Changing Me

Before Blessing's mother returned home, she bought Blessing and Victoria a brand new phone which was the first phone of their life, and also got them new SIM cards. Blessing and Victoria were extremely happy with their new phones since they had been looking forward to having one and the sims they got, and they thanked Blessing's mother. Before Blessing's mother left, he pleaded with Victoria to take care of Blessing and watch over him telling them to call her if they need anything.

Blessing regretted ever having the conversation he had with Victoria the night his grandfather was buried because that only gave Victoria an advantage over him and the upper hand. It was like Victoria was waiting for him and her to have that kind of conversation because that gave her the chance to do anything with and to Blessing, and even though Blessing complained and fought her that didn’t change anything.

With that advantage over Blessing, Victoria does whatever she likes with Blessing. There was no way Blessing could stop Victoria from doing whatever she liked because he already made it clear to Victoria that he needed her and had decided to change his way. Blessing knew there was nothing he could do or say to Victoria that could make her stay away from him, and even if he acted badly and wickedly toward Victoria that wouldn’t change anything because the conversation he had that night with Victoria already sold him out and made his feelings clear.

Blessing couldn’t tell his grandmother because he knew she would not listen to him and would only side with Victoria. Blessing had thought of many ways to avoid Victoria and make her stay away from him but none was working because Victoria remained stagnant to him like a glue.

Ever since they had the conversation that night, Blessing has lost control of his life because it is now being controlled by Victoria. Victoria now decides how Blessing lives his life and there was nothing Blessing could do about it. Victoria made sure Blessing always listened to her and lived by her rule and if he didn’t, it would lead to a serious fight between them and since Blessing couldn’t beat her Victoria always ended up winning using the advantage of being a female.

Victoria decided who Blessing makes friends with and who he doesn’t make friends with and if Blessing tried to disobey her by being friends with whom she said he should not be friends with she would threaten and chase the person away. Victoria and Blessing slept together in Blessing's room and on the bed together even though Blessing had complained many times about her sleeping in his room and together on the bed but she never listened. Blessing and Victoria have even fought about Victoria sleeping in Blessing's room and if he tries to go sleep alone elsewhere she would come meet him so they can sleep together. Blessing could not have a complete day without Victoria being in it.

Victoria also shared her number and that of Blessing on each other phone so she could always get in touch with Blessing when he sneaked out to be alone even though Blessing never agreed to them sharing phone numbers. Victoria even always tracked Blessing's phone whenever Blessing sneaked out to be alone to know where he was and why he sneaked out. There are many things Blessing would love to stop Victoria from doing but he can’t because if he did he would have to fight with Victoria and she would eventually win, so Blessing just has to overlook and live his life the way it is now and being orchestrated by Victoria since he used his mouth to say he needs her in his life.

Being alone and wanting to do things alone for Blessing seemed to be the hardest and impossible things for Blessing to do now because Victoria is always present wherever he is except the times Blessing sneaks out. Even when Blessing sneaks out, Blessing doesn’t get enough time to be alone because immediately after Victoria finds out he is out, she will call him asking where he is, and if he refuses to answer she will track his phone to where he is and that would lead to another fight between them. Blessing wants to stop his phone from being tracked and stop many other things from continuing to happen but doesn’t have the strength to fight Victoria who is ready to fight Blessing at any given time and without caring.

Blessing did indeed need and want Victoria because he wants to change and Victoria is the only one who can change him which he knows himself. Blessing also wants and needs Victoria because he wants to find out about his unknown and strange feelings for her and know why he felt in such a way for her and what the feelings truly are but didn’t know it was going to turn into something that would give Victoria control of his life and he should have just let him leave when she wanted to. Blessing realizes the mistake he made was opening up to her and now there is nothing he can do other than to cope with whatever she does with him. And even though it looks like she made his life a living hell, she was doing all that to change him into the perfect man she thinks he is and wants him to grow up to be, and being with her isn’t so bad because she can be fun sometimes and knows how to make one smiles.

Victoria and Blessing became the two funny humans who lived in the house and made Blessing's grandma smile all the time. Blessing's grandmother would smile when they fought, argued, and had misunderstandings in the house without interfering in their matter. Even when they brought their matter to Blessing's grandmother she would still smile. The both of them seemed to be Blessing's grandmother's joy in the house and made her not miss her husband because they argued, had misunderstandings, and fought every day in the house.

Victoria knew even though Blessing admitted that he wanted to change that did not mean he would just allow himself to change which meant he would resist so she decided to zero her mind to do whatever she wanted with Blessing without caring but that was not the plan to change him, it was to make Blessing understand that she and him are inseparable and she has the power over him. When Victoria saw that Blessing had realized that she had power over him then she started the process of changing his life knowing changing Blessing wouldn’t take a day, month, or years but as they grow up.

