Chapter 24 - The Dao Companion Who Got the Protagonist Template

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When Ye Yu witnessed this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Thank goodness, really thank goodness.

This Ye Yan is a sensible person.

Not only did he prepare the pill in advance, he also prevented him from going out.

This is already excellent.

When he has enough strength in the future, he won't have to worry about encountering a 150x150 spherical Dao companion.

After all, Ye Yu really doesn't want to experience the pain of riding a ball. That would definitely be a nightmare.

Still, regardless of whether it's Ye Liangyan or Ye Yan, they are both pretty good people. They can be considered a stroke of luck in the dream world.

[At age 9, you officially entered the Qi Refining Stage.]

[Compared to peers, this speed already makes you outstanding.]

[You looked expectantly at Ye Yan, hoping for some approval from him.]

[But instead, you saw a grim expression on Ye Yan's face.]

[You couldn't understand why it was like this?]

[At age 12, you advanced to the mid Qi Refining Stage.]

[Despite this speed, Ye Yan was still dissatisfied, often scolding you to continue working hard and not slack off.]

[You felt very aggrieved.]

[Clearly you had already put in your utmost effort, truly not slacking off. Why could you never receive a word of encouragement?]

[In the latter half of the same year, Ye Yan arranged a betrothal for you.]

[The other person was from a powerful cultivation family, whose ancestor even reached the Crossing Tribulation Realm in the past.]

[It can be considered a glorious background.]

[The betrothed was the daughter of the family patriarch, named Bu Lingfei.]

[At 13, you saw Bu Lingfei for the first time and were struck by her stunning appearance.]

[Even though she was young, she already exuded an extraordinary charm.]

[Moreover, you found in her the prototype of a genius.]

[That year, you were in the mid Qi Refining Stage, while she was already in the mid Foundation Establishment Stage.]

[A difference of a whole realm.]

[This made you somewhat silent.]

[However, Bu Lingfei didn't say much about the realm difference. She just smiled lightly and nodded at you.]

[Your mood instantly improved a lot.]

[A boy's mind is always fickle.]

[Although it was just a brief meeting, Bu Lingfei left a deep impression on you.]

[And you also decided that she would be your future Dao companion.]

[No one else but her!]

[At age 17, you finally stepped into the Foundation Establishment stage.]

[And in these years, you haven't seen Bu Lingfei again.]

[But you've discreetly gathered some information.]

[The woman whom you once considered a genius Dao companion hasn't been doing well lately.]

[The reason is that Bu Lingfei hasn't made any progress in cultivation over these years.]

[It's as if she's stuck in a huge bottleneck.]

[There's even a suspicion of her cultivation regressing.]

[The Bu family has searched for numerous experts to check her, but they haven't found any reasons.]

Ye Yu's eyes became strange, the corners of his mouth involuntarily lifted up.

Wait a minute.

This plotline, why does it suddenly feel somewhat familiar?

But it seems a bit lacking in intensity.

Could it just be a coincidence?

[At age 18, you were very unhappy.]

[It was time for you to marry and become Dao companions. Yet Ye Yan still hadn't contacted the Bu family.]

[The reason was that Bu Lingfei had indeed fallen to the early Foundation Establishment Stage.]

[This bizarre phenomenon left everyone perplexed.]

[But deep down, they all understood.]

[The genius girl from the Bu family was probably crippled.]

[You found Ye Yan and told him that regardless of Bu Lingfei's realm dropping, you were still willing to choose her as your Dao companion.]

[To this, Ye Yan ignored you.]

[This made you feel very angry.]

[Eventually, you started pestering Ye Yan day and night, insisting that he agree to your marriage with Bu Lingfei.]

[Ye Yan couldn't stand your persistence.]

[He locked you up in the back mountains for two months.]

[And bluntly told you that the reason he chose Bu Lingfei earlier was because of her cultivation talent. But now, she was almost useless and couldn't guarantee your future safety.]

[You were dumbfounded.]

[You began to roar madly, how could a grown man let a woman protect him?]

[Ye Yan didn't explain this issue.]

[Instead, he turned and walked away.]

[At age 19, the Bu family provoked a formidable figure from the demonic sect.]

[In just half a month, the entire Bu family was completely annihilated.]

[Out of thousands of clan members, only Bu Lingfei survived.]

[She stumbled to the Hidden Heaven Valley, seeking to hide and cultivate here.]

[Hoping to one day seek revenge.]

[Ye Yan told Bu Lingfei that she could stay in Hidden Heaven Valley, but their childhood engagement was null and void; they must annul the marriage!]

Looking at the stunning Bu Lingfei, her face pale...

Ye Yu didn't get angry but instead smiled.

Suddenly, he slapped his thigh.


That's the plot, no mistake.

Realm hindrance, family destruction, engagement cancelled.

The three super dramatic elements all in one.

Is there any reason not to skyrocket from now on?

Even if Bu Lingfei were to shout right now, "Thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river, don't underestimate a weak girl," Ye Yu wouldn't feel any sense of dissonance.

She firmly held the protagonist template in her hands now.

What couldn't she say?

What couldn't she do?

Right now, there was only one thought in Ye Yu's mind:

To firmly grasp the thigh of this female boss.

[Upon hearing Ye Yan's words to Bu Lingfei.]

[Hidden behind the screen, you couldn't hold back any longer.]

[You rushed over and embraced Bu Lingfei, declaring that you wouldn't annul this marriage.]

[No matter what the future holds. You were determined that Bu Lingfei was your future Dao companion.]

[Even willing to give up everything and leave Hidden Heaven Valley with Bu Lingfei, to start anew!]

[This resounding declaration made Bu Lingfei, whose eyes were originally dim and lifeless, show a hint of unusual emotion.]

[You believed that with such a strong stance, Ye Yan would surely give in.]

[And in the end, you would live happily ever after with Bu Lingfei.]

[But you overlooked the most important thing.]

[That you couldn't match up to Ye Yan's power!]

[Ye Yan merely waved his hand slightly.]

[Immediately, two disciples rushed over and knocked you unconscious.]

[By the time you woke up, it was already night.]

[Ye Yan told you that the marriage had been annulled, and Bu Lingfei was so arrogant she left Hidden Heaven Valley.]

[Her whereabouts were unknown.]

[She was just a passerby in your life, it's better to forget her sooner.]

Ye Yu stood frozen in place.

Looking at the image of Ye Yan's somewhat handsome old face in his mind, he couldn't help but clench his fist.

Damn it, you're really rebellious.

You're a rebellious father!

You've ruined my chances of wealth and prosperity!


This is too much!

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