Chapter 4: Moving on

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Avenger's tower, med bay


Barry sat in his bed, not moving. After learning he was trapped on this earth, depression had quickly taken hold of him. On any other day, he would say that his friends would come for him. But, given Cisco's response to Killer Frost's attempted murder of him had been to simply tell him to warm himself up by vibrating, not even bothering to check on him, Barry wasn't feeling so optimistic.

Barry was picking at his food that the nurse brought him when he heard someone walk in. Barry looked up to see the archer, Clint Barry thought his name was, walk in and sit down in the chair next to his bed. It was silent for several moments before Clint spoke.

"So, looks like you're gonna be okay." Clint said and Barry shrugged.

"If by trapped on an earth with no way home, yah, I'm just fine," Barry said sarcastically and Clint grimaced, "Speedsters heal fast. At least on my earth."

"Multiple earths, never would have imagined." Clint mused and Barry chuckled grimly.

"Well, at least you're still on yours." Barry said sarcastically and Clint nodded.

"I know this must be hard, I won't pretend to know what it's like for you," Clint said and Barry finally looked up at him, "but I want to ask you something. You have people you love back on your earth, right?"

"Oh course." Barry said immediately, thinking of Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Wally, Cisco, Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity.

"Well, if they saw you right now, would they want you to just be moping around?" Clint asked bluntly.

Barry opened and closed his mouth but no sound came out. He sat there, dumbfounded, as he realized Clint was right. They would probably be screaming at him to get out of bed if they saw him right now. Oliver would probably beat the crap out of him as he dragged Barry out of bed.

"Like I said, I'm not gonna pretend to know what you're going through. But the way I see it, you've got two choices kid," Clint said as he stood up, "stay in bed and be depressed for the rest of your life, or you can get off your ass and try to move on. I'm not saying forget your old life, because you shouldn't, it made you who you are. but you need to decide right now if you wanna live or if you just want to crawl up into your hole of self pity and die. Your choice Barry."

Clint turned and walked out, leaving Barry alone with his thoughts. He had lost everyone and everything he cared about, he could never make things right with Caitlin or Cisco, would never see them or Joe or Iris again. And yet...Clint was right, they would not want him to give up on life. Barry looked over to the side, seeing the set of clothes Steve had supplied for him on the dresser in the room. Barry would never forget his old life, but Clint was right. He had to at least try to move on, if for no other reason than it was what his friends and family would want.

After changing into the red T-shite, blue jeans, and red tennis shoes, Barry walked out of his room, making his way down the hall when he passed a room. Barry paused, looking inside. Wanda was sitting in the chair by Pietro's bed side. Pietro was hooked up to various machines, a breathing tube down his throat. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the machines. Barry hesitated briefly before entering the room.

"Hey," Barry said and Wanda practically jumped, whirling around as she saw him, "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It is alright." Wanda relaxed before sitting back down, resuming looking at her brother's face.

"Has there been any change?" Barry asked, noticing the begs under Wanda's eyes.

"No. He is the same as when he was brought here." Wanda said glumly and Barry sighed.

"I'm sorry," Barry said and she looked over at him confused, "If I had just gotten there a few seconds earlier-"

"It was Ultron," Wanda was quick to assure him, "not you. You cannot blame yourself."

Barry nodded, not quite believing her but deciding not to argue.

"Have you slept since you got here? Or eaten?" Barry asked curiously.

"I am fine." Wanda insisted and Barry stared at her incredulously.

"I don't know you two that well, but I don't think Pietro would want you to waste away worrying over him." Barry told her and Wanda paused, mulling over his words.

"You may be right. And I am hungry." Wanda admitted as she got to her feet.

"Good," Barry smiled, "so...where's the kitchen?"



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