Chapter 30: Flitwick's Weapon Demonstration

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Harry didn't fully understand what the black Patronus represented, but the strange magic kept him deep in thought all night.

Compared to the other first-year students, Harry clearly pondered things more deeply.

Especially Grindelwald's final two sentences. Though not loud, Harry, sitting in the front row, heard them clearly.

"Someone must step into the darkness to protect the light." "Time is running out."

These two sentences alone revealed much information that demanded Harry's contemplation. Thinking a bit further, he easily concluded that the wizarding world was on the brink of war.

"I hope this is just my imagination."

Although there were many unanswered questions, overthinking at this moment would only add to his troubles. He turned over, stifled a yawn, and closed his eyes while the sky was still dark. Even a short rest could restore a lot of energy.

After grabbing a cup of strong coffee in the kitchen, Harry felt much more awake and arrived at the fourth floor of the castle right on time. The Charms classroom was already packed. This class was shared with Gryffindor, and compared to the Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the atmosphere here was much more relaxed and cheerful.

Professor Flitwick, small in stature, stood on a tall stack of books so he could see all the students. There were still a few minutes before class started, and Flitwick, without any pretense, lightly waved his fingers, summoning a variety of small magical tricks that captured the attention of many young witches and wizards.

"Sorry I'm late, Professor," Harry said softly as he paused at the door, then walked over to Flitwick.

"No need to apologize, child. Class hasn't started yet," Flitwick replied with a warm smile. He glanced at the scar on Harry's forehead and winked at him. "Find an empty seat. We'll begin shortly."

As the bell rang, Professor Flitwick quickly took attendance, but after class started, his expression became more serious. This made the students sit up straight, no longer playful.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, and to my Charms class. I believe every one of you is quite interested in magic."

With a gentle wave of his hand, neat writing appeared on the blackboard.

"To become a competent wizard, in my opinion, one must be able to skillfully use magic."

"Our lives, our work, everything—we wizards are inseparable from magic. And magical spells are the most important component of that magic."

"Transfiguration is impressive, and Potions and Herbology are also important subjects. But compared to Charms, which permeate every aspect of wizard life, they cannot stand as the pillars of the magical world."

"In my class, I will teach you step by step how to become a competent wizard, how to use spells to change your lives, and make them your lifelong companions."

"Before we begin the actual lessons, I need you to remember one thing: 'If you don't want your life to become a mess, don't be careless when casting spells.'"

"Now, before we learn our first spell, the first thing you need to do is get acquainted with the companion that will stay with you for life."

"Please take out your wands and place them on the table."

At these words, the young wizards immediately perked up. Although they had taken out their wands in Transfiguration, the challenging spells seemed to mock their overconfidence. Few could manage the simple task of turning a match into a needle, and most couldn't even make the slightest change to the matchstick.

A cacophony of noise followed as the students pulled out their wands from various places. Some even drew out flintlock pistols from behind them, while others took out their wands from the front of their robes. This chaotic scene gave Professor Flitwick a headache, although he witnessed it every year and still found it hard to accept.

"Please, do not try to tuck your wands behind you. Especially with your magic still unstable, you might only be one strong emotion away from blowing up. Of course, hiding your wand in front isn't a good idea either; the result could be even worse."

"Fourteen years ago, Peeves managed to sneak into the kitchen and mix something strange into the lunch soup. That afternoon, the Hogwarts bathrooms were completely full. Some of you may know that desperate feeling when you need to go but can't because you have to wait."

Flitwick's little anecdote piqued the students' curiosity. Everyone perked up, eager to hear what had happened fourteen years ago.

"During those moments of waiting, the growing sense of urgency can heighten emotions, and such intense feelings can cause magical power to become unstable. For young wizards, especially those between eleven and thirteen, who are just entering the period when their magic stabilizes, this can be a nightmare."

"That afternoon, some unfortunate kids experienced massive magical surges due to this instability. And since the wand is an extension of our body, their wands... misfired."

"Every one of those... misfires was a lesson learned the hard way for the students who had stuck their wands behind them."

