Chapter 61: The Furious Frost Tyrant vs. the Ultimate Form of the Animagus!

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"Come on, Harry, I need to get you out of here," Nikita said as he returned to Harry's side, now holding a large, bulky rocket.

"In a few minutes, the Furious Frost Tyrant will be approaching the battlefield. It's not safe here, so I need to take you somewhere farther away."

"Here, take this. It's not as good as your Nimbus 2000, but it'll do. I managed to convince the captain to let me take you to watch from the edge of the battlefield. The Furious Frost Tyrant rarely leaves the Eternal Ice Plains, so this rampage is quite a spectacle."

"I don't think you should miss this."

"Thanks, Nikita." Harry gave him a grateful look. Without Nikita's help, Harry would've missed the chance to witness this event.

"Let's go. Over there." Nikita pointed east, and the two of them hopped onto the rocket, soaring into the sky with a 'whoosh.'

As they ascended higher, Harry felt more secure. The distant specks on the ground grew clearer as they rose.

"Here, use this telescope. It's the captain's prized possession—specially made for watching Quidditch matches. Way better than Muggle ones. Too bad he's got such poor eyesight. Even with this, he still struggles." Nikita smirked, recalling how his captain's poor vision had been a running joke among the team. One of their bearded teammates, in particular, often found himself the target of the captain's frustrations.

As the white dot in the distance grew larger, Harry finally saw the true form of the Furious Frost Tyrant through the telescope.

A towering, armored bear—three times the size of the Frost Tyrant he had previously encountered—made a thunderous entrance! The armor appeared to be made entirely of pure white ice, nearly half a meter thick. White fur filled the gaps in the armor, but nothing could conceal the immense, muscular body beneath. The beast's bulging muscles, rippling with raw power, resembled mountain ridges.

The Furious Frost Tyrant was a pure force of violence—a living, breathing war machine! Even more terrifying was the fact that, despite its massive physique, it still retained the ability to cast spells, even stronger than the Frost Tyrant Harry had faced before. A swirling ice storm surrounded its body, with shards of ice spinning around it like cannonballs.

The ice storm it controlled caused great trouble for the wizards, who fought while retreating, seemingly trying to buy time. Their goal was to stop the tyrant's advance south, though they didn't seem intent on killing it.

The hundreds of wizards encircling the Furious Frost Tyrant certainly had the ability to bring it down. Even dragons—well, most dragons, which were somewhat disappointing—could be stunned for a few seconds by a coordinated attack of around ten wizards casting Stupefy at once. Though they couldn't kill a dragon, controlling one wasn't too difficult.

But the Furious Frost Tyrant was a different story. While it didn't have the extreme magical immunity of a Sphinx, its thick, white armor deflected 99% of the spells that hit it. Only the few spells that managed to land in the gaps between the armor had any effect, and even then, it was like scratching an itch.

Even the barrage of hundreds of Stupefy spells only caused it to stagger slightly. This brief dizziness only seemed to enrage the beast further. For reasons unknown, the Furious Frost Tyrant was in a frenzied state, and the wizards' actions only fanned the flames of its fury.

The tyrant was now near the pine forest, not far from where Harry had killed the Frost Tyrant. The corpse had already been removed, but the lingering scent of blood still hung in the air. The moment the Furious Frost Tyrant caught a whiff, it let out a thunderous roar that echoed across the icy plains!

The pine forest, hundreds of meters away, trembled under the force of the roar. The trees on the outer edges splintered, sending shards of wood flying through the air. The wizards circling above the battlefield wavered for a moment, despite the protective spells they had cast on themselves. Some of the weaker Aurors even struggled to maintain their balance mid-air.

Harry couldn't understand Russian, but he could tell from the tone of the commander's voice that the situation was becoming desperate. Without using lethal magic, it was getting harder to stop the beast from moving south.

At that moment, a figure suddenly appeared above the battlefield, apparating into mid-air. A burly wizard, with no broom in sight, began free-falling from the sky. As soon as he appeared, a cheer erupted from the Aurors.

