

As Aldin's mana was seeping into their bodies except for Celine.

All the students in the class were all second tiered and Celine was a third-tiered mage but still did not have any advancements in will.

What Aldin was using was take over but with a little twist of his own, instead of just simply taking over the will they had he was also planting his own within them.

As Aldin's will continued to take them over he began speaking.

"I know that you look up to means that is why I need you all to talk nothing about me on the day of the tournaments and even after, nor Darvin, avoid that topic at all times," Aldin said, as he talked they could all hear him, almost as if he was in their heads.

Immediately after saying words Aldin went unconscious and fell to the ground.His influence and will faded away as well accompanied by the huge storm clouds. He fell to the ground and everyone else apart from Celine was standing with a blank look on their faces.