The Circle's Hidden Agenda

But as I stood there, clutching the shard of the Heartstone, I knew deep down that this was just the beginning. Rory lay unconscious at my feet, his body limp and drained from the intensity of the battle. His betrayal still cut through me, raw and jagged, but even now, I couldn't bring myself to hate him entirely. His reasons, twisted as they were, came from a place of fear. Fear for his family. Fear of the Circle.

The Circle.

The name itself sent a shiver down my spine. An organization steeped in secrecy, power, and malevolence. They had already infiltrated our lives, manipulating us from the shadows, always one step ahead. Rory was just one of their pawns, but how many more were there? How far did their influence stretch?

"Emilia, are you okay?" Elijah's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. His face was etched with concern as he approached me, his gaze flickering toward Rory's still form.