The Circle's Interest

The days following my magical awakening passed in a blur. Elijah continued my training in earnest, guiding me through basic exercises to help control the flow of energy within me. It wasn’t easy. Every time I tried to concentrate on the warmth inside me, it flared up wildly, making it hard to keep a steady balance between my power and my mind. Sometimes, it would fizzle out completely, leaving me exhausted and frustrated. Other times, it would explode out of control, and I could feel the tension in Elijah’s voice when he told me to calm down.

But despite the challenges, there was a thrill to it all. I was discovering parts of myself I had never known existed, a hidden wellspring of power that felt both intoxicating and terrifying. Every time I tapped into that energy, I felt a connection to something far larger than myself, like I was touching the fabric of the universe.

And with each day, I could feel the magic within me growing stronger.

Still, I couldn't shake the unease that had settled in since my training began. There was an unspoken tension between Elijah and Asher that seemed to grow thicker each time we trained. Asher would watch from the shadows, his sharp eyes catching every mistake I made, every falter in my concentration. He rarely spoke, but when he did, his words carried an edge that made me uneasy.

It wasn't just Asher’s scrutiny that troubled me. I could sense that something bigger was coming, a shift in the air, a quiet storm brewing just beyond the horizon. The mansion’s atmosphere had changed, the once comforting halls now felt watchful, as though the very walls were holding their breath, waiting for something—or someone.

It was during one of these training sessions that Elijah finally revealed the truth.

We had been practicing in the same room with the intricate symbol etched into the floor. The air hummed with magic, and I had just managed to hold a steady flow of energy when Elijah abruptly stopped the lesson. His face, which had been calm and focused, suddenly looked tense, as if he had been carrying a burden for too long.

“There’s something you need to know,” he said, breaking the silence that had settled between us. His voice was low, almost hesitant, as though he was choosing his words carefully.

I looked at him, confused. “What is it?”

Elijah glanced toward the door, as if expecting Asher to walk in at any moment. When no one appeared, he sighed and met my gaze. “You’ve probably sensed it by now. There’s a reason we’ve been pushing your training harder, faster than I’d like.”

I nodded, unsure of where this was going. I had felt it too—an urgency that hadn’t been there before. “I’ve noticed. But what’s changed?”

Elijah’s eyes darkened. “You’ve caught the attention of the Circle.”

The words sent a chill through me, even though I didn’t fully understand what they meant. “The Circle?”

Elijah’s expression grew serious. “The Circle is a council of the most powerful magic users in our world. They oversee everything—laws, magical ethics, who can practice and who can’t. They believe they are the guardians of balance, ensuring that no one magic user grows too powerful or threatens the delicate equilibrium that holds our world together.”

I frowned, trying to make sense of what he was telling me. “So why are they interested in me?”

“Because your power isn’t ordinary,” Elijah said, his voice tight. “When you tapped into your magic, it sent out ripples—ripples that didn’t go unnoticed. The Circle monitors fluctuations in magical energy, and you caused quite a disturbance.”

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words settling over me like a heavy cloak. “But… I’m just learning. I barely know how to control it.”

“That’s exactly why they’re interested,” Elijah replied, his gaze unwavering. “Uncontrolled power is dangerous. And the fact that you’re manifesting it so early, with such intensity, has raised red flags for them. They’re worried about what you could become.”

A sinking feeling settled in my stomach. “Are they going to come after me?”

Elijah hesitated, and that hesitation told me everything I needed to know.

“They’re watching,” he admitted finally. “For now, they’re only observing. But if they decide that you’re a threat—if they think you’re too powerful or too dangerous—they’ll intervene.”

“What does ‘intervene’ mean?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Elijah’s eyes flicked toward the door again before returning to mine. “It means they’ll take you, Emilia. They’ll take you somewhere you can’t escape from, somewhere they can monitor you closely and make sure you never become a danger to the balance.”

The weight of his words hit me like a punch to the gut. The idea of being taken, of being locked away somewhere because of powers I hadn’t even asked for, sent a wave of fear crashing through me.

“But that’s not fair!” I protested. “I didn’t choose this! I didn’t ask for these powers!”

“I know,” Elijah said, his voice softening. “But the Circle doesn’t care about fairness. They care about maintaining control. They’ve done it before, Emilia. They’ve taken magic users who showed too much potential, too much power. And they never let them go.”

My mind raced, trying to process everything he was telling me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had only just discovered my powers, and now I was already being hunted by a group of powerful magic users who wanted to lock me away?

