This world is filled with all sorts of toys. And I'm the appraiser who judges the qualities of these toys.

I grasped his head firmly, my claw digging into his skull, as he dangled in mid-air. This one, right here, is a noisy one.

A sickening crunch echoed through the chamber, followed by a sharp gasp from this new toy. His eyes widened in terror as pain surged through his body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he cried out, his voice trembling. "I didn't want to do it... I was forced to do it! Please!"

The crunch of shattering bone echoed through the air, followed by a faint, pitiful whimper. I watched the toy's fragile body convulsed, his slender fingers trembling as his grip on my hand faltered, slipping away like sand between my fingers. His eyes slowly dulled, and his limbs went limp, dangling at his sides.

Once in a while, I get visited by these toys. While they serve various purposes, they all share a common trait: each one is either obnoxiously loud, infuriatingly annoying, or mind-numbingly dull."

"Your Majesty," Sabastine, my assistant and butler, called, holding up my robe for me to wear. "I apologize that you had to deal with this," he said, his voice tinged with disgust as he gazed at the lifeless toy.

I tossed the body aside. "Get me another one," I instructed, slipping my hand into the robe. "One that won't try to assassinate its own master."

"Your Majesty's wish is my command," he replied, presenting me with a towel to clean the blood from my hands.

As I cleaned the blood from my hands, the feeling of boredom lingered. My days in the tower had become increasingly dull. No matter how loud or annoying the toys were, they all failed to spark any genuine interest; they bored me. The scent of sandalwood and myrrh wafted through the air, a futile attempt to mask the stench of death.

"I'll choose the next one myself," I declared, handing Sabastine the towel.

Sabastine's eyebrows rose slightly. "An unusual decision, Your Majesty. May I inquire why?"

"I need something more... stimulating," I replied, waving my hand dismissively.

Sabastine nodded. "I understand, sire. Actually, I've received word of a slave auction at the Blackstone Market. Perhaps we'll find something that piques your interest."

My gaze snapped to him. "A slave auction?" I asked, my curiosity already piqued.

Sabastine hesitated before speaking. "Unfortunately, Your Majesty, you know as well as I that leaving the tower is... impossible."

The curse. That wretched goddess's parting gift.

I smirked, masking the frustration brewing inside me. "We'll work around it. Prepare my puppet."

Within the hour, Sabastine returned with an uncannily lifelike replica of myself, crafted from dark magic and skilled artistry. I focused my energy, projecting my consciousness into the puppet.

"Let's attend this auction," I said, my voice now emanating from the puppet.

Sabastine bowed. "As Your Majesty wishes."

At the Blackstone Market, the puppet and Sabastine navigated through the crowded stalls. Merchants and traders parted, bowing before us as we passed. The air reeked of sweat, smoke, and desperation.

We were ushered to the VIP section, where I observed the proceedings with interest. The auctioneer's voice boomed through the hall, highlighting each slave's qualities.

Slave after slave was presented, each with unique skills and attributes: a lean, agile boy with smooth dark skin; a muscular warrior with scars etched into his arms; a petite, delicate girl with hair like spun gold.

None, however, captured my attention.

Until she appeared.

Her raven-black hair flowed down her back like a waterfall of night. Her piercing emerald eyes sparkled with defiance, even as iron cuffs bound her slender wrists. I watched as she clenched her trembling fingers.

"This one," I muttered, my lip curling into a smirk. "I want her."

Sabastine leaned in, his voice barely audible. "The half-shifter?"

"Yes," I commanded, my voice firm.

Sabastine bowed. "As Your Majesty wishes." He hesitated before adding, "How much shall we bid?"

"One billion," I said, my voice resonating throughout the room.