Leave The House

Blessing reconciled with his mother and they back to being mother and son which made Blessing's grandma and Victoria very happy. After Blessing reconciled with his mother, Victoria hardly saw Blessing or be beside him since he was always spending time with his mother because Blessing's mother wanted to catch up for those years she missed in Blessing's life. Blessing and his mother spent time visiting places where Blessing had been in his life as Blessing told her about all those places and how he had been living.

Blessing was extremely happy to have his mother back and thanked Victoria for helping but knew his family hadn't completed until he met his father and his younger brother whom he had not seen a long time ago. Blessing's mother also thanked Victoria for her help and told her that if she needed anything all she needed to do was give her a call.

Victoria was glad that Blessing was back with his mother because whenever she saw them together he always saw Blessing happy and smiled brightly the way she had never seen him before but that only made her think she was one step closer to accomplishing her mission.

Even though Blessing was glad that he reconciled with his mother and was happy being around her but never changed who he was. Blessing remained the same Blessing and only looked like he had changed when he was with his mother because he seemed very happy.


Blessing left his mother's room after discussing with her and he was on his way to his room when he decided to check on Victoria in her room since he doesn't see her like he used to and she no longer sleeps in his room. Blessing entered Victoria's room and couldn't find her which surprised him and he wondered where she might be. Blessing searched the house for Victoria but couldn't find her so he decided to go out to look for her.

Just as Blessing stepped out of the house he saw Victoria seated at the doorstep looking at the stars in the sky. Blessing closed the door gently and sat down beside Victoria who still didn't notice Blessing's presence as she continued staring at the stars until Blessing said to her "Are the stars more beautiful tonight that they got your attention?".

Hearing that, Victoria regained consciousness to reality and looked to her side to see Blessing seated next to her. Victoria said to her "hi".

"You didn't answer my question" said Blessing.

Victoria looked at the sky and said "I don't know because I was just staring at the stars, not admiring them".

"Why are you staring at them if you are not admiring them?" asked Blessing.

"Because am jealous of you" said Victoria still looking at the sky.

"Jealous of me?" asked Blessing confused.

"You have everything I have ever wished for. A family that loves you and a mother that wants you. If your mother can come back for you that shows your father will too one day and that they love you. I…. I don't have a family. I don't know if my father, mother, and family are alive. I have no one to cherish me or want me so badly not to talk of loving me. Am alone in this world" said Victoria.

"You are wrong, Victoria" said Blessing.

"In what way?" asked Victoria.

"Look at me" said Blessing, and Victoria looked at him, and then Blessing continued "why do you think I brought you home? When I saw you the second time crying I don't know how it was possible but I could feel your pain and some other feelings I can't even explain. I saw you were broken just like me and you also need the most thing I crave. Love. You also want someone who will love you, want you, and care for you. You want just anyone but I was different. I have my grandparents who loved and cherished me but still, I crave the love of my parents. I brought you home so you can have a family that love and care for you so don't you ever say you have no one to love and cherish you".

"You are right about that. I even made your grandparents love me more than you. And not that only, your mother even now loves and cherishes me" said Victoria with a smile.

"That is a joke. My grandparents can never love you more than they love me. I finally found out why my grandparents made it seem like they love you more than they love me" said Blessing.

"And why is that?" asked Victoria.

"Am not telling you" said Blessing.

"Do we have to do this every time?" asked Victoria.

"Do what?" asked Blessing.

"Do I have to force you to tell me as always?" asked Victoria.

"You know you can't do that now that my mum is around. Ever since she came I have had peace of mind since you no longer watch my movements or be close to me. I now get to spend time with myself because you distance yourself from me like you are afraid of my mum" said Blessing.

"Am not afraid of your mum and I did not distance myself from you or stop watching over you. It is just that am giving you a break to spend time alone before I start my mission back" said Victoria.

"Then I will tell my mum not to leave so I can continue to have my break" said Blessing.

"So how does it feel to have your mum back?" asked Victoria.

"It feels good and thank you once again. Am glad you made me realize I don't have forever and to take her back while I can. If it wasn't for you I might not have this chance to know she truly loves me" said Blessing.