"Ugh..." The young wizards wrinkled their noses in disgust, already imagining the disastrous scene. Many instinctively covered their backsides.

"Of course, even worse were those who had their wands tucked in front. Those unlucky kids spent half a month in the school hospital, recovering from the psychological trauma."


A collective gasp filled the room, especially from the boys who had kept their wands in front. Their pale faces said it all.

"A wand is an extension of a wizard's body. Proper use of your wand is the first skill every competent wizard must master."

"Mr. Potter, could you demonstrate for everyone?"

Without hesitation, Professor Flitwick called out Harry's name. Thanks to Mr. Ollivander's advice, Harry unknowingly completed Flitwick's first lesson perfectly.

"A fine enchanted alchemical holster, best suited for wands in the form of a handgun, from Ollivander's wand shop, right? Their design prevents misfires caused by emotional fluctuations, which is especially useful for young wizards whose magic hasn't fully stabilized yet."

As Harry stood up, following Flitwick's cue, and revealed the holster at his waist, Flitwick pointed to it and explained to the class.

"I believe everyone should get one. It doesn't have to be from Ollivander's. Whether in Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade, many shops sell similar storage items. They're cheap and usually cost no more than a Sickle."

"Of course, if you can afford it, Ollivander's premium enchanted alchemical holster is the best choice. If any of you earn an Outstanding in Charms at the end of the year, I'll give one as a reward to each diligent student."

A low murmur of excitement spread through the room. For a Charms Master like Professor Flitwick, who lived a simple life with minimal needs, a small reward like this didn't cost much. However, it was enough to ignite the students' enthusiasm for learning. Besides, Hogwarts could cover the cost, and Dumbledore was a very generous headmaster.

"Now then," Professor Flitwick snapped his fingers, signaling for everyone to focus, "let's move on to learning about the wands in our hands."

"Some of you might already know that our wands come in many different forms, and each form has its own unique properties. Now, who among you has experienced their wand's first transformation? Raise your hands and show us."

Around eight or nine hands were raised, though sparsely. As Ollivander had said, it usually took time for a wizard to bond with their wand before triggering its first transformation. It was rare for someone to complete this within a month of receiving their wand, let alone trigger it during their first touch.

"For those whose wands haven't transformed yet, don't feel discouraged. The bond between a wizard and their wand takes time to develop. This is a phase every wizard must go through."

"All wands start in their default form—what we call the flintlock form. At this stage, the bond isn't fully established, so casting spells comes with certain limitations. For example, the frequency at which you can cast spells is slower, typically requiring about three seconds between each spell. While this might not impact your practice sessions, it becomes a noticeable disadvantage in duels."

"Though the flintlock form gathers magical energy a bit slowly, it makes up for this with stability. When spells misfire, the wand's built-in safeguards help reduce the consequences of casting errors. This feature is incredibly useful for novice wizards. However," he added with a mischievous grin, "I wouldn't recommend intentionally testing that limit. If your face gets blackened, it won't be easy to clean off."

"The first transformation of a wand typically results in its most commonly used and versatile form: the handgun form."

At this point, Professor Flitwick wasn't just gesturing anymore. He gave his wrist a slight flick, and a revolver appeared in his hand, scaled down to fit his small stature. Like Grindelwald's Browning M1935, this exquisitely luxurious revolver was more suited for a display case than actual use. Its semi-translucent body seemed carved from flawless sapphire, glowing with a captivating deep blue, more dazzling than even the Heart of the Ocean.

It took Harry quite a bit of effort to recognize the model of this overly extravagant revolver. If he wasn't mistaken, the delicate Professor Flitwick was wielding a true powerhouse: a Smith & Wesson M500 revolver, capable of chambering 12.7 mm rounds, one of which could shatter an elephant's skull.

Despite the contrast between Flitwick's petite frame and the massive weapon in his hand, Harry couldn't help but feel that the image was strangely fitting, as if it was meant to be.

"Once your wand completes its handgun transformation, the limitations on spellcasting intervals become much more flexible—unless your wand's specific form imposes certain restrictions. Some wands, depending on their transformations, are capable of firing more powerful spells than others. This is thanks to the shape change, but the downside might be reduced accuracy or longer intervals between spells."

