Siel finally entered the reception hall of the luxurious 166th floor via a special lift that can be used only by those who were allowed "upstairs". After she said her name to the bulky MIB-looking security staff, she went through an airport-styled security check; complete with a full-body scanner in front of the elevator's door entrance, before stepping into the luxurious and ultra-modern-looking lift.

A little intimidated, she slowly approached the attractive, boyish-looking man who was sitting at a large, executive-style desk near large, ornate mahogany double doors.

"Excuse me," Siel politely said, as he looked up.

Myron's eyes lit up, and so did his smile. "Oh, hi!" he said in a friendly and almost excited tone. "You must be… Elena Camden, yes?" He said with the same tone, checking his notes.

She found that greeting peculiar, considering the circumstance but just decided to ignore it.

"Y-yes. I am. I-" Siel gulped as she realized that she's actually more nervous now than angry. She was also feeling a bit shy, though still worried. Especially since she suddenly seemed to have lost her train of thought…

Myron allowed her to try unraveling her words, still with that small smile on his face, since he knew what was about to happen.

"I think he's waiting for me… Am I late… Or I might be too early… It's fine, I can wait."

"Oh no, he is waiting for you now," Myron said with a knowing smile. "For quite a long time, actually."

"Oh… I'm sorry… well… please, I don't want to keep him waiting."

Good answer, Ms. Camden… Myron told himself as he got up from his chair and motioned for her to follow him. He walked to the mahogany double doors, which were slightly open, and knocked.

"Come in," a deep, seductive voice came from the other side, and Myron pushed one door open then walked in. He politely guided Siel towards the massive and embellished mahogany executive desk…

And to the beautiful man with the dark blue suit sitting behind it, with the whole city skyline as his perfect background.

Siel was trying hard not to die of shock, or let her jaw fall to the floor.

It's him… the same man I saw a while ago… the one who I crashed into days back…

Myron's smooth voice interrupted her thoughts, "Sir, your appointment for 2 PM, Ms. Elena Camden."

Oh no! Is it possible that he's firing me for that collision? But it was an accident! And… didn't he defend me against Roderick… Oh God, what the hell is happening?

"Welcome, Ms. Camden. It's a pleasure to see you again."

V answered even more smoothly than Myron. "Please, take a seat."

Siel was now extremely puzzled at the welcome she just received. The man's face was practically glowing with a sincere almost childlike smile, and his eyes shone with delight. There was not a tinge of anger or even seriousness that she expected to see.

The personal assistant tried to hide the smile that was starting to show on his own face. He moved away from the desk to let Siel sit down on one of the plush leather seats in front of it.

"If there's nothing else, for now, I believe I will be taking my lunch, sir?"

"Of course, Myron. You can go. Thank you very much," Vince said without looking at his assistant's direction, fully focused on the female who is now slowly sitting down in front of him.

The boyish-looking man bowed slightly at his employer then looked at Siel in the eye, a wide smile now on full display. He bid both goodbye then walked out of the large, impressively-styled room, closing the door behind him.

"Good afternoon, Miss Camden," V finally said in a soft tone after a few seconds of silence. "May I call you Elena?"

Siel couldn't believe what she was hearing… or seeing…

He's nice, warm, charming, not to mention so damn attractive, with that gorgeous smile, those beautiful eyes… Ok, Siel, calm down! How could you even think about how hot he is at a time like this?! What the hell, he's going to fire you, ok! Please keep that in mind, and don't you dare show him any sign that you're heating up just by looking at him!

If only she knew…

Presently, V is trying so hard to hide the fact that he's now secretly drooling over her. He studied her thoroughly while trying to think of what to say next…

Black, fitted, knee-high dress… Very light makeup… long, straight, brown hair… fair, freckled skin… hazel eyes…. from a distance in the lounge, she's already so lovely but now that she's here… God, she gorgeous!

He noticed everything, filling his senses with her in the few seconds it took for her to walk the fifteen steps from the door to the guest chair in front of his desk. The closer she was, the stronger her scent. Lilies and tangerine, sweet and fresh, enticing, intoxicating….

He was in awe of her.

"Yes Sir, you can. But I'm usually called Siel by my friends…"

Damn, that voice. I can listen to it all day…

"I believe Elena fits you much better, thank you."

Vince could hardly control his wolf since they're sitting right in front of her now. She was right there, and after all the time they had both waited…

So near and yet so far… Calm down, Roth, calm the damn hell down…

Speak for yourself, V, chuckled the low and aroused voice inside his head.

"Sir, I hope you don't mind, but what is this meeting all about?"

At this point, V suddenly noticed that her hands were clenched into fists, as they were in full view on her lap, both burrowing into her soft and silky dress.

Hmmm… Is she upset at me? But why? he chuckled to himself, in amusement and surprise.

Siel stifled a worried sigh. His gesture seemed to scare her a little more. She watched him clear his throat and slightly trembled as electricity flowed through her spine at his low masculine sound.

"Miss Camden… Elena… I'm sorry to say until very recently, I didn't know that you worked in our company. You've been with us for a few years now, and I've never met you. I wasn't even aware that Roderick had a dedicated secretary."

"Oh, well, I don't think what I do is important enough to be noticed, especially at your level, sir,"

He looked at her intently for a moment, in silence. Then he opened his drawer, pulled out a few folders, placed them on his desk, opened one, then started writing on the documents inside it.

Oh my God! Is that my notice for termination? No-no-no… Please… nooo!!! The poor single mom screamed in a panic inside her head.

All the fear and paranoia that she had before entering the room came back in a mighty rush.

"What… What are you doing? Sir, please, don't fire me. I did nothing wrong; I swear! The other day when I crashed into you, it was an accident. I was just distracted, and it's not a good reason enough to fire me! Please, I'll do anything to keep my job… Anything!"

She knew that she was panicking now, but she didn't care. All she could think of was her babies and their more awful Christmas if she was unemployed. The thought was all too much for her mood and mind to process hence her panicked pleading.

V paused for a moment, then stared at her trying to understand why she was so agitated. "Miss Camden, who told you that I was going to fire you?" he asked, his right eyebrow raised.

What is she on about? All I did was make a few notes on the documents Raquel gave me…

The pile of papers included several applications she has submitted to other departments. A copy of her resume was included, listing the qualifications that could easily guarantee her a better position within the company.

What would surprise her the most, though, was a concise report of why Roderick Wright made sure she was never hired for any other position in the company.

V now pushed these same documents towards Siel for her to study. The marks he made, clearly highlighting Wright's reasons for keeping her, the good points that her resume had, and the tasks that she had done for the company in the past that her boss took credit for. And it was now all staring at her in the face.

A very overwhelmed and shocked face at that!