Victoria knew he couldn’t just tell Blessing to do this or that and get him to change so she engaged him in fun first as they grew up. Victoria starts by regularly taking Blessing to fun places so they can have fun which she knows Blessing would like and fall in love with. Victoria works on getting Blessing to like having fun and getting to smile regularly.

Victoria also made sure to take Blessing to different occasions they weren’t invited to show Blessing how the world truly works so he could think and live outside his world of loneliness. Victoria made sure he showed Blessing how people meet, become friends, become lovers, and interact even though they are strangers. Victoria gradually teaches Blessing how to truly live a life all over again.

Victoria made sure that she and Blessing always interacted with people whenever they went out to have fun and tour lovely places even though Blessing didn't want to and wouldn't say anything because she saw that way as building Blessing's confidence to make friends and interact with people.

Victoria was glad that after having some difficulties getting Blessing to do things at the beginning, he later decided to learn about how the world works, to change, think outside his lonely world, and have new experiences which makes it easy for her to do those to do things with him. Blessing's mother also called and checked up on them regularly and that also helped Blessing to live freely and stop worrying a lot because he now has the love of his mother.

Victoria was still changing Blessing gradually and teaching him how to live a life that is not lonely and boring when they were both admitted into the same university and were just 17 years of age. Blessing was glad that he was admitted into the same university as Victoria. After all, he wasn’t ready to part with Victoria who had made his life fun even though she hadn’t fully changed him because he had never been able to make a friend believing no one would want to be friends with him because of his masks covering his scar and still sometimes want to be lonely since he still finds being lonely comforting but he now loves having fun and visiting places.

Since a male and female couldn't share the same dorm in the university, Blessing and Victoria pleaded with Blessing's mother to get them a house close to the school so they could be together and she did.

Victoria sees the university as a chance to get Blessing to change completely since it is a place full of people of their age. Victoria started by making friends of her own while Blessing always spent most of his time in his room even though he wondered why Victoria had never suggested that they go out to have fun ever since they arrived at school.

After having enough lively friends, Victoria began to go out with Blessing and her friends. They go out to clubs and fun places to have fun and even stay up late at night. Victoria also pushes some of her friends to get close to Blessing but they can’t because Blessing always gives them cold behavior so they stay away from him. Even though Blessing gave people who want to be friends with him cold behavior, Victoria never sees that as a step back but for her to work harder.

Victoria decided to go to a nightclub where they didn’t know anyone one night and when they got to the party they spent time observing the party before Victoria took Blessing to the dance floor and they both began to dance to the music being played just like the others dance.

As Blessing and Victoria danced to the music being played next to each other, Blessing suddenly saw Victoria leave his side to go meet a girl of their age who was dancing alone to the music being played and Blessing wondered why Victoria went to her. Blessing watched as Victoria whispered into the girl's ear upon getting to her and then the girl smiled with Victoria smiling which made him stop dancing. Blessing wondered why Victoria and the unknown girl smiled and what Victoria said to her and then he saw the both of them walking toward him.

As both the unknown girl and Victoria got to Blessing, Blessing wanted to ask Victoria what she had discussed with the girl but before he could ask, Victoria held Blessing's hands saying to him “dance with me”, and he had no choice but to dance with Victoria.

As Victoria danced with Blessing to the music, the girl was also dancing at one side closer to them just then Victoria suddenly made way for the girl to move closer to Blessing so she could dance with Blessing. Seeing the girl move closer to him and want to dance with him, Blessing stops dancing and takes some steps backward away from the girl but that doesn’t make the girl stop dancing facing him as Victoria dances behind the girl touching her body and looking at Blessing seductively.

Blessing watched as the girl and Victoria danced wondering what Victoria was doing just then Blessing saw Victoria walk toward him and stopped behind him. Blessing wanted to look at Victoria behind him to ask him what she was doing but Victoria told him not to and whispered into his ears “I know you might be wondering what I am, but do you trust me?”.

Blessing said yes and then Victoria said to Blessing “then let me do my thing”.

Victoria made Blessing move closer to the girl who continued dancing facing Blessing and as they got closer to the girl, Victoria raised Blessing's hands to touch the girl's waist. Immediately Blessing hands touched the girl's waist, Blessing's heart began to beat very fast and he wanted to get his hands off the girl's waist but Victoria made Blessing hold the girl's waist whispering into Blessing's ear “it doesn’t bite. Hold her like you own her”.

Blessing holds the girl's waist still while the girl continues to dance without looking at Blessing or minding his hands on her waist as commanded by Victoria, and then Victoria whispers into Blessing's ears “don’t be afraid, Blessing. You are about to experience what boys of your age normally do cause am sure this is not your first time seeing this. So all I need you to do now is forget whatever is in your head and your fear and just dance with her. Move with her body slowly with the beat and dance with her like you are dancing with me romantically”.