Chapter 27 - Exclusive Mark

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[Facing Bu Lingfei's confession, you were also very happy, constantly expressing your longing for her over the years.]

[And repeatedly thanking her for wiping out the Dragonlight Sect twenty years ago.]

[Bu Lingfei said that the one who should be grateful is her.]

[You misunderstood Ye Yan in the beginning.]

[The reason Ye Yan made things difficult for Bu Lingfei was deliberately putting on a show for others to see.]

[Ye Yan and Bu Lingfei's father were longtime close friends. When his good friend passed away, how could he bear to see his friend's daughter wandering?]

[But it was definitely not appropriate to shelter her in the Hidden Heaven Valley. Because Ye Yan also didn't want Bu Lingfei to bring disaster to his sect.]

[So he deliberately staged a drama to anger Bu Lingfei.]

[But privately, he did not hesitate to send cultivation resources to her.]

[Upon hearing this, you were quite surprised, never thinking that Ye Yan secretly did so much for you.]

[Your eyes welled up slightly again.]

[Bu Lingfei told you that it was also Ye Yan's kindness to her.]

[So after reaching the late stage of Integration Realm, she couldn't wait to wipe out the Dragonlight Sect and avenge the Hidden Heaven Valley.]

[Your face once again became unnatural.]

[Just over a hundred years. Has she already reached the Integration Realm? Such cultivation speed is definitely unprecedented.]

[The Daughter of Destiny is indeed extraordinary.]

[But this was also expected. To be able to single-handedly destroy a sect, how could her realm be low?]

[Originally, according to your estimation, only a Tribulation Crossing realm cultivator could achieve this.]

[But Bu Lingfei managed to accomplish this in the Integration Realm.]

[There must be peerless treasures on her, or techniques that can defeat opponents of higher realms.]

[Perhaps both.]

[After all, the life of the Daughter of Destiny is beyond ordinary imagination.]

[Afterwards, you lived together with Bu Lingfei.]

[The two of you were inseparable, with a very good relationship.]

[During this time, Bu Lingfei asked, after so many years, she also tried to find you but never heard anything. Where did you go exactly?]

[Regarding this question, you did not tell the truth.]

[Instead, you casually made up an excuse to evade it.]

[You strongly felt that you absolutely could not mention anything about Yun Wuci. Otherwise, there could be unexpected major consequences.]

[At the age of 151, your realm was still stuck in the middle stage of the Divine Transformation realm.]

[It seemed to be your bottleneck.]

[While Bu Lingfei had already begun preparing to break through to the Tribulation Crossing realm.]

[The vengeance of Hidden Heaven Valley has been avenged. But the true culprit behind the massacre of the Bu family is still at large.]

[That demonic powerhouse had already reached the Tribulation Crossing realm several hundred years ago. Therefore, for Bu Lingfei to seek revenge, she can only choose to strive for the Tribulation Crossing realm.]

[During her seclusion, you were alone once again.]

[So, you decided to travel outside, hoping to find opportunities for breakthroughs.]

[Honestly speaking.]

[You feel a lot of pressure.]

[It's not that you can't handle the dynamic of a woman stronger than a man. But you don't want to become a burden.]

[Since Bu Lingfei has avenged the Hidden Heaven Valley, now she has become your companion.]

[In this situation, how can you stand by and do nothing about the Bu family's vengeance?]

[Even if you're not the main force, you should at least lend a hand, right?]

[Being stuck in the middle stage of the Divine Transformation realm is quite embarrassing. You must find a way to improve.]

[A month later.]

[You arrive atop a massive mountain range, just about to settle down and rest here.]

[But unexpectedly, a surging wave of energy blew from afar, making your stance unsteady.]

[This leaves you very puzzled.]

[What exactly happened ahead?]

[Could it be that some secret treasure has appeared?]

[With thoughts of trying your luck, you cautiously approach the area ahead.]

[Soon, you discover a tremendously large crater in the distance. There are even remnants of lightning flashing around it.]

[A formidable pressure makes you uncomfortable.]

[It's definitely the aftermath of a fierce battle between high-level cultivators. Otherwise, it wouldn't have caused such a stir.]

[After cautiously observing the surroundings for a while and finding nothing unusual, you start to approach slowly.]

[Inside the crater, you find a woman in tattered robes.]

[Her hair is disheveled, and her face is not clear. But from her appearance, it seems she is seriously injured.]

[Apart from this woman, you find nothing else in the crater.]

[Originally, you didn't want to get involved. Seeing death and not rescuing is the main theme in the cultivation world.]

[But before leaving, you suddenly notice a bright little flower on the woman's shoulder.]

[You feel like you've been struck by lightning.]

[Immediately, you rush over.]

[You tear open the damaged clothes on her shoulder.]

[Yes, it's this little flower.]

[It's the one you engraved!]

[Decades ago, during your daily companionship with Yun Wuci, you discovered a tiny birthmark on her shoulder while studying calligraphy.]

[Yun Wuci cared a lot about it and didn't want you to see.]

[So, while she was asleep, you secretly engraved a bright little flower there.]

[You told Yun Wuci that since you had never seen her real face, leaving a mark would make it easier to find her in the future.]

[Although Yun Wuci teased you about it, she used her powers to preserve this little flower all this time.]

[You really didn't expect to encounter Yun Wuci in this place.]

[So, you quickly bring her to a safe place and use various spiritual medicines to treat her injuries.]

[It must be said, the vitality of a Tribulation Crossing realm cultivator is incredibly tenacious.]

[Just half a day later, Yun Wuci slowly regained consciousness.]

[Seeing you beside her, she is utterly surprised.]

[Then, almost instinctively, she reached for her own face.]

[Finding her mask missing, she tried to remain composed, not saying a word.]

[But you revealed her identity in one sentence.]

[Yun Wuci, you are truly beautiful.]

[Upon hearing your words, Yun Wuci blushed with embarrassment.]

[Just as she tried to get up, she realized an intense pain all over her body.]

[You quickly step forward to help her lie back down.]

[Then, you ask what happened.]

[Yun Wuci deliberately turned her head away, refusing to speak to you.]

[You refrain from pressing further.]

[Quietly, you guard her side.]

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