Chapter 18 - You Really Are Audacious

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From the moment Ye Nian appeared, Li Ruowang already knew.

This was definitely more than just a simple dream.

If her daughter could come out, what else could be impossible?

So, Li Ruowang took Ye Nian to the Ye Mansion.

Similar to the dream, Ye Liangyan was indeed present.

And this person was also a high-ranking minister in the court.

The difference was, Ye Liangyan had no children of his own.

When Ye Liangyan saw Empress Li Ruowang arrive late at night with a little girl, he was quite surprised.

He immediately knelt down to greet her.

But unexpectedly, Li Ruowang's words left Ye Liangyan somewhat puzzled.

"Where is your son, Ye Yu?"

Ye Liangyan looked bewildered and said, "Your Majesty, I currently have no children. As for Ye Yu, who is he?"

Upon hearing this, Li Ruowang didn't believe it.

She immediately ordered Ye Liangyan to be suspended and beaten.

In the dream, he could sacrifice everything just to ensure Ye Yu's freedom.

Whatever he said, Li Ruowang didn't believe.

Two and a half hours later, Ye Liangyan was nearly beaten to death.

Still, he couldn't understand when he supposedly had a son named Ye Yu.

At this moment, Li Ruowang also received a message from a Blood Guard.

Throughout the Great Qian Dynasty, there was no man named Ye Yu.

And Ye Liangyan truly had no children.

Li Ruowang fell silent for a long time.

Finally, she decided to release Ye Liangyan who was nearly beaten to death.

Regardless, Li Ruowang absolutely refused to believe that this was just a simple dream.

Her daughter, Ye Nian, was the best proof.

Li Ruowang swore to find the man from her dream as soon as possible.

Then she would ask him properly, why he insisted on meddling with others?

And why he would rather die if he couldn't seek that elusive freedom?

Being liked by her was his fortune.

She wouldn't tolerate his refusal!

In this reality, she absolutely would not allow him to die!

The next day, Li Ruowang brought Ye Nian to the court.

She announced to all civil and military officials, that this was her biological daughter named Ye Nian.

Princess of the Great Qian Dynasty!

And also the first successor to the throne of the future empress of the Great Qian Dynasty.

As this news spread, the court and the people were shaken.

They couldn't understand it at all.

When did Li Ruowang, who was alone, have such a big daughter?

And she even bears the surname Ye?

Ye Liangyan, the minister?

What exactly is going on?

To this, Li Ruowang had no clear explanation.

She just quietly looked at the sky outside the court.

She had already sent out everyone available to find Ye Yu.

She hoped to have an answer as soon as possible!



Ye Yu was still lying in bed.

Daytime life seemed dull.

If possible, he planned to keep sleeping until nightfall before starting his work.

So Ye Yu rolled over again, preparing to continue his morning nap.

But unexpectedly, after a muffled bang, the door that had been with him for years was forcefully kicked open.

The sudden commotion startled Ye Yu.

Who was so bold early in the morning to kick open the door?

But before Ye Yu could sit up, the person who came in grabbed his wrist and strode out.

"I've pulled some strings for you and found an elder. She's willing to take you as her disciple. Then, you can directly become an inner disciple. Come, I'll take you to meet her now."

Listening to this familiar voice, Ye Yu turned his head and sure enough, it was Wei Aoshu.

The undercover female cultivator from the Ten Thousand Souls Hall.

She was taking him outside.

What to say, this person was indeed meticulous.

She said she would find an opportunity within three days to make Ye Yu an inner disciple. But this was only the first day, and things were already moving forward.

She even found an elder specifically to take him as a disciple, which was definitely not a small favor.

However, Ye Yu still managed to break free from Wei Aoshu's grip.

"Wait, I can't go meet anyone right now, I need to go back!"

Upon hearing this, Wei Aoshu was quite displeased.

You don't even want the opportunity given to you? What are you trying to do?

Wei Aoshu turned her head, ready to lecture him.

But suddenly she noticed a serious problem.

A girlish scream echoed across the spiritual field.

Moments later...

Ye Yu was dressed neatly, ready to set off again with Wei Aoshu.

After what happened just now, Wei Aoshu's delicate face blushed slightly, her gaze becoming evasive.

"You, why didn't you even bother to put on clothes early in the morning?"

"You really are audacious, pulling me along before I've even gotten out of bed. How could I be dressed? You didn't even look, just dragged me away. Ugh."

A hint of resentment appeared on Ye Yu's face.

Wei Aoshu didn't want to continue discussing this topic.

She raised her sword finger, and a flying sword suddenly unsheathed behind her, landing in front.

Wei Aoshu leaped onto it and waved for Ye Yu to join her.

Looking at the not-so-spacious sword surface, Ye Yu felt quite uncertain.

If he were to fall from the sky, it would be game over right then and there.

After hesitating for a while, Ye Yu jumped up and hugged Wei Aoshu tightly with both hands.

This action caused Wei Aoshu's eyes to widen in disbelief.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!"

"Sister, I'm afraid of heights."

Ye Yu said without any shame.

After all, he wasn't trying to take advantage of her slender waist and good touch; it was purely because of his fear of heights.

Wei Aoshu's face turned incredibly strange.

Afraid of heights?

In this day and age, a cultivator still has a fear of heights?

Who wouldn't aspire to fly in the sky?

If he's afraid of heights, what will he do in the future? Will he have to walk everywhere?

Despite her doubts, seeing Ye Yu's sincere expression, it didn't seem like he was pretending.

In the end, Wei Aoshu, with the idea of helping others to the fullest, acquiesced to Ye Yu's actions.

But she still said softly, "Don't hold on so tightly, I can barely breathe."

"Then I'll loosen up a bit."

Ye Yu subconsciously loosened his grip.

But as Wei Aoshu began flying in the sky, his hands tightened again.

His first experience flying with a sword was indeed a bit unsettling.

Wei Aoshu couldn't help but sigh.

Considering they were both undercover agents, she refrained from scolding him further.

She just felt strange about this closeness with a man she had never experienced before.

The warmth coming from his waist made her fidgety.

So Wei Aoshu changed the subject, bringing up yesterday's events to shift their focus.

As a disciple of the Enforcement Hall, she patrolled the entire Azure Cloud Sect. If she found someone dead, she had to report the cause promptly. That was their duty.

After leaving Ye Yu, Wei Aoshu took the bodies of Hou Zhen and Hou Wang, and found Senior Li Long responsible for the outer sect affairs.

She lied, saying she found their bodies below a cliff, and preliminarily judged that they had accidentally fallen to their deaths while picking herbs.

In fact, there were deaths among outer sect disciples every year.

After all, cultivators below the Foundation Establishment stage were not much different from ordinary people.

They couldn't fast, let alone fly.

Occasional accidental deaths were inevitable. No one took it seriously.

Although Hou Wang was already an inner sect disciple of Azure Cloud Sect, he had only recently entered and hadn't truly broken through the Foundation Establishment stage.

The deaths of two Qi Refining stage disciples were not a big deal.

But Li Long's expression was grim.

He told Wei Aoshu that if it were anyone else who had died, it would be fine, but the fact that it was the Hou brothers from the Hou clan was a bit troublesome.

Hou Bujian, ranked third among the inner sect disciples of Azure Sun Sect, is their cousin.

He's extremely protective of them.

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