In the Harry Potter universe, Alaric Black, a soul reincarnated from Prime Earth, awakens in the notorious Black family, carrying the weight of extraordinary knowledge from his past life. At nine, he discovers a mystical tree in his soul space that grants him insights into the multiverse—a vast tapestry that includes not just the magical world but also the realms of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and beyond.
Embarking on a daring adventure into Muggle London, Alaric uncovers the interconnectedness of realities and realizes dark forces threaten not just his world but the entire multiverse. Armed with a keen intellect and a thirst for knowledge, he strives to hone his magical abilities while navigating the complexities of his secretive family.
As he embraces his destiny, Alaric must balance magic and the unknown to protect his loved ones from looming dangers. Will he harness his unique gifts to safeguard the multiverse, or will shadows of destiny overpower him?