Chapter 21: The plan

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After he had been stripped of his suit and given civilian clothes, Barry had been put in his own armored car, separate from Steve, Sam, and the Black Cat, who Barry had learned was actually T'Challa, the new king of Wakanda. The police had wanted to put him in a similar prison to Bucky due to his speed, but Rhodey had convinced them to just give him his own armored transport.

Barry's transport was filled with armed guards, which Barry found just a little over the top. Did they really think they could keep him here if he wanted to escape? He had super speed and had bene trained by Captain America and the Black Widow in combat!

The car stopped, as Barry figured they had arrived at wherever their destination was. One of the guards took out a key to unlock Barry's handcuffs, but Barry had already phased out of them.

"Just so you know, could have done that at any time." Barry said as he tossed the cuffs to the stunned officer.

Barry got out of the armored car, meeting Steve and Sam on the way in. They were in some sort of parking garage, police swarming about. Steve spotted Sharon and walked over to her, Barry and Sam following after him with T'Challa following them.

"What's gonna happen to him?" Steve demanded.

"The same thing that ought a happen to you: Psychological evaluation and extradition." The man next to Sharon explained.

"This is Everett Ross, Deputy Task Force Commander." Sharon explained.

"What about a lawyer?" Steve demanded and, to Barry's concern, Everett seemed amused, fighting the urge to laugh in Steve's face.

"Lawyer, that's funny, see that their weapons are seized in lockup," He ordered to one of the officers standing next to him before turning back to them, "We'll write you a recite."

As Sam grumbled under his breath, Barry saw Steve glance back at Bucky before they were led away. Barry's heart went out to Steve, he could only imagine how he would feel if it were Cisco or Oliver in Bucky's place. And based on Everett's denial of a lawyer, Steve had every right to be concerned about Bucky.

Everett and Sharon led them through the building and Natasha walked up to them. Judging by the look on her face, she was in no way happy.

"This is what making things worse looks like!" She snapped at Steve as she walked up to them.

"He's alive." Steve said as though it made it worth it. In Steve's mind, it probably did.

T'Challa was led off to an office as Natasha led them into a room where Tony was arguing on the phone.

"You bet there will be consequences! Yes you can quote me on that." Tony said before hanging up.

"Consequences?" Steve asked wearily, sounding about as thrilled as Barry.

"Secretary Ross wants you all prosecuted. Had to give them something." Tony explained.

"I'm not getting that shield back am I?" Steve said knowingly.

"Technically, it's the government's property now. Wings and suit to." Natasha said as she and Tony began walking off.

"That's cold." Sam said.

"Warmer than jail!" Tony called back.

"They've got a point," Barry said and they looked over at him, "we played this wrong. We should have called Natasha in."

"She'd signed The Accords, anything we did would come back to bite her later." Steve argued.

"And look around Steve. Can you honestly say what's happened is any worse?" Barry demanded.

Steve didn't respond; as the three of them were led into the office they were assigned. After a while, Tony led Steve outside and they began talking as Barry saw Rhodey outside the glass walls.

"Hey," Barry said as he approached Rhodey, "thanks for helping me out back there."

"I almost didn't." Rhodey said bluntly and Barry winced.

"I had that coming. We played this wrong." Barry admitted.

"What were you thinking?" Rhodey demanded.

"I was thinking this sounded off," Barry sand and Rhodey looked at him confused, "Come on Rhodey, think about it. Steve and Sam have been looking for this guy for what, two years with no results. All of the sudden he comes out to bomb the UN? It makes no sense. Either someone is setting him up or he's just snapped. He seems pretty sane to me."

"She's a kid!" Steve suddenly shouted.

"Give me a break!" Tony shouted back.

Barry and Rhodey stopped their own argument as Steve put a pen in front of Tony, walking back into the office.

"Steve's judgement is compromised when it comes to Barnes." Rhodey told Barry.

"Maybe," Barry agreed, "but that doesn't mean he's wrong. Or that I am."

Barry then followed Steve inside the office, taking a seat next to Sam. Steve was still standing, watching as Bucky was on the screen, being evaluated by a psychiatrist. Sharon walked in, handing Sam a sheet of paper.

"Here's the recite for your gear." She told him.

"Giant bird costume?" Sam read off incredulously.

"I didn't write it." Sharon shrugged.

"Red spandex?" Barry read, feeling insulted.

"Like I said, I didn't write it." She said as she pushed a button.

A TV monitor turned on; showing the interrogation of Bucky, though they could hear it now. Steve shot Sharon a grateful look as they all watched it. The psychiatrist was asking Bucky a few questions, referring to him as Jams.

"My name is Bucky." Bucky told him.

Steve looked down, this causing a great swell of emotion in him. Seeing the photo of 'Bucky' that was taken at the UN bombing, Steve picked it up, looking at it.

"Why would the task force release this photo?" Steve asked Sharon.

"Get the word out; have as many eyes looking for The Winter Soldier as we can." Sharon explained.

"The Winter Soldier is a master assassin," Barry noted, "If he was gonna bomb the UN, he wouldn't get caught on camera doing it. This guy, he looks like he's posing for the camera."

"For what reason?" Sharon inquired.

"To flush Bucky out of hiding." Steve said, nodding at Barry.

"You think someone set him up?" Sharon asked skeptically.

"Steve, we looked for him for two years and found nothing." Sam argued.

"You guys didn't bomb the UN." Barry pointed out.

"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee they'd get him, it guarantees we would." Sharon argued.

"Maybe that's the point," Barry said as he paled, "What if all this is to get Bucky here?"

Suddenly, all the light went out and red alarms blared. Barry and Sam stood up, looking around as a pit formed in Barry's stomach.

"Sharon, where is Barnes?" Barry asked as he looked over at her.

"Sub-level five, east wing." Sharon said immediately.

Steve nodded in thanks, the trio of Avengers quickly exiting the office and running out, Barry speeding ahead of Steve and Sam once they were in the clear. Barry reached the room, seeing Bucky out of his containment unit, a blank, vague look in his eyes as he stood in front of the psychiatrist.

"Barnes?" Barry called out.

The psychiatrist said something in a language Barry didn't understand and Bucky roared. In a speed that surprised Barry, Bucky rushed him, trying to strike him with his metal arm. At super speed, Barry dodged the strike but Bucky managed to grab him and threw him roughly. Barry hit the wall hard enough to go through it and landed hard on his back, debris surrounding him. He looked up, dazed, as Bucky rushed him once more and the last thing he remembered was the feeling of pain as Bucky's metal fist connected with his face.


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