The Aurors quickly dispersed, clearing the battlefield for the confrontation between the Furious Frost Tyrant and the man who had just descended from the heavens. Acting as an impromptu audience, the Aurors repositioned themselves, pushing forward until they were not far from where Harry and Nikita stood.

"Who is that?" Harry asked curiously, pointing at the man still free-falling from the sky.

"We've been waiting for their reinforcements. The reason the Furious Frost Tyrant left the Eternal Ice Plains is because their home was blown up."

"A new entrance opened right in the middle of their territory. You can imagine—if your home is destroyed, wouldn't you go looking for trouble?"

"You mean the entrance is to…?"

"You're still too young," Nikita glanced at Harry. It seemed that, like at Hogwarts, there were certain secrets young wizards weren't told until they reached the third year of their studies—around thirteen years old.

"It's the Abyss, isn't it?"

"Oh, not bad! You're ahead of the game!" Nikita said with a grin. Now that Harry was privy to this knowledge, there was no need for secrecy. "Yes, it's an Abyssal entrance. A new one opened up right in the lair of the Frost Tyrant. Most of our main forces have been sent there to deal with it. It's an unstable spatial portal, so we have to blow it up before it stabilizes."

"Since the boss is here, that means the cleanup is almost finished."

"Let me introduce you—Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. We affectionately call him Big Ivan. He's the head of the Auror headquarters and the toughest man in the entire Soviet magical world. Our boss! He's the ultimate weapon guarding the border battlefield."

"Come on, let's cheer for him!" Nikita, grinning with excitement, grabbed Harry's hand and shouted, "Bear's strength!"

"Bear's strength?" Harry tilted his head in confusion.

"Ura!!!" A deafening roar erupted from the crowd.

As Harry watched, the man falling from the sky began to change. Alchemical armor materialized around his body, fully equipping him. Harry's eyes widened—he had seen similar armor before, on Professor McGonagall.

"Animagus transformation, second stage?" He tugged at Nikita's sleeve, asking.

"No, it's the ultimate form of the world's strongest Animagus!" Nikita declared.

At the very moment Nikita spoke, the man's blurred figure shifted again.

Already built like a tower, his body grew even larger, expanding into a massive, three-meter-tall figure with distinct bear-like features. An enormous, armored half-bear, half-human warrior hovered in the sky.

The Furious Frost Tyrant raised its heavy, razor-sharp paw, and as it swung, it tore through the air, creating blinding flashes that seemed to cut through space itself. The ice storm surrounding the Tyrant grew even more violent, the wind so sharp Harry could feel it slice through the air even from hundreds of meters away.

Big Ivan abruptly halted his fall, seemingly standing on thin air. As the Furious Frost Tyrant's paw came crashing toward him, the half-bear giant merely lifted his hand, catching the razor-sharp claws in his grip, completely unharmed by the ferocious blow.

He handled it effortlessly, as if holding onto some fragile toy.

The Furious Frost Tyrant stumbled back in confusion, staring at its own paw in disbelief. It swiped at the ground beside it, and the shockwave created by its claws sliced through the frozen earth as easily as cutting through tofu.

But what had just happened? The Furious Frost Tyrant, its brain struggling to comprehend, couldn't make sense of the situation. Not that it mattered—it had only one priority now: to crush the strange little man in front of it. It hated black bears! Whether they were full bears or half-bear humans, it loathed them! Those black aberrations deserved to die!


A roar filled with ice shards shook the heavens. The Furious Frost Tyrant's body swelled even larger, now fully embracing its battle mode. Standing at a towering 20 meters tall, its hulking frame radiated raw power, with muscles bulging so massively that the armor could barely contain them.

But then, a louder, even more deafening roar overshadowed the Tyrant's own.

A translucent black shadow materialized in the air.

"Holy crap! Susanoo?!"

Stunned by the scene before him, Harry blurted out, "What kind of ridiculous magical world is this?!"