Elijah must have seen the fear in my eyes because he stepped closer, his hand resting gently on my shoulder. “We won’t let that happen,” he said firmly. “As long as I’m here, as long as Asher and the others are here, we’ll protect you. But you need to be prepared. The Circle isn’t going to stop watching. They’re waiting for you to slip up.”

I nodded, though the fear still gnawed at the edges of my mind. “What do we do now?”

Elijah’s jaw tightened. “We continue your training. You need to learn to control your power—quickly. The stronger you get, the more we can keep the Circle at bay.”

“But what if they come sooner than we expect?” I asked, my voice trembling slightly.

“That’s where Asher comes in,” Elijah said, his expression hardening. “He has his own history with the Circle. He’s not one to let them have their way, especially when it comes to protecting those under his care.”

I glanced toward the door where Asher had disappeared during our training session. His sharp, unyielding presence had always unnerved me, but now, knowing he had his own battles with the Circle, I saw him in a different light.

“Why does Asher care?” I asked. “He doesn’t seem like the type to get involved unless there’s something in it for him.”

Elijah’s lips twitched, as if he was suppressing a smile. “Asher has his reasons. He might not show it, but he’s loyal to those he considers family. And right now, Emilia, you’re part of that family.”

I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. Asher was a mystery, one I wasn’t sure I wanted to unravel. But if he was willing to stand between me and the Circle, then I would trust him, at least for now.

Elijah stepped back, his eyes once again scanning the room. “There’s something else you need to know,” he said, his voice lowering. “The Circle isn’t the only group that’s taken an interest in you.”

My stomach flipped at his words. “What do you mean?”

“There’s a faction within the Circle,” Elijah explained, his tone cautious. “A group that believes in harnessing powerful magic users rather than suppressing them. They’ve been known to recruit individuals like you, offering protection in exchange for loyalty.”

“Loyalty to what?” I asked, my mind racing.

“To them,” Elijah said, his voice tight. “They’re not concerned with balance. They want power, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it. If they find out about you, they’ll try to recruit you. And if they can’t convince you, they’ll take you by force.”

The room seemed to spin as the weight of everything settled over me. The Circle, the faction, the threat of being taken—all of it felt like too much. How had my life spiraled out of control so quickly?

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I admitted, my voice trembling. “I’m not ready for any of this.”

Elijah’s expression softened, and he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “No one is ever ready, Emilia. But you’re stronger than you think. I’ve seen it in you. You have a power that most people can only dream of, and with that power comes responsibility. But you don’t have to do it alone.”

I nodded, though the fear still clawed at my chest. I wasn’t sure if I was strong enough for what was coming, but I didn’t have a choice. The Circle was watching, and the faction was out there, waiting for the right moment to strike.

And then there was my own magic, wild and unpredictable, threatening to consume me if I didn’t learn to control it.

“Let’s continue,” I said, my voice steadier than I felt.

Elijah nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Good. The first step to controlling your magic is understanding it. And that means we need to dive deeper into your connection with it.”

He motioned for me to return to the center of the symbol etched into the floor. I hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, feeling the familiar pulse of energy beneath my feet.

“Close your eyes,” Elijah instructed. “Feel the magic around you. Don’t just sense it—understand it. Let it become a part of you.”

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I reached out with my senses. The magic was there, waiting, just beneath the surface. It felt like a living thing, pulsing with energy, eager to be unleashed.

But this time, I didn’t just let it flow. I focused on it, trying to understand its rhythm, its pattern. It wasn’t just raw power—it was something more, something intricate and delicate. I could feel it weaving through the air, connecting with the world around me.

“Good,” Elijah’s voice was a soothing guide. “Now, instead of pushing the magic out, try pulling it inward. Let it fuel you, but don’t let it consume you.”

I did as he said, pulling the energy inward, focusing on containing it rather than releasing it. The magic responded, swirling inside me like a storm, but this time, I didn’t let it get out of control. I kept it close, holding it within the confines of my mind, feeling its power but not letting it overwhelm me.

“Excellent,” Elijah said, his voice filled with approval. “You’re starting to get it.”

I opened my eyes, and for the first time, I felt like I had truly tapped into my power without losing control. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

But even as I stood there, basking in the small victory, I couldn’t shake the feeling of what Elijah to me about, The Circle, the faction, my own magic—it was all building toward something, something I couldn’t yet see but could feel looming just beyond the horizon.

And when it came, I knew I would have to be ready.

But would I be strong enough?