Prince arrived with takeout for dinner, he couldn't make Skye do the dishes when he wasn't feeling well.

Skye was in the living room watching tv when Prince arrived, he smiled at Prince.

"What did you get" he asked.

"Hmmm lets see, i got a bucket of chicken wings all flat, some fries, chicken nuggets and hmm are those oreo biscuits i see" said Prince making Skye smile at him, he had bought all Skye's cravings which was funny because Prince never bought fast food in his life so he had a difficult time ordering.

"Lets eat" said Skye as he patted the space next to him so he could munch on the goodies.

Skye bit on a chicken wing and moaned in delight. "So good" he said.

Prince swallowed thickly as he heard Skye moan, his jeans getting tight at the crotch area. Skye ate while moaning the whole time and it took Prince all his might to be able to avoid pouncing on Skye and taking him on the couch.

"I'll be back" he said as he headed to the bathroom to take care of his problem.

Skye sat there enjoying his meal unaware of the activity taking place in the bathroom.

A few minutes passed and Prince came back, his forehead glowing, he smiled and sat next to Skye,

"So i was wondering maybe you should visit the palace with me on the weekend"

"Really?!....that'll be cool" replied Skye he always wanted to see inside the Quimby palace. Prince smiled and they continued eating.


Edward was in his room when the maid came in, "Your highness, the King and Queen have arrived from their tour" she bowed, Edward froze as he heard that, this cant be good, he waved off the maid and dialed his brother's number.


"And i have 32 horses" bragged Prince, currently they were sharing childhood stories, he was about to continue when his phone rang, he stood up to take it.

"Bro bro, miss me already"

"Our parents have arrived you have to come back"


"I'm serious, I'm looking through the window and mother just came out, she looks angry and tired, bad combination"

"Ugh alright I'll make a plan"

He hang up the phone and joined Skye who was watching him the whole time.

"My parents want me home"

"Oh....i see...well when you be returning"

"Tomorrow morning, I'm so sorry Skye"

"No its okay, really....we are from different worlds i get it, but i hope my invitation still stands"

"Of course, let me go pack yeah?"

"Alright, I'll finish cleaning up and head to bed"

Prince nodded and went to his room, Skye sat there as he was wondering why when Prince said he was leaving made him sad, he admits he likes Prince but does that mean he wants to be with him all the time?

He sighed and went to the kitchen to throw the rubbish out. After that he went to bed and tried to sleep.

Prince on the other hand couldn't sleep, why were his parents back so early? Had something happened? He kept asking himself this until sunrise, he sat up straight as he glanced at the clock.


He sighed, he took a towel and headed to the bathroom to shower, he was about to close the door when a hand stopped him, Skye entered the bathroom and closed the door.

"I figured I'll give you a goodbye gift" he said and pushed Prince on the wall where their lips connected immediately.

Prince's hands traveled up and down Skye's back as they deepened their kiss, his trailed kisses along his neck as he bit and sucked on it making Skye a moaning mess.

he picked up skye making him to wrap his legs around his waist as they kissed again, his hands on Skye's butt kneading it like bread dough,

"Ah Prince"

Prince slid down the wall as they kept kissing, he felt Skye's hard member poking him on the stomach,he pulled down his boxers and swallowed him greedily.

"Oh God, Prince"

Skye moaned as he felt Prince's warm mouth surround his member, his eyes rolled back in pleasure as Prince bobbed his head up and down with a steady pace. He felt his stomach clench.

"Prince I'm gonn- ah!" He immediately came into his mouth as Prince inserted a finger through his tight ring, Prince released Skye from his mouth as he swallowed his juices he inserted a second finger making Skye buck his hips.

He pulled them up and they entered the shower, skye was facing the wall. Prince smacked his butt.

"Its mine" he smacked it again.


"Yours" said Skye as he felt the third finger enter him, he became a mess as the fingers moved inside him, then whimpered when they pulled out.

"Your mine Skye, mine" whispered Prince in his ear.

"I'm all yours" responded Skye, Prince placed his shaft at the twitching hole.



"Oh my god!"

"So tight" groaned Prince in pleasure as he invaded Skye's insides, he thrusted slowly first then picked up the pace. He hit a sudden spot and Skye moaned loudly, he kept thrusting into that spot making Skye's knees to buckle as he couldn't it take anymore.

Prince kept thrusting and groaning as he felt his stomach clench, with one final thrust he came as he pulled out of Skye.

"That was amazing" sais Skye with a red face.

"Indeed" smiled Prince as he kissed Skye, they showered together that morning as they spent time with each other as possible but they all knew the time for Prince to live will eventually come and it was now.

"I'll miss you Skye"

"I'll miss you too, call when you arrive okay"

" i promise" he smiled and kissed him, Skye watched with teary eyes as Prince entered his car, with one final goodbye wave, Prince drove off to the palace.

Skye sighed as he watched Prince's car disappear into the traffic, he turned to leave for class when he saw a man hiding behind a car taking pictures of him,

"Shit" he mumbled, he took out his phone and texted Prince that the paparazzi was probably following him, he went to class quickly.