Chapter 26: First Encounter in the Forbidden Forest (Part 2)

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"Today, I'm going to be killed because of you, you stupid bird!"

"Goo? Goo goo goo?"

A fluffy, sky-blue creature with innocent eyes looked up at the boy who was holding it tightly, running for his life. His fiery red hair, drenched in sweat, clung to his head in damp strands.

"If you have time to talk, you'd better use it to cast another spell—Obstacle Course!"

Beside the red-haired boy clutching the fluffy creature, another boy, identical in appearance, was running too. Anyone with eyes could tell these were Weasley boys. They had the same clothes, the same faces, and almost identical builds. At this moment, the twin brothers, now bound by misfortune, were on the verge of losing their cool.

They had originally thought that since Dumbledore wasn't at school this year, and with the professors preoccupied on the first day dealing with the new students, they could sneak out of the castle after lunch. With Hagrid busy cooking and not paying attention, the twins slipped quietly into the forest.

The Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts was indeed dangerous, at least according to the professors. But even so, the twins had never given up on their curiosity and desire to explore it. The reason was simple: the forest, always bathed in an eerie green light, was littered with opportunities to make a fortune.

Hogwarts, being the oldest and most prestigious wizarding school in England—and arguably all of Europe—had a history and depth beyond imagination. Not even Beauxbatons, with its massive donations from the world's wealthiest alchemists, could compare.

The Forbidden Forest's official name was the Dark Forest. This forest, which possessed a strong magical field, naturally attracted magical creatures. It was a natural wonder born from magic itself. While it protected countless magical creatures, it also became a vast natural treasure trove.

Even at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, one could find many valuable, rare, and almost priceless magical creatures.

Just before the end of the last school year, the twins had accidentally discovered a group of plump, adorable creatures called Puffball Birds while wandering near the forest.

These land-bound birds couldn't fly, but their seamless, flawless ability to teleport made them nearly impossible to catch. For a wizard to capture one was a near-impossible task unless they killed it on the spot. No matter how strong the cage, these birds could teleport out of it at will.

Puffball Bird feathers were in high demand as magical materials. Tools made from their feathers could save your life in an emergency. On the black market, even a small handful of Puffball Bird feathers could sell for a Galleon. Plucking one bird could bring in at least fifty shiny gold Galleons.

The twins, motivated by some grand dreams, had always been in need of funds, and Puffball Birds had become their easiest and most reliable source of income.

During the summer break, they had frantically researched and used every connection they had to find a feasible method. On the first day of the new school year, taking advantage of the relaxed security in the Forbidden Forest and Dumbledore's absence, they quietly returned to the spot where they had encountered the Puffball Birds months ago.

Unfortunately, they were too late. As free spirits, the Puffball Birds never stayed in one place for long. The twins came up empty, collecting only feathers worth four or five Galleons. Still, compared to their monthly two Sickles of allowance, this unexpected windfall was quite generous.

Their initial plan had been to catch a Puffball Bird. The entire summer break had been spent on their research, and they were confident in their chances of winning the bird's favor. After all, their good friend Cedric's father was the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Although Hagrid often referred to this department as a bunch of idiots, that was just his personal opinion.

Even though Hagrid hadn't completed his education at Hogwarts, his 40-plus years of experience as the groundskeeper had given him knowledge about magical creatures that far surpassed most wizards, even if his methods were a bit unorthodox and relied on brute force. Nevertheless, his expertise was undeniable.

Just as the twins were preparing to head back, they saw a flash of blue in the nearby bushes. The two brothers, as if thinking the same thing, instantly abandoned the idea of leaving and stealthily followed the fleeting blue light.

Even though the path ahead was treacherous, the two of them gritted their teeth and pressed on, carefully following the trail for the sake of those shiny, adorable Galleons. Unlike the Puffball Bird, which would teleport away at the slightest threat, they had to stay hidden while ensuring they didn't lose sight of it. After an exhausting hour of tracking, they finally caught the Puffball Bird taking a break, tired from its play.

After spending an entire summer researching, the twins had thoroughly figured out the Puffball Bird's preferences. To create the perfect food that would delight it, they had spent every last bit of their savings—two Galleons, four Sickles, and thirteen Knuts—and even ended up breaking a pot in the process, earning a thorough scolding from their ever-loving mother.

But the effort had been worth it. When the exhausted Puffball Bird was faced with the food they had prepared, it had little resistance. Compared to its usual diet of insects, seeds, and small fish, the specially formulated pet feed was like an extravagant French feast to a native of culinary wastelands like England. Even though John Bull and the Gallic Rooster don't usually see eye to eye, in the face of good food, such differences become trivial.

Naturally, the Puffball Bird gradually lowered its guard toward the twins. After all, these two young wizards posed no significant threat. As a magical creature, and a fairly powerful one at that, the Puffball Bird was sensitive to danger and malice. It could tell that the twins had no ill intentions—they just wanted to groom its feathers every day, nothing more.

However, the road to victory is often full of obstacles.

Dumbledore's absence had emboldened the twins to enter the Forbidden Forest on the first day of school. If they had waited, they might not have found even a feather, let alone the Puffball Bird itself. With the delicate feathers easily carried away by the wind, how much would remain later was a matter of luck.

Just as the twins were reaching out to groom the little blue creature, it suddenly vanished in a flicker of light, appearing twenty feet away in the blink of an eye. It then darted after a glowing green Forest Sprite like a ravenous predator. Although these sprites appeared to be tiny, winged people, they were actually a type of insect, one at the very bottom of the magical food chain.

The Puffball Bird's favorite meal was these Forest Sprites, and the primary ingredient in the twins' special pet food had been sprites they purchased from an apothecary. However, fresh sprites were far more tempting than the preserved ones. Despite the sprites' weak magical abilities, their nimble movements made them difficult for even a Puffball Bird to catch. As the twins watched in despair, the Puffball Bird vanished behind the bushes, chasing after its prey. A moment later, a sharp cry echoed from the other side.

A flash of disoriented blue light stumbled out, the Puffball Bird barely managing to teleport 30 feet ahead of the twins before collapsing, its wings clearly injured. At the same time, the rustling of bushes was followed by the appearance of several giant, shaggy creatures emerging from the forest.

After an hour of relentless pursuit, the twins had unknowingly ventured deep into the Forbidden Forest, crossing into an area Hagrid had painstakingly secured as a low-risk zone. They had now entered the true heart of the Forbidden Forest.

"Accio Puffball Bird!"

Realizing the severity of the situation, the twins gritted their teeth and used the Summoning Charm. As soon as the Puffball Bird was in their grasp, they immediately turned and ran. They couldn't identify the creatures with glowing green eyes and drooling mouths, but it was clear they weren't going to let the twins escape easily!


Two red beams shot out, but they had no effect whatsoever.

The stronger a magical creature's power, the more resistant it was to magic. The paths of magical creatures and wizards diverged greatly. While wizards typically wielded magic as a weapon, magical creatures often internalized magic, enhancing their physical forms and granting them innate casting abilities. In the magical world, without wizards' advantages of civilization, heritage, and teamwork—essentially "if one can't win, ten can"—their comparatively weak magical reserves would hardly pose any real advantage.

Even house-elves could easily ignore wizards' magic and teleport at will. This inherent magical disadvantage was a painful reality wizards had to accept.

The Stunning Spells cast by two third-year wizards didn't even manage to cause the slightest dizziness in the shaggy creatures.


As their food attempted to flee, the ground shook with the heavy footsteps of the creatures, and the sound of breaking branches followed close behind. The two boys ran with all their might, hearts pounding with fear, gripped by the terror of imminent death.

(End of Chapter)