Rory's Power Play

The darkness radiating from the Arcane Guard left me cold, and the deeper I reached with the Empath’s Tear, the more uneasy I became. It wasn’t malevolence exactly—it was veiled intent, emotions tangled in secrecy. Something was buried beneath their pledge to maintain order, but it was just out of reach, like a shadow slipping through my fingers.

The Tear pulsed in my hands as I pushed further, seeking clarity, but the connection broke abruptly. I gasped, my heart racing, and the glow from the Tear dimmed. It was as if the Arcane Guard’s true emotions were locked behind a door I couldn’t open.

I clenched my fists, frustration and dread gnawing at me. We were surrounded by supposed allies who might be anything but. We needed them—for now—but I couldn’t ignore the feeling that their allegiance would shift the moment it suited them.