Chapter 1

"Oh no, you're late! Professor Sarmiento has already left, Dalha," Georgia exclaimed loudly as soon as I entered the classroom.

I am now in grade twelve. It won't be long before I step into college. So, I really need to work to save up.

"Well, maybe I can still catch up, right? Where do you think he is now?" I asked worriedly. It's just now that I had the time to do what was in my workbook. I did a lot of work at the convenience store in town. And of course, I had some tasks at home too. I'd be embarrassed if Auntie ends up kicking me out for good.

"We still have class. You can just submit it later, look for him in the college department. Their last class today is Elliott's class," Lois cheerfully replied.

I just averted my gaze. It was obvious that they were teasing me again. It spread throughout the whole school that Elliott has a crush on me. It's awkward and embarrassing because he's so wealthy. He's the son of a billionaire. I'm worried that people might think I'm assuming and enjoying the teasing from my friends.

"Is that so..." I replied nonchalantly before sitting in my seat.

I busied myself listening to our teacher. I wanted to make an excuse to submit the workbook, but I was hesitant. Especially since Mr. Indigo is very strict.

The whole class ended around three in the afternoon. I hoped we would have one more subject to study, but Ms. Remy was sick, so she sent us home.

"Will you accompany me to submit this?" I asked with a smirk, only to be teased by Georgia and Lois.

"We will definitely go with you, there are a lot of handsome guys in the college department."

I just smiled. I knew that wasn't really their reason. They just really wanted to see me go to Elliott's room.

We walked quietly towards the college department. I was silent because of nervousness; my workbook might not be accepted. Meanwhile, my two companions were almost turning into directors in a movie with their wide imaginations.

"Hey, we're here!" Georgia said with a smile as she looked at me.

"It looks like Elliott's class has ended. Look, he's outside," Lois pointed out with a hint of excitement.

I quickly shifted my gaze to the door of Elliott's classroom. He was indeed outside, as Lois and Georgia mentioned.

"Well, Mr. Sarmiento isn't here. Let's just go," I said.

I was about to leave when they quickly pulled me towards Elliott's group. I couldn't help but hear the teasing and cheering of some college students.

"Sarmiento, your crush is here!" one of the guys sitting in front of their room shouted.

I felt the heat on my cheeks. I couldn't do anything as the students made way for me to approach Elliott.

I walked slowly towards him with my head slightly down.

"Hi, Dalha, do you need something?" he asked with a smile.

"Uh, I was just gonna ask if Mr. Sarmiento came here?" I stuttered.

"My brother? Why? What do you need from him?" He asked me seriously.

I briefly glanced around and noticed that the noisy chatter had quieted down. Everyone was listening attentively to our conversation.

"I was going to submit my workbook. I learned that you are the last class he'll teach today. But it seems he isn't here, so I'll just leave," I replied softly.

I noticed Elliott nodding. "Do you want me to submit it instead? I'll give it to him at home. I'm sure he'll accept it even if it's late."

"No, I won't submit it anymore. It's unfair to my other classmates if I submit it after the deadline. Thank you, Elliott," I said, shaking my head.

"I'll just go with you to his office, maybe he's still there. He's leaving because Dad has a meeting and he said he'll take him along."

Again, I shook my head in refusal. "No, it's okay Elliott, thank you."

"Wait..." he quickly said as he tapped something on his cellphone. After finishing, he looked back at me with a smile. "He's still in his office, he said you can go there to submit it."

I felt a surge of confidence. I suddenly smiled. "Thank you, okay, I'll go ahead."

"Alright, take care, Dalha!" Elliott shouted loudly before I walked further away.

I heard loud chatter and teasing as my friends and I moved away from the college department. I just ignored it because my mind was occupied with submitting the workbook.

I thought I wouldn't be able to submit it anymore. If that happens, it would be the first time it occurred. I'm always on time when it comes to these things. This is the first time I've been late due to the tasks I had at work and at home.

When I reached the office of Mr. Sarmiento, I let out a deep sigh. I was alone now since Georgia and Lois's drivers had already picked them up.

I gently knocked three times.

"Come in..."

Carefully, I entered. Mr. Sarmiento's office welcomed me with its neatness. I scanned the whole room. It was a simple office. I didn't feel nervous, but I also didn't feel completely at ease.

"Miss Gregorio..."

I returned my gaze to him. He was staring at me as I slowly approached him.

"Uh, I-I-I w-w-was g-g-g-going to s-submit th-the w-w-workbook." I don't know why I'm stuttering.

I was startled when Mr. Sarmiento quickly stood up after glancing at his wristwatch. I remembered he had another appointment.

"Why didn't you submit it earlier?" he asked seriously while putting on his jacket.

"Uh, I was late because-"

"Because of work?"

I furrowed my brow upon hearing that. My work at the convenience store in town wasn't a secret. I was just surprised that he knew about it.

"I also had a lot to do at home, and I slept late, which made me late for class. " I nervously replied. I don't know why, but I felt like tears were about to fall even though Mr. Sarmiento wasn't scolding me.

"Alright, give it to me, I'll take it home to check." He said with a smile as he took my workbook.

"But Sir, what about these, won't you take these too?" I asked, pointing to some workbooks on his desk.

"I've already checked those. This is the only one left."

"Okay then..." I said softly before turning around.

"Are you going home now, Dalha?" I paused in my walk as Mr. Sarmiento asked.

"Not yet, I'll still be going to work."

Mr. Sarmiento glanced at his wristwatch. "Want to ride with me? I'm headed to town anyway."

My eyes widened automatically. "No, thank you, it would be embarrassing. Okay then, Sir, I'll go ahead," I quickly declined before leaving his office.

The pounding in my chest wouldn't go away. I didn't know if he did that on purpose because he knew about the issue between me and Elliott.

That's embarrassing!

Perhaps Sir Cace might think that I have feelings for Elliott too!

As I mentioned, I went to the convenience store. It was still early, it was six in the morning, and I had to start my shift, but I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to help Jenny for the next two hours before I took over.

I worked from six in the evening until eleven. Aunt Sabel knew about this, so it was fine if I came home late. Besides, she didn't really care about me. She only worried about my salary.

"Hey, Dalha, you're here," Jenny said with a smile as she saw me enter the store. "You don't have class today?"

"Yeah, so I just went here directly," I replied as I placed my bag on the chair by the side.

"It's obvious. You're still in your uniform. Do you have spare clothes with you?"

I shook my head slowly before smiling. "It's fine. I'll just do more laundry if I ever change clothes."

"You shouldn't have come here. You might still have assignments and projects to do. Just spend the two hours finishing them. Sit down there. I'll take care of things here," Jenny said at length as she saw me arranging the scattered cup noodles on their shelves.

"Okay..." I replied softly before walking towards the chair where I had placed my bag.

I busied myself with answering my assignments. After a while, I stopped to help Jenny. There was suddenly an influx of customers because it was nearing closing time for the workers at the establishment across from us. Most of them were mothers buying snacks for their children or canned goods for supplies.

I finished helping without returning to my belongings on the side table. Jenny had to leave, so I just left my stuff open on the side. No one would bother with it. It's rare for people to eat inside; most customers prefer to eat outside, especially if they're in a noisy group of friends.

"You're very diligent; I think you'll go far in life."

From my seated position, I shifted my gaze to the man in front. What was Elliott doing here?