A massive, ethereal armor enveloped Big Ivan, who stood mid-air. Now transformed into a thirty-meter-tall super half-bear warrior, his size utterly dwarfed the Furious Frost Tyrant. The massive, house-sized fist clenched tightly, and as it swung forward, the sheer destructive force obliterated the air in front of it!

Sonic booms echoed in layers, creating a vacuum corridor at the tip of his fist, with the compressed and twisted air giving the illusion of space itself warping.

In an instant, the twenty-meter-tall Furious Frost Tyrant was sent flying into the sky, spinning like a ragdoll. Its mind went blank for a moment as it tumbled through the air. Cracks appeared in its once-indestructible armor, and the swirling ice storm that had surrounded the Tyrant was completely shattered by the overwhelming force. For the first time, the ruler of the Eternal Ice Plains felt powerless against superior strength.

But the bearfolk fear nothing! The bearfolk never yield!

As the ultimate embodiment of brute force, a single setback only fueled the Furious Frost Tyrant's rage. Just as its name suggested, it wasn't just a man—it was pure fury in bear form.

Now on all fours, the Tyrant no longer underestimated its opponent. The shattered armor on its chest rapidly regenerated, with pale blue frost reinforcing the plates once more. Letting out a fearsome roar, the Furious Frost Tyrant charged forward with incredible speed, its colossal form barreling toward its adversary!

Their hands clashed in a violent struggle. The ground beneath them gave way, unable to withstand the tremendous force either side exerted. Spiderweb cracks spread for hundreds of meters as their sheer power shook the earth.

The deadlock didn't last long. In terms of raw explosiveness, the thirty-meter-tall Susanoo of Big Ivan might have had the upper hand, but in stamina, the pure muscle-bound Furious Frost Tyrant held an advantage! The massive giant was flipped, and with a victorious roar, the Tyrant bellowed in triumph. But in the next instant, an enormous cannon barrel was aimed straight at its massive head.

Harry wasn't sure what kind of magic it was, but with a flash of white light, the Furious Frost Tyrant was blasted back with a howl of pain.

Big Ivan, now grinning fiercely, charged forward and grabbed the airborne Tyrant, swinging it around like a ragdoll before slamming it into the ground.

A deafening crash echoed across the landscape, and in the midst of the debris cloud, the roars of the giant bear reverberated. The two absurdly powerful beings, now completely fired up, tore apart massive chunks of the frozen earth, sending car-sized debris flying. The onlookers scattered in panic, as the battle's shockwaves, reaching as far as a kilometer away, were far too deadly for anyone to approach.

Harry, overwhelmed by the scene, couldn't even come up with a witty remark. He had once thought wands turning into guns was outlandish, and the idea of wizards using RPGs to duel had been the peak of his imagination. But now…

Animagus transformations having a second stage was one thing. He could even accept the idea of someone transforming into Iron Man. But this—piloting a giant mecha with your own body—was beyond anything he had ever imagined! It defied his entire understanding of magic!

"This… this is magic?" Harry muttered to himself in a daze.

"I have to learn this!"

The door to a new world had been opened, and Harry, with his heart ablaze, could hardly wait to return to Hogwarts. Just yesterday, he had thought his class schedule was exhausting, but now he felt like there was still room to add a few more lines of extra lessons.

In the distance, the battle was coming to an end. The thirty-meter-tall Susanoo had been torn apart by the Furious Frost Tyrant's relentless bites and scratches, but the Tyrant wasn't faring any better. Two-thirds of its armor was shattered, its bear face swollen from the blows, and it was limping as it walked. Despite maintaining its imposing demeanor, reality's hard blows had finally humbled it.

With one last kick to its rear, the Furious Frost Tyrant scurried off into the distance, vanishing from sight. Its departing roars, mixed with a few muttered curses, made Harry involuntarily imagine it thinking, "What goes around comes around! Don't underestimate the power of a bear! Damn wizards, we'll meet again!"

(End of Chapter)