Put koji vodi u prošlost postoji samo u pričamaSrušeni mostovi razdvajaju dvije stranePostoje vladari u ratu i miruDok se ne sjetimo tko je napisao prvi život je ljubav...To nam nitko neće moći reći, ali prije 7000 godina netko je to napisao na glini u civilizaciji koja nije poznavala oružje, gradili su mir i čvrste zidoveA onda su došli barbari koji nisu poštivali granice miraŽeljeli su kruh bez motike, kradući od vrijednihSpalili su njihove skromne kolibe i prisilili ih da pobjegnu kao izbjegliceOtišli su na jug, gdje se Dunav ulijeva u more, sve do Žute rijeke kao izbjegliceKamo god su išli, učili su druge ljude onome što su znalisjetva pšenice i izrada glinenih posuda, šivanje i pisanje njihovih simbolaCarevi drugih naroda cijenili su njihov rad i znanjeBili su poznati kao dobri graditelji, pa nije ni čudo što su postavili prve temelje Velikog zidaA kada je Veliki Khan stvorio carstvo, oni su bili prvi pozvani da izvrše građevinske radove u carstvuMarko Polo nije spomenuo Veliki zid u svojim putopisnim memoarima, što ne znači nužno da Veliki zid nije izgrađen, možda Marko iz nekog razloga nije putovao u tom smjeru, jer je samo nekoliko godina nakon Markovog povratka u Italiju, najduži dio Velikog zida u obliku zmaja napravljen prema zapisima dinastije MingNeka čitateljima ne smeta ovaj dugi uvod, naša se priča odvija u razdoblju dinastije Ming, paralelno, u malom carstvu, a gradska tvrđava gradi se na Hemu kao carska zadužbina. Zajednički im je identičan stil gradnje Velikog zida i grada, kao i na samom početku gradnje zidina i tvrđava prije mnogo stoljeća.Povezuje ih sličan mit, prema legendi, kosti voljenog generala pokopane su u Velikom zidu, a careve snahe u gradskoj tvrđavi, toliko tragično da ističu ogromnu žrtvu koju su podnijeli graditelji.Recimo da svaka zgrada, most ili kamen ima duha u sebiStari grad ima svoj duh, to su duše njegovih građana koji su voljeli taj grad, čak i ako su otišli na kraj svijeta, naša duša ostaje tamo gdje živi ljubav, tako se rađaju legende da zauvijek traje sjećanje na veliku ljubav, junake i sve one koji su svojim djelima stvarali povijest.
Poglavlje 1.
De Mao se pomaknuo, tupa bol u glavi bila mu je nepodnošljiva, pa je glasno zastenjao. i zgrabio ga za glavu kako bi bol bila manje intenzivna.Smirite se, generale - u trenutku se pored njega pojavio mladi vojnik iz jedinice.
Da, to nije naš teritorij, izgleda da smo otišli na jug u povlačenju i izgubili se u pustinji. Čini se da je ovo davno bio veliki grad, ali ostali su samo zidovi i ruševine.But whoever built this city was from a highly developed civilization, they also built a water system, that's why there is still drinking water here, which saved us from death.These walls are very strong and an excellent defense against enemies.General De Mao glanced at the ruins around him, suddenly a beam of light broke through an opening in the wall, and he thought he had seen defensive walls built like this before.On the battlefield, he traveled on horseback to various places from an early age, and he knew that such a wall existed during the Ming Dynasty but built since the Han Dynasty. In his chronicles, Sima Tan also wrote about the ancient civilizations of distant peoples who came to our territory fleeing war conflicts. Something told him that this was no ordinary city and he wanted to take a closer look, he got up, only to realize that his leg was also in wounds.
The soldier looked at him helplessly.
-"Forgive me, general, while you were sleeping, you were bitten by a snake, so we bandaged your leg, some soldiers went on horses to bring medicine and with them a doctor to find an antidote plant, here we found only lavender so we just put lavender oil on the wound and embolized leg, that's why you must walk slowly and carefully."
-"The place is neglected, but there are still wildflowers, if lavender is growing, maybe the Romans were here, so they were recently visited by the soldiers of the Byzantine Empire."
An empty city forgotten by everyone, like him and the soldier left alone to return.The ruins were like terrifying ghosts of the past, the stone walls frighteningly jutting into the sky like the remains of former tall monuments. A city lost in some terrible battle and burned to the ground seemed to defy fate and some hand dragged him to explore the place.Suddenly he tripped and saw the remains of a clay vessel in the ground, slowly took it out of the ground and wiped it, he noticed some signs on the vessel that he did not understand, he wondered what this writing was, he knew several script languages, especially the ancient one, he also turned around a miracle he could read "Life is Love" from one angle.
This is an ancient city, and it must have been looted and burned so that no trace of its existence would remain, but he had heard from his military teacher that the ancient peoples had underground secret stashes of food, treasures and hidden tunnels that led to distant destinations faster than riding a horse. Those shelters were well hidden so that the enemies would not discover the treasure.