"You don't need to thank me. What you did for me is much more than that" said Victoria.

"I don't think I did anything for you. You are only here because my heart wants you to be here. I think it was my heart that was drawn to you and I don't know why" said Blessing.

"Then we will find out together" said Victoria with a smile.

"There is no we, get that. You helping me doesn't make us close. There is only me and don't forget to always stay away from me" said Blessing bluntly.

"I guess you haven't changed yet" said Victoria.

Blessing smirked and said "do you think me meeting my mother will make me change? This is who I am now, Victoria. There is nothing that can change me not even my parents. This is me for eternity. So stop wasting your time trying to change me".

"I know meeting your mother won't change you but it brought back your smile. You might refuse to smile when next to me but I already know that your smile is back. You are no longer forcing yourself to smile. And if you don't change there will always be we and until you change you are stuck with me" said Victoria.

"How about you honor the promise you made to me if I meet my mother" said Blessing.

Hearing that, Victoria remembers that she promised to leave if Blessing met his mother. Victoria became sad that Blessing was able to remember her promise because she would have to fulfill her promise by leaving. Victoria said unhappily "I know I said that but I wasn't being serious when...".

Victoria was cut short of words as Blessing cut in saying to her "don't tell me you aren't going to fulfill your promise?".

"Am not saying I won't but I don't think it has ...." said Victoria unhappily looking at Blessing.

Victoria was cut short of words as Blessing cut in saying "well, you don't have to leave now. You can leave when grandpa gets well. I want grandpa to see you before you leave so you get until then to say goodbye".

"But I don't have anywhere to go if I leave" said Victoria sadly.

"And I don't care. You shouldn't have made such a promise if you don't have the balls for it. You can go whenever you want" said Blessing, and that made Victoria sad more.

Blessing stood up and turned to go back into the house. Just as Blessing was about to open the front door Victoria looked at Blessing and asked him "do you really want me to leave?".

Blessing looked at Victoria to see she was sad and said with a smirk to Victoria "why won't I want you to leave? Your leaving means I get to have peace. I won Victoria and you lose", and then went inside the house.

Immediately Blessing entered the house, Victoria hit the ground in anger with her hand and annoyance blaming herself for making such a promise to Blessing. Victoria sat down thinking about what to do to get out of the mess she put herself into knowing begging Blessing to allow her to stay was out of the page but she wasn't ready to give up and just leave the house so Blessing could win because she can't let him to win.

After that night, Victoria had been thinking of what she had to do so she could remain in the house. Victoria thought of going to Blessing to plead to him to let her stay but she knew Blessing wouldn't let her stay since her leaving was the only way Blessing could win and remain who he was for eternity with no one to disturb him. After so much thought, Victoria decides to go meet Blessing's mother to see if she can get her out of the mess she is in.

Victoria meets Blessing's mother and lies to her that Blessing had told her to pack her things and leave the house after the grandpa got well since he was the one that brought her to the house and she doesn't know what she did wrong to him for him to say that. Blessing's mother was surprised to hear that Blessing could tell Victoria to leave the house and wondered why if she did nothing. Blessing's mother told Victoria to calm herself that she would be going nowhere and that he would talk to her son.

Blessing's mother met with Blessing and asked why he told Victoria to leave the house even if she did anything wrong but Blessing said nothing other than smile which made his mother wonder why. Blessing's mother told Blessing to let Victoria be, to let her continue to live in the house and to forgive whatever she did to him because she didn't want her to leave but Blessing said nothing more than just smile.

Blessing met with Victoria after his mother talked to him and he asked why Victoria involved his mother in their matter when he didn't force her to make the promise. Blessing told Victoria that she shouldn't have made such a promise when she knew she could not fulfill it and said she had to leave when his grandpa got well.

After Blessing left and after hearing Blessing, Victoria realized there was no one or anything that could change Blessing's mind to let her stay, and that made her regret ever making such a promise and heartbroken. Victoria thought again about pleading with Blessing to let her stay but thought it wouldn't work out since Blessing didn't seem to care. Victoria became so sad that she would have to leave the house and Blessing would win when she didn't even have anywhere to go.