai calmly emerged, his figure shrouded in blazing heat, looking more like a ruler of fire than Jogo himself.

The searing heat waves made her appear as though he was the true master of flames.

Realizing the danger, Jogo immediately retreated, his body moving to regenerate his right arm. If he couldn't figure out this sorcerer's strange technique, he had no choice but to—

In a flash, he formed hand signs.

"Domain Expansion—Coffin of the Iron Mountain!"


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