The Betrayal

The dawn light had barely touched the mansion’s walls when I felt a jolt of unease, as if the universe was bracing itself for the storm to come. The Circle’s machinations were becoming clearer with each passing day, and our resolve had hardened into a determination to fight back. But amid the urgency and tension, there was an undercurrent of betrayal that I could not ignore. It was a gut feeling, sharp and insistent, gnawing at me with every breath.

It wasn’t long before the truth made itself known.

The day had begun like any other, with briefings and strategy meetings. The weight of our impending confrontation with the Circle hung heavy in the air, and everyone was focused on preparations. I had just finished a long meeting with Asher, discussing our next steps, when I received an urgent message from Elijah.

“Meet me in the library,” Elijah’s note read. “It’s important.”