
"Of course not, silly! But I wish you all the best." Xander said with a devilish smile pasted on his face. "You still need the motivation for you not to regress back to your old ways, don't you?" Xander asked sarcasticly.

The student proceeded to faint as the reply hit her like a punch to the guts.

"And now the day is officially over," Xander said. "The guards will escort you all to your destinations."

Xander proceeded to jump off the podium landing effortlessly next to Aldin and Leon who looked at him intently waiting for an explanation.

"Why did you have to do that?" Aldin asked.

Despite having been pleased by the day's event he still wanted to know the reason Xander had done what he had.

"Because some of those noble spawns learnt nothing from the ordeal, they needed something to draw them together and fear does the trick and you were just what they needed, so make a good example of them when you're done," Xander said and walked away.