ch32- Monster Surge

"For safety's sake, lure the monsters to us so we can take them out here," Alex suggested, knowing that Dean and the others were eager to level up. He planned to stay back and observe, ready to jump in if things went sideways.

Tanya and the group were well aware that they weren't as overpowered as Alex. If they faced a large group of monsters all at once, there was a real chance of things going wrong. They agreed with Alex's suggestion and had Dean, who was the fastest, lure the monsters.

Thanks to his experience from the previous day, Dean successfully drew in seven blue scythe monsters on the first try. The group pounced on them like hungry wolves, wiping out all seven monsters in under two minutes.

Watching his classmates tear into the monsters with such enthusiasm, Alex couldn't help but feel slightly amused. It seemed his morning leveling frenzy had lit a fire under them.

But on Dean's second attempt to pull more monsters, things went wrong.

A purple scythe monster, hiding in the shadows, suddenly leaped out with a fierce screech. Its call seemed to summon an additional twenty or so blue scythe monsters from nearby buildings. In total, fifty monsters surged forward like a tidal wave.

Dean, quick on his feet, used his *Dash* skill to dodge the purple monster's strike, but he was still being chased by dozens of others, putting him in a dire situation.

Seeing the sheer number of monsters heading their way, Alex and the rest of the team's expressions shifted for the first time.

"Run! Don't engage!" Alex shouted, rushing forward as Dean tried to process the chaos. Without hesitation, Alex intercepted the purple scythe monster, his blade glowing with a brilliant white light as it cleaved the creature in half.

Thanks to Alex's insane damage output, the purple scythe monster had no time to resist. The 10x damage multiplier obliterated it in a single strike, granting Alex a massive 400% experience boost and leveling him up by four levels on the spot. His already fearsome strength grew even more terrifying.

However, while Alex could deal astronomical damage, he lacked area-of-effect skills. Facing such a large group of monsters at once made it difficult for him to handle the situation effectively. He had no choice but to try and divert the monsters away.

Seeing Alex veer off in a different direction, Dean quickly understood his plan. He pivoted and led the horde away from their original ambush spot, trying to split the monster group in two.

The tactic worked. As Alex tore through several monsters on his way toward the gray crystal wall of the monster nest, many of the creatures turned their attention back toward him, leaving Dean with a more manageable number of pursuers.

Matt and the others, seeing the reduced number of monsters chasing Dean, immediately rushed forward to engage.

The chaotic battle lasted no more than ten minutes. When the dust settled, all fifty-plus monsters lay dead. Alex had taken out over twenty of them, and his level had skyrocketed to an absurd level—he was now level 100.

After destroying the giant gray crystal wall marking the monster nest, Tanya and the others were left speechless. Despite Alex's efforts to let them kill more monsters, their share hadn't increased much.

Seeing everyone was safe, Alex couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Hey, I swear I wasn't trying to steal all the kills this time!" he said, grinning.

Then, with a mixture of exasperation and amusement, Alex added, "But you guys don't have to worry about me anymore. Now when I kill these blue monsters, I'm only getting 4% experience per kill."

The group stared at him, dumbfounded. Tanya, seemingly piecing something together, gave Dean and the others a knowing glance before asking Alex, "Wait, did you just hit the level cap?"

The teasing laughter abruptly stopped as all the guys stood there, wide-eyed. Alex chuckled awkwardly and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. When I hit level 100, my experience bar reset to zero again, but now there's a new effect under my stats—'Damage Increase: 1000%'."

Dean's jaw dropped in disbelief as he stared at Alex. "I'm starting to doubt you're my dad... Maybe you're the *game's* dad!" he blurted out, unable to contain his shock.

With the daily missions completed, the group was still hungry for more experience and determined to close the gap between themselves and Alex. They decided to continue hunting monsters.

Around the school's safe zone were about twenty monster nests of varying sizes. Under Alex's overwhelming firepower, the group targeted the smaller nests, each containing fewer than a hundred creatures.

Dean took on the responsibility of luring monsters, carefully drawing groups of around ten to fifteen at a time. When things went south, Alex would step in and clean up the mess.

With stamina potions they had purchased earlier from Quinn, the group managed to maintain their pace, stopping briefly to recover after clearing each nest. By the end of the afternoon, they had doubled their morning kill count, taking down an incredible 600 monsters in total.

Even though Alex let the others take the majority of the kills, he still had to step in during emergencies, wiping out two or three dozen monsters at a time. By the end of the day, he had personally slain nearly 200 creatures, including a dozen purple scythe monsters.

Initially, Alex had intended to let the group handle the purple monsters, but once he realized killing them granted him 80% experience, he quickly changed his mind.

By the time the sun set, Alex had leveled up again, now sitting at level 113. Each of his attacks now did 10x damage and came with an additional 130 bonus damage.


**Personal Attributes:**

- Name: Alex [Unnamed] N-Level Bloodline 

- Level: 113 (Bonus: +130 Damage) 

- Level Effect: +1000% Damage 


A single strike from Alex could now deal enough damage to kill the combined health pools of all his teammates.

Despite Alex's overwhelming power, the group wasn't far behind. After clearing more than 400 monsters, everyone's levels had jumped by seven or eight. Most had surpassed level 10, with Dean and Chris reaching level 15. Their basic attacks now dealt two to three times as much damage, enabling them to take down monsters in just a couple of strikes.

Upon returning to the school, the group sold off another 600 N-level Awakening Stones. Alex took 150 for himself, earning 300,000 points. Combined with the 200,000 points he had earned that afternoon, his total now stood at a staggering 500,000 points.

After selling miscellaneous materials, Alex's points increased to 550,000.

Tanya and the others, though not quite as fortunate as Alex, still earned around 50,000 points each, pushing some of their totals past 100,000. The immense wealth left them all feeling like it was too good to be true.

The day ended on a high note, with the group even finding a place outside the school to take a shower—an unexpected luxury in the midst of the chaos. In a strange twist, this life of survival seemed to be better than their previous, school-bound existence.