Chapter 34: Flitwick’s Duelling Club (Part 1)

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Although Hogwarts had been heading in a strange direction lately, it was still a school—thankfully, not some military training camp for war-mongers. Normal classes were still being held.

Take Herbology, for example, Hufflepuff's favorite. Professor Sprout was as normal as could be. The plants in the greenhouse and the curriculum were exactly as expected, without anything beyond the standard syllabus. Even though Harry had to deal with fertilizers, dirt, and disobedient young magical plants, his love for gardening was in his blood, and he thoroughly enjoyed it.

Some things can't be changed just because you've crossed worlds. Once Harry started, he couldn't stop. He even took a few potted plants back to his dormitory, planning to grow something on his windowsill. This unusual form of exploration had him hooked.

Equally normal were History of Magic and Astronomy. The subject of stargazing hadn't changed, and Professor Binns in History of Magic was as boring as ever. His slow, droning voice made the already watered-down history of the magical world even more unbearable. After barely managing to stay awake for half an hour, Harry, like the rest of the class, slipped into a half-asleep daze.

But this week still held some excitement. Professor Flitwick's Duelling Club was quite interesting. It was a private little club of his that recruited the most talented students in Charms from each year.

At the end of April, May, and June, there would be a small duelling tournament hosted by the International Duelling Club. The April matches were regional competitions, with each registered magical school having a few recommended participants. After the regional rounds, May and June would see the semi-finals and finals.

Though it bore the label of an international event, not many participants actually entered. By the time the semi-finals came around, having ten people in each age group was already considered a lot. There weren't many recognized magical schools worldwide, especially ones as large as Hogwarts. Altogether, there were fewer than twenty.

Smaller magical schools struggled to attract talented students. Occasionally, a particularly gifted one would emerge, but they rarely stood a chance against larger schools and were mostly there to make up the numbers.

Even though the competition wasn't very large and didn't draw much attention, it still had considerable prestige. Especially the top-tier event—the International Duelling Championship. Winning that title would make you a major figure in the magical world. Professor Flitwick had earned his title of Duelling Master after defeating the world's top wizards five consecutive times.

Being selected by Professor Flitwick as one of his star pupils made Harry quite proud.

Upon arriving at the club, Harry spotted a familiar face from Slytherin—young Draco. He was amusing, but his older sister actually had the true air of a pureblood elite. Only two first-year students, Harry and Cassandra, had been invited to join the duelling club so early. Her quick rise meant she must have outshone her peers both in and out of the classroom.

"Miss Cassandra, fancy running into you here," Harry greeted her. Though he didn't particularly like her and wasn't eager to chat, her intense glare after he entered made it seem impolite not to acknowledge her.

"Well, it seems you two know each other," Professor Flitwick commented cheerfully. Due to his height, he hadn't noticed Cassandra's earlier expression. The noble Malfoy daughter wasn't one to wear her emotions so plainly.

After Harry spoke, Cassandra quickly composed herself, donning the usual Malfoy air of disdain. However, her signature look—a slight tilt of the chin—didn't quite work on someone like Harry, who towered over her by more than a head. Instead, it came across as an almost haughty glance upward. When Harry approached with a grin, the awkwardness of the moment became even more pronounced, so much so that Cassandra, realizing something felt off, subtly stood on her tiptoes.

"Yeah, we know each other," Harry replied to Professor Flitwick with a nod. Then, reaching out, he gently pressed down on Cassandra's head, lowering her back by two inches. "Standing on your toes won't make you any taller. Can you stop being so childish?"

"You! Shameless!" Cassandra slapped Harry's hand away, her face flushed with anger.

"There's no need to be so upset. You'll grow taller eventually," Harry replied with a smirk.

Cassandra's face darkened further as she instinctively took a step back, clutching her chest. If Professor Flitwick hadn't been present, she might have cast a nasty curse on Harry.

Just then, Professor Flitwick, who had climbed onto a wooden step stool to stand on the table, began to speak, drawing everyone's attention naturally to him.

"Everyone, please take a seat and don't be too formal," Flitwick said to the two newcomers, settling himself on a cushion atop the table.

"Today marks the first meeting of the Duelling Club since it started. Future meetings will follow the same schedule as today. Mr. Potter, Miss Malfoy, let me briefly explain what the Duelling Club is about."

The two, now having ceased their bickering, found nearby seats and listened attentively to Professor Flitwick.

"The purpose of the Duelling Club is to bring together witches and wizards who have a talent and passion for duelling. Unlike the duelling society within the school, I will personally teach you some specialized duelling techniques here. This includes fast casting, quick wand draws, training for accuracy in blind spell casting, and many advanced techniques that are not easily learned from books."

"All of this is in preparation for the annual International Youth Wizarding Duelling Championship. Although this event does not attract many participants, every wizard who reaches the finals is among the best spellcasters of their time. Winning this championship can significantly benefit your future careers."

"Whether it's the prize money or the honor, it's worth striving for."

"Although the competition is brief, it's a great opportunity to experience magical techniques from around the world. This will broaden your horizons and enhance your understanding. You are all outstanding students of Hogwarts, and I hope this will help you better explore your talents and not let your potential go to waste."

(End of Chapter)