Chapter Twenty One:Tsubaki Breakthrough

"It's complete!"

Tsubaki raised her right hand in triumph, a strangely shaped long sword held tightly in her grip. The sword gleamed with a cold light in the still-burning furnace.

"Whoa!!!!" The surrounding blacksmiths erupted into cheers, their deafening shouts seemingly capable of shaking the entire building.

Even Shirou couldn't help but be swept up in the excitement. The heated forge was filled with everyone's passion, and the air itself felt as though it were on fire. Shirou's heart, too, began to burn with excitement.

Although he had already tried his hand at forging swords a few times, they had mostly been practice runs, mass-produced works. He had yet to create a masterpiece bearing his own personal mark.

The reason Shirou Emiya became an adventurer was to gain the strength to protect those he loved, so he would never experience the helplessness of losing them again.

Watching Tsubaki truly complete the forging of the [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword], he felt a genuine thrill deep inside.

Even though this was a copy of a copy, if it could replicate even a fraction of the original Noble Phantasm's power, the significance behind it would be groundbreaking. After all, there is no rule that an imitation cannot defeat the original.

"Without a doubt, this is a magic sword that surpasses all previous magic swords," Tsubaki confidently declared. "More importantly, it was created solely by the hands of mortals, without relying on the bloodlines or powers of spirits. So let's celebrate this monumental achievement!"

"Whoa!!!!" The blacksmiths once again burst into enthusiastic cheers.

The creation of the [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword] had been aided by Shirou's unique magic, [Unlimited Blade Works], though it was Tsubaki who truly forged the sword. Her lifelong experience and passion were engraved into the sword, making it more than just an ordinary magic sword.

Although Shirou had only contributed a single hammer strike in the forging process, he now felt he had a deeper understanding of the noble phantasm, [Caladbolg].

At the same time, as Shirou gazed at the terrifyingly powerful magic sword in Tsubaki's hand, he couldn't help but wonder, "Just how powerful is this magic sword?"

The original noble phantasm, [Spiral Sword (Caladbolg)], wielded by the great Celtic hero Fergus mac Róich, could slice off mountain tops and break apart the earth when unleashed at its full potential. The replica Shirou projected, [Fake Spiral Sword (Caladbolg II.)], had enough power to warp space and destroy buildings.

Now, the [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword]—or rather, [Fake-Fake Spiral Sword (Caladbolg III)] forged by Tsubaki—how much power could it unleash?

However, Shirou was merely curious about the answer, but Tsubaki's words sent a chill down everyone's spines.

"Let's test out the power of this magic sword," she mused.

At that moment, the previously heated atmosphere of the forge instantly cooled, as if a cold winter snow storm had swept through.

"Calm, calm down, Captain!"

"That's no ordinary magic sword! At least… let us get out of the building first!" The blacksmiths panicked, trying to stop the eager Tsubaki.

"I'm just joking." Tsubaki chuckled. "As much as I want to see what it can do, there's no way I'd use a magic sword inside the forge. You guys really have no sense of humor." No, Tsubaki, it's more that everyone assumed you weren't joking. Maybe you should be the one reflecting on that!

"Besides, I'm counting on this magic sword to earn me a lot of money. Although it's a shame I can't test it myself, but I'd rather not waste its precious limited uses." Tsubaki's conflicted expression made it clear that she was very tempted to activate the magic sword and unleash its power.

However, magic swords typically only have a few uses, usually less than ten. And Tsubaki estimated that this particular [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword], despite its large size, would only be good for three use at most. If pushed to its full capacity, it might even break after just one use.

To forge this magic sword, Tsubaki had poured in all of her savings, even borrowing some from the Familia. The real expenses, however, were in the many experiments conducted during the forging process, a significant chunk of what is commonly known as "research costs." Although the sword itself was expensive, its price was far from astronomical.

That said, for someone as prestigious as Tsubaki, known as the city's best blacksmith, to regularly be broke was quite the achievement. But her expensive hobbies—collecting rare gear and materials, and designing new equipment—were to blame.

As everyone knows, research is the most expensive endeavor of all.

However, although research costed a lot of money, but they can pay you back just as quickly. With this [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword], Tsubaki could really make a fortune off some gullible clients from other familias.

"Shirou, thanks to your help, I was able to complete this magic sword!" Tsubaki came over to Shirou and hugged him tightly. Her well-trained, voluptuous body was stronger than he could have imagined, leaving him unable to resist.

"Tsubaki, I… can't breathe."


"I'm here for a status update, Lady Hephaestus."

"Oh, Shirou, you're here." Hephaestus spoke while lightly sucking her left index finger, her supple lips gleaming.

"Perfect timing, Tsubaki just finished her update." The goddess added, "It's been tough, but that child's basic abilities have finally broken through!"

Tsubaki had been a veteran first-class adventurer for years, and her promotion to Level 5 dated back to the dark age. After her level up, thanks to her impressive talent and passion for smithing, her abilities rapidly grew, especially the Dexterity stat, which is most crucial for a blacksmith.

But passion and hard work alone aren't always enough to break through one's limits. For the longest time, Tsubaki's Dexterity had been stuck at A899, a threshold she believed was her ultimate limit. She had even become a little disheartened by it.

However, after completing the [Magic Sword - Spiral Sword] and undergoing a status update, it was confirmed: her Dexterity had finally increased, reaching S900. This breakthrough signified that Tsubaki had surpassed her own boundaries, which also reflected on the quality and power of the magic sword.

"Unfortunately, Tsubaki still lacks enough achievements; otherwise, we will have our first Level 6 adventurer in the Familia." Hephaestus commented.

Shirou had heard from Tsubaki before that unlike lower-level adventurers who can level up with just D-rank stats, those at Level 5 usually have stats at their maximum limits—often with their strongest stat already at S-rank—yet they're often stuck due to lacking enough achievements.

"But since her stats can break through their limits, the achievements will surely follow in time," Hephaestus said confidently.

"Tsubaki has high standards for herself. Besides Dexterity, her Strength and Endurance still have some distance to A-rank, but I believe it won't take long," the goddess added.

Having thought she had already reached her limits, Tsubaki's sudden growth marked a new beginning. Unbeknownst to her, destiny had quietly shifted.