"A handgun-shaped wand works best within a range of about fifty meters. Within that distance, as long as you aim properly, your spell will hit the target with minimal loss of power. This form is also highly portable, making it ideal for quick-draw situations."

"When you've gained further mastery over your magical energy and established a stronger bond with your wand, the second stage of transformation becomes available."

"Here, there are typically two branches. One is the submachine gun form, which sacrifices some spell power for rapid casting. The other is the shotgun form, which shortens casting range but significantly increases the area of effect and spell potency in a burst."

"Both forms can be mastered, and they are commonly used in wand transformations. Generally, the shotgun form is more suitable for Transfiguration, as it allows for more efficient large-scale environmental changes."

"Beyond these basic transformations, wands can achieve more advanced forms, which are much harder to control. These include: the assault rifle form, which enhances spell precision, range, and power, and its further evolution into the machine gun form; the precision rifle form, which evolves into the sniper rifle, greatly boosting accuracy, range, and spell strength; and finally, the shotgun's advanced forms—the grenade launcher and rocket launcher—offering longer range, higher accuracy, broader impact, and greater destructive power."

As Professor Flitwick introduced each wand transformation, his own wand seamlessly shifted between the various forms. To Harry's amazement, as a multi-time champion of wizard dueling, Flitwick appeared to have no weaknesses. Every weapon his wand morphed into exuded luxury, with crystalline finishes, making the professor look like a high-level player with exclusive skins from some premium in-game collection, each one more extravagant than the last.

The deeper meaning behind this display was clear—such luxury wasn't just for show. In the real world, unlike a simple game, this kind of opulence must hold significant weight.

Some eager hands shot up, including Harry's. He had long wanted to ask about the purpose of these intricate wand designs.

"Professor, may I ask you a question?" Harry inquired.

"Of course, Mr. Potter," Professor Flitwick nodded, his face beaming with a smile.

"Why is there such a big difference between your wand and ours? Whether it's Professor McGonagall, Professor Grindelwald, or you, your wands seem to be unique works of art."

Harry had always favored the cool sheen of metal, but if he had the chance to acquire such an exquisite wand design, he certainly wouldn't miss out.

"That's exactly what I'm about to explain," Professor Flitwick said, nodding slightly as he waved his crystal revolver.

"As you become more familiar with your wand's forms, your wand will grow and evolve with your progress. The intricacy of your wand's form reflects how well you've mastered that form."

"It starts with simple patterns and color changes, and eventually, you can develop a wand form that is uniquely yours. Even if your spellcasting ability doesn't improve, the transformation of your wand will deepen the spells you cast."

"For instance, let's consider the Lumos charm," Professor Flitwick said, aiming the now-silver metallic M500 at the ceiling and pulling the trigger. "Lumos!"

A fist-sized light orb floated out of the barrel, and simultaneously, the classroom curtains closed, blocking out the bright daylight outside.

The light orb illuminated an area of about five meters, with the light growing dimmer beyond that zone.

"If I use the same amount of magical energy with the Lumos charm but with the current wand form," he said, switching back to the crystal-skinned revolver and pulling the trigger again, "Lumos!"

A dazzling beam of light shot from the barrel, with the light being freely manipulated by Professor Flitwick's will. It illuminated the entire classroom at times and transformed into a cascade of colorful light rain falling from the ceiling. This was an epic enhancement of what was supposed to be a simple Lumos spell, and the grand display immediately captivated the attention of all the students.

The stark difference left a deep impression on each young wizard, even though they were witnessing a basic spell like Lumos. The awe was palpable.

The students reached out to catch the falling light, but just then, the tightly drawn curtains were pulled open.

"I think you're all eager to try this out now," Professor Flitwick said cheerfully. "Turn to the first page of your books. We have half an hour to practice this spell together."

"Put down your wands and recite with me."


The students quickly settled into their seats and diligently followed Flitwick's lead, practicing the spell.

The door to the magical world had quietly opened, and the small light of the Lumos spell began to illuminate the path ahead.

(End of Chapter)