Roderick tried to speak properly, but started stuttering instead, "M-Mr. Riegel, has this c-clumsy one b-bothered you in any w-way? I'm very sorry! I apologize…"
"No need to apologize for her. Wright, am I correct? The meeting room should have been opened and ready by now, so we wouldn't have to stand in the way of the people coming into your department," Vincent interrupted, making Roderick freeze and almost swallow his own tongue.
Wright gazed angrily at Siel as if it was her fault that the meeting room was closed. She managed to squeeze herself out of this situation, and out of V's arms, to quickly skitter to her desk.
"Special day for Roderick, huh? Did you catch his newly torn-down Christmas spirit?" Diwa Denar, her best friend and desk neighbor, greeted her with a small smile, trying to cheer her up, as she did every day.
If the twins were her engine, this lady was her fuel. She was there through thick and thin, even taking care of the babies when the tyrant who played the boss in their office didn't let Siel go home to her small family.
"Tell me about it. One minute late, Di. One minute! I swear, that guy sits in front of his office clock and waits to see if I'm late," was Siel's answer with a deep sigh.
"I know, he's that much of a loser," Diwa giggled, finally making Siel giggle along with her.
There it is. I made her smile. My job as a friend is done. At least, for this morning… Siel’s close pal said to herself.
"You know what day is today?" Di continued aloud.
"Ah, Di. I really don't wanna think about it."
"Why?! It's my very favorite month! We have to plan on matching ugly sweaters and Christmas hair accessories. You always manage to look good in them no matter how ridiculous they are. Besides, green and red have always looked great with your pearly-white skin!"
"You say that every Christmas, Di. This year it's not gonna work," Siel stated in a depressed tone.
"What is it now? Don't tell me your ex is bothering you again?"
"No, Di. Or well, not just that. This year I don't think I can manage buying anything else but our food and paying rent and utilities this month with my current salary. I'm so tight that I don't think I'll be able to get anything for the twins, and that goes double for me," she said, her voice breaking.
"Then, why don't you hang their wishes on the office tree? You know, the angel wishes? They will light the tree today, and I think they've given everyone until December the tenth to hang their angel wishes on it."
Diwa opened her hand, and there were two little paper angels with a golden cord attached to the top of each of them.
"Think about it, at least?" her smiling , redheaded friend finished, seeing how her fellow employee's eyes filled up when talking about her twins while making a superhuman effort to not let the tears fall.
Without saying a word, Siel threw her arms around her favorite person in the whole wide world, who wrapped her in a hearty hug as well. Diwa knew that her co-worker and best friend would not accept any other kind of financial help. Siel wasn't proud, but Di knew how difficult it was to for them to make money and to make it fit, so she didn't even think of offering a loan to help her friend.
That would definitely be viewed as an insult by Siel, and that is the last thing the poor single mom needed to deal with at this time.
Other than another verbal attack by her tall and thin boss…
The screaming man came stomping back into his office, grabbed a few printed documents from his desk then walked over to Siel's table.
"You'd better have the two contracts checked and ready to be signed in two hours, Siel! If we don't have them on time, the client will look for another outsourcing company. You know how much money we would lose between the support, maintenance, and computer parts if we didn't sign.
"Yes, sir, I know how much the contract brings in," the flustered woman answered, almost mumbling to herself.
"Then get it done!" Wright hissed/yelled at her, noticing that their CEO was still looking his way. Or he thought it was his way…
Maybe it was someone else he was looking at. Shit, better get out there and start the meeting or I'm dead.
Meanwhile, the green-eyed Di saw the way Roderick didn't fully yell at her friend and followed his line of sight, noticing that Vincent was still looking their way. She smirked and raised an eyebrow at the CEO. In response, Vince slightly blushed, and she could see it clearly, even from a good distance away.
Eventually, the flushed man finally looked away because he was already being invited by the Wright, along with the other suited executives, to enter the meeting room.
Still smiling, Diwa turned again to her friend and encouragingly continued their conversation, "Just think about it, OK? While you do, just imagine how your kids' faces are gonna light up like the sparkly lights on a Christmas tree when they get their wishes. Promise me you will, OK?"
"Alright Di, I will," Siel sighed, right before fully immersing herself back in her work.
One call with an on-floor technician, one phone meeting with their warehouse, a few trips to the Legal Department, and a few contracts in the works later, and it was past her supposed shift's end. For some reason, she couldn't help but glance at the meeting room whenever she would go past it. And she would find her eyes automatically drawn to a certain lightly-bearded man in a black suit…
After a few more hours, Siel was now sitting at her desk, alone in the office, tired and worried because she was still rechecking the contract details before leaving it on her boss's desk. The dark brown eyed 27 year old lady took a break by drinking her favorite cinnamon coffee brew, which she always had on hand in one of her desk drawers.
Stopping for a minute, the 5 foot ten inch single mom looked at the angel-shaped pieces of paper that her friend put in her hand which were now on her table. A small smile lit up her face, right before her mobile phone rang…
"Hey Siel, you might want to come home soon, not that I'm rushing you… But your ex-husband is here and he wants to and insists playing with the kids."
"OK, I'm going. Just stay there until I get home," she replied as she picked up the documents which she was still studying. Finally satisfied, she entered her boss' private office and placed them neatly on top of his desk, her mobile still stuck between her cheek and shoulder.
"Hell, I'm staying until he leaves, girl."
"You don't need to, Nella. I can't pay you for the extra hours."
"Then don't pay me for that. It's a favor. Besides, I get to use your internet for free, and I need that for my thesis. That's why I gave you dirt-cheap rates, remember?"
"No, buts. Besides, I still need to finish a chapter, so I'm staying. Will be waiting for you."
And the call abruptly ends…
At this point, Siel had already mindlessly stuffed random items on her desk into her bag, had put on her coat, and was now rushing out the door and into the elevator. Soon, she was already at home, parking her car in the garage.
Maybe because she was a little too panicky, Siel was totally unaware of another vehicle following her all throughout her journey. It slowed down as she parked and then zoomed away as her home's garage door started to close.