I stepped out of the carriage, instinctively hiding my cane from prying eyes. As an alpha, vulnerability was a luxury I couldn't afford. The warm sunlight cast long shadows across the gathering of leaders, a tapestry of different species woven together by power and politics.

Dwarves stood sturdy, their beards braided with clan tokens that clinked softly with their movements. Elves towered, their elegant features chiseled from the finest marble. Shifters of every ilk mingled, their eyes gleaming with a hint of wildness. I scanned the crowd, my gaze lingering on potential allies and foes.

"Stay here," I instructed my daughter, keeping my voice low but firm. "I'll return soon."

She nodded silently, and with one final glance at her, I turned and joined the flow of leaders heading toward the central hall. The structure loomed before us, its stones etched with ancient runes that shimmered in the sunlight.