Lost Vows

Marcus will make his way to Morcanna’s house as the sun begins to set. Once there he will deliver an envelope through her door inside are instructions that outline how he had something come up and is requesting she go-to a local concert tonight and act as the singer Sara’s bodyguard to and from the venue.

Marcus will make his way back to the orphanage, he will skulk through the halls stumbling past a few empty rooms, the children's toys still on the floor, other rooms tidy and with sleeping kids inside.

Once in the main office Marcus will hear footsteps around him, he will turn and not see anyone or thing there. Looking around he sees Jaspers file on the deck along with a note book detailing his “treatments”

As he reads through them he hears Niwrad’s voice low and calm. “You were the key to the evolution I sought. Humanity's next step.”

Marcus looks around for the source of the sound. “The power of magic was wasted on the elves, their filthy traditions and xenophobia.”