There must be a door or a hidden drawbridge leading to the shelter, and even today in the kingdoms around the Danube River they build strong forts along the rivers and drawbridges so that the enemy cannot reach the door easily.
On the second day they continued digging, it was already too hot, and they took shelter in the shade of the trees that were still growing despite the fate of the forgotten and ruined city. They were in a hurry, food supplies were running low, help had not yet arrived, and there was nothing left for them but to discover a secret exit from the city lost in the dense steppe. The general was right, traces of the mosaic began to appear on the floor. It is the dining room, the secret door to the pantry and wine cellar can be nearby. On the mosaic was a painted figure and a circle framed as a coat of arms with "NINOS" written on it, and inside the circle was hidden a secret exit, no key was needed, just a raised slab in the center of the circle that led to the secret space interior.Stairs led to the shelter by a winding path deep into the center where there was everything one could wish for, a huge pharmacy of medicines, a library over all the walls with neatly arranged books of the world, the richest treasury, chests of gold and pearls were overflowing, jewels glittered on the marble floor, food and seeds in sacks, grain which can still be used in tin containers, the inhabitants of the city seemed to be ready to experience the apocalypse or had been under siege by the enemy for a long time.However, there were no signs of human bodies in the shelter, only the prophetic bones, so those who reached the shelter quietly left, leaving everything behind and hoping to return.
Chapter 2
At the bottom of the shelter they could live comfortably, it was hot outside and cool inside the shelter, but they knew that one day they would have to find another way out, the sooner the better, they brought supplies of food, medicine, they even discovered an antidote against snake bites, some gold but enough to pay for food and lodging when they get out and for horses to go back to the Ming Dynasty.There was one road leading from the shelter, and then there was an intersection, they didn't expect two exits.They asked themselves which road leads to the homeland."I will take this southern road," said the soldier, "and you will go east."No, we will not separate, look next to each exit there is a painted mosaic and a map - the southern road leads to the Danube basin, and the eastern road to the Yellow river, let's go to the Yellow river together.
After 30 minutes of walking, they discovered that they were in trouble, that the eastern exit had an obstruction, huge rocks had collapsed and buried the passage.There was no choice but to go back and take another route towards the Danube.They listlessly walked through the tunnel under the ground, if they go towards the Danube, who knows if they will ever see their homeland, they also could not stay in the shelter, so the only way out is the Danube. Although it seemed to them that they wandered through the tunnel for days, one day was enough to reach the Danube basin. There was a small settlement there, so they set out to exchange gold for food and horses. When the general handed one gold coin to the baker, the baker shouted "NINO", and all the merchants and townspeople turned towards them. "-No, we give you bread and anything you wish for free, Nino was our emperor,"- they somehow communicated with their hands and gestures.
A translator also arrived quickly because they too did business with emperors and dynasties from all over the world. After learning about our situation, they decided that we would not be able to travel such a long distance alone on ordinary horses or ships because it is not safe from sea pirates.
"You need a miracle to be able to return to the Ming Dynasty.However, there is a way though, Mark's kingdom is nearby, we will call him to help you. He is our hero as strong as Hercules, widely known for helping everyone in need and goes everywhere on a winged horse."-We will send a dove to convey a message to him to come and help you urgently, General! -" the locals told them.
Not even half a day had passed, and already Marko Kraljevic was walking around the town on his horse Sarac, with fairy Raviola next to him, waving warmly to the locals.
-"General from the Far East, I heard you took refuge in an abandoned city built by Nino Belov to protect the citizens from the floods that were tragically fatal at the time. I can take you back to your homeland on my winged horse in a moment or two, but first come to my castle to give you a good welcome, because you are wounded and exhausted, I can't take you back to the Ming Dynasty like this."
Emperor Vukashin heard that his son had guests from the Far East, so he sent his most beautiful courtier to be the faithful love of the general and apply salve to his injured wounds.
-"I have given all my daughters in marriage, so I can only give you a general girl from the court, but I will present you as if you were my son-in-law. At that time, the Skadar fortress on Bojana was being built by Vukashin as a personal endowment, so he visited it with the general. The general, when he saw how the fortified city was being built for defense and protection from the floods, decided to ask the Ming emperor to build a continuation of the Great Wall and invite experts from the Vukashin Empire to carry out the work, so he told Vukashin.
-"If Emperor Ming allows it, we will pay your workers in gold, that's what I'm asking for instead of a gift."
-"I want my son-in-law, general, my enemies have already buried this girl from the court alive in songs, so let her live in love and peace with you.Love is life," said Vukashin."Love is life", replied the general.
As they said, so it was.
Emperor Ming continued to build the Great Wall, the general on one stone next to the wall wrote by Chinese characters" Life is Love!"
If you don't believe me check it out!
Only love destroys all barriers and blocks on the road, hatred destroys goodness in people, and universal beauty saves the world!When I say beauty, it's a big concept, it's not lust, the beauty of nature always ennobles us in the heart and spirit, for our planet to remain this beautiful, let's keep it like precious gold so that it shines for us.