Chapter 11: Hydra

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Barry's apartment


Clint kicked the door in as he, Sam, and Steve burst into the apartment. It was empty, no sign of Barry. They began looking around and Clint spotted something.

"Cap," He called over as he knelt down, picking up Barry's phone, "isn't this-"

"That's Barry's phone," Steve frowned as he noted a small splatter of blood on the floor near Clint's knees, "And he didn't go quietly."

"Of course he didn't. The kids a fighter just like you. Maybe that's why you two get along so well, you're cut from the same cloth." Clint noted as Steve flashed a tight smile.

"Steve, Clint, get in here. I think you'll want to see this." Sam called from inside the kitchen.

Clint gets back on his feet and he and Steve make their way to the kitchen. They stopped, staring at what Sam is. The two red words painted on the wall in what seemed to be blood.

"Hail Hydra." Clint muttered.

"Well, if there was any doubt to what Wanda told us she heard, it's gone now," Steve said, his eyes hard as he stared at the words, "We need to get back to the compound. And call Tony, he should know about this."

Unspecified location, next day


Barry lay on his back, his eyes closed. He appeared to be asleep but was actually wide awake. He had been for some time. All he had to do was wait.

And he didn't have to wait long. The cell to his door opened and he heard someone walk in, heavy boots sounding on the floor.

"Get up," A gruff man's voice echoed through his cell, "I said get up!"

Barry opened his eyes and shot up. At super speed, he snatched the man's keys off his belt, knocked him down, raced out the door and slammed it shut before locking it.

"That fast enough for you?" Barry asked cheekily before speeding off.

He raced around, trying to find an exit so that he could run and get to somewhere safe. However, he ran into a wall of men armed with assault rifles. They opened fire on him but Barry, using his super speed, managed to dodge the bullets. Then, at super speed, he jumped over, giving the appearance of flight when it was really him gliding along the wind at super speed. He landed on his feet behind them and, as the men turned to him, Barry used his super speed to punch them all in quick succession, knocking them out. As they fell to the ground unconscious, Barry turned around but stopping, freezing as he stared in shock.

"You-" Barry said before he was hit.

Barry fell to the ground, wanting to scream but unable to as the Taser's effect had him. He couldn't move as his attacker walked over and kicked him hard in the face three times and then it all went black.

Avenger's compound

Same time

The Avengers sat in the compound, stunned by the revelations the night had brought.

"Hydra. Hydra infiltrated my company. Of course, because why not?" Tony muttered as he ran a hand over his face.

"The mercenaries, there were no mercenaries. It was all a front for Hydra. Must be an old cell." Clint muttered, mentally berating himself for not seeing it sooner.

"Do not blame yourself Clint," Vision said and Clint shot him a dark look, "no, I did not read your mind. It was written on your face."

"Blaming ourselves won't help." Wanda pointed out.

"Wanda's right," Steve said and they all turned to their leader, "Hydra is here and they've taken one of our own. And we're going to get him back."

"What's the plan Steve?" Rhodey inquired.

"We need to ID who took him," Steve ordered, "Hopefully, it's the mole and if not, they'll lead us to the mole. And hopefully Barry."

Unspecified location


Barry groaned as he came to, feeling his limbs being positioned. Looking around, he saw his hands and feet were trapped in some machine. His feet were trapped in what looked like metal boots coming out of the ground while his hands were trapped in the ends what looked like metal pipes coming out of the ceiling. He was in a dark room with only a little lighting.

"Ah, so you're awake." A man's voice spoke up.

Barry looked up as a man stepped into view. It was still hard to see in the room, but from what Barry could make out, he was a Caucasian male with dark hair and green eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Barry demanded and the man chuckled.

"I am one of many, I am Hydra." The man said and Barry started at the word Hydra.

"Hydra, the Nazi group that took over Shield?" Barry questioned, remembering some of the stories Steve and Sam had told him about that.

"You have been fed many misconceptions about Hydra. We want what The Avengers want, what Shield wanted: To save the world." The man said and Barry scoffed.

"Considering you guys tried to kill thousands of people, forgive my skepticism." Barry said sarcastically and the man chuckled.

"You will soon find you are mistaken about a great many things. But it soon cease to matter, you cannot escape." The man said.

Barry smirked, thinking the man didn't know about his superpowers. However, as he tried to vibrate his hands out, something happened: Barry suddenly screamed as he was shocked with a thousand bolts of electricity.

"As you can see, the machinery around your hands and feet is not just for decoration," the man said as he began circling him, Barry catching sight of something in his hand, "Hydra designed this to deal with a young man with the same abilities as you, should he have turned on us. Every time you so much as twitch a finger, you will be shocked with electricity. The more you try and move, the worse it will be."

"Okay, minor setback, I admit. But still, it's only a matter of time before I get out of here." Barry said confidently and the man stopped behind him.

"We shall we. After all, those powers must take a lot of concentration. Let's see how well you concentrate after this."

Barry suddenly cried out in pain as he felt something jam into his back and he felt fire fill him. As the object was removed, Barry realized he had just been injected with something.

"What did you do to me?" Barry asked, his voice trembling as he felt whatever it was fill his body like fire.

"It's called the Red Death. Hydra created it for interrogation purposes. Me? I have other uses for it." The man said as he put his hand on Barry's upper back.

Barry's head suddenly reeled back, a screaming leaving his mouth.

Barry cried out as two arrows suddenly struck him in his back.

As the man removed his hand Barry suddenly breathed heavily, relieved them pain was gone.

"Tell me who you are working for. Can't be Stark, no, this isn't his style. It's someone else. Tell me." The man demanded.

"Go to hell." Barry snapped and the man chuckled.

"I was hoping you'd say that." The man said before pressing his finger into the back of Barry's knee and Barry cried out again.

Caitlin stabbed a dagger made of ice into the back of Barry's knee and Barry cried out in agony.

"Tell me who you are working for and all this ends." The man said as he circled Barry.

"Never." Barry managed and the man smiled darkly.

"Never said never." He said as he placed his hand on one side of Barry's abdomen and Barry gasped.

Zoom plunged his vibrating finger into Barry's abdomen and he gasped in pain as Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry watched in horror.

New York

Later in the afternoon

"I've been going over these tapes for hours, I haven't found anything," Sam told Steve and Tony as they were looking at the security of outside Barry's apartment, "how'd you get us access to these anyway?"

"You'd be surprised what money can buy Robin." Tony said and Sam scowled.

"It's Falcon," Sam muttered before he saw something, "hey, what's that?"

"Too far away to tell," Steve frowned as he saw someone lifting something-or someone- into the back of a car, "Tony, can you enhance the image?"

"Not with what we've got here, but if I take it back to the compound, maybe." Tony muttered.

"Do whatever you need to do to get this tape. We need to find out who that is. It's the only lead we've got so far." Steve ordered.

Unspecified location

Same time

Barry didn't remember passing out, but he came to in an empty room. The room was filled with light, as opposed to the darkened room before. Barry figured it had been kept that way to protect the man's identity.

"Well buddy, you've got yourself in quiet a pickle, don't ya?"

Barry stiffened as he heard the familiar voice. It couldn't be; it was impossible. He couldn't be here.

But as Barry looked over to the source of the voice, he saw that it was indeed who he thought it was.

"Cisco?" Barry gapped as he stared at his friend.

"Hey Barry. It's been a while." Cisco said as he flashed Barry a nasty smirk.


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