Chapter 23: Clash of avengers

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With some help from Sharon, Steve had gotten their suits and gear back and, with a car Barry had managed to lift, the four of them were on their way to meet the rest of the team Steve was assembling. They pulled into an airport parking garage next to a van. The four of them got out as Clint and Wanda got out of the van. Immediately, Barry sped over and grabbed Wanda and they two embraced as they kissed deeply.

"Are you alright?" Barry asked as he pulled back slightly, looking her over for any sign that she had been mistreated during her internment.

"I am fine." Wanda assured him as she put a hand on one side of his face.

"They didn't do anything to her besides keep locked up there. Hey kid." Clint said as he held out a hand to Barry, who stepped away from Wanda and gasped Clint's hand in a firm handshake.

"Good to see you Clint." Barry said as they dropped hands.

"You to. Cap." Clint greeted as he turned to Steve.

"You know I wouldn't have called f I had any other choice." Steve said as they grasped hands.

"Hey, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt." Clint said as he looked over his shoulder at Wanda.

"Thanks for having my back." Steve told her as they dropped hands.

"It was time to get off my ass." Wanda shrugged and Barry smiled at her.

"How about our other recruit?" Steve asked.

"Rearin' to go, had to put a little coffee in him." Clint said as he opened the back, sliding door.

A dark haired man with a slight beard who had been lying down suddenly shot up.

"God, what time zone are we in?" The man said before he saw Steve, getting a star struck look in his eyes as he walked over and shook his hand. "Captain America."

"Mr. Lang." Steve said calmly as the rest of them tried to hide their smiles/smirks of amusement.

"It's an honor, I'm shaking your hand too long," Scott realized and dropped Steve's hand embarrassed, "this is incredible. Captain America," Scott looked over his shoulder at Wanda, "I know you to, you're great!"

"Isn't she?" Barry smirked as he wrapped an arm around Wanda as Scott turned back to Steve, touching Steve by the shoulders before dropping his hands.

"I just wanna say I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me," realizing he was stammering, Scott pointed over at Sam, "hey man!"

"What's up Tick Tack?" Sam greeted.

"Good to see you. Look, what happened last time-" Scott began.

"Was a great audition but it'll never happen again." Sam told him.

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve inquired.

"Something about some psycho assassins?" Scott inquired and Steve nodded.

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man." Steve warned him.

"Yea well, what else is new?" Scott said.

"I like this guy already." Barry said and Clint smirked.

"So do I." Clint mttered.

"We should get moving." Bucky suggested.

"I got a chopper lined up." Clint said before alarms blared and a man speaking in German came over the intercom.

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky translated.

"Stark." Sam said and Barry nodded.

"Most likely." Barry agreed.

"Stark?" Scott questioned.

"Suit up." Steve ordered.

"What's the plan Steve?" Sam inquired.

"You three," Steve gestured to Barry, Sam, and Bucky, "head to the shopping area. They came in a Quinjet. Sam, use Red Bird and find it. Clint, Wanda, go to the parking deck. Scott, I have a special job for you. Let's move out."

A little later, Barry, Sam, and Bucky, all suited up, watched from the windows as Steve was intercepted by Tony and Rhodey and, shortly afterwards, T'Challa. Steve appeared to be trying to talk to Tony but Tony didn't appear to be too concerned with what Steve was saying.

"Tony isn't listening." Barry said dismayed, having hoped they could talk some sense into Tony.

"This surprises you? He hasn't been listening to us since The Accords showed up." Sam scoffed as they saw Natasha appear on the scene.

"Who the hell is that guy?" Bucky asked as they saw a guy in a red and blue suit take Steve's shield with some sort of white substance that he then used to bind Steve's hands with.

"I don't know, but we should definitely watch out for him," Sam noted before frowning, "Steve, we found it. The Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway."

Steve raised his hands, as if surrendering, and Clint shot an arrow, which broke through the binds. Barry sped off as Sam and Bucky ran after him. He heard the sound of shattering glass and Barry stopped, turning around to see the man in red and blue holding Bucky's metal arm as Sam was down. Barry sped over; punching the man and the man went flying as Sam stood up.

"Looks like its starting." Sam said as they heard some explosions from outside.

"You should get to the Quinjet." Bucky told Barry but Barry shook his head.

"I'm not leaving without you guys." Barry argued as the man in red and blue shot some more of that white substance at them.

Barry pushed Bucky out of the way before speeding out of the way. Sam flew up into the air, tackling the man. They struggled for a bit before the man jumped away from Sam. Barry ran along the wall, using his speed to run up onto the ceiling and reach the man. He punched the man and he was sent flying but used some more of the white substance that seemed to shoot out of his hands and propelled himself back at Barry. He then shot out some more of that substance, which wrapped around Barry legs, and used it to throw Barry off the ceiling. Barry, quickly, rotated his arms enough that it generated slight cyclones, which allowed him to hover above the ground enough that, when he stopped, Barry was able to land on his feet smoothly.

Barry then looked up to see the man throw something at Bucky, sending him falling Before Sam flew at him. The man blocked Sam's thrusters and Sam was sent falling into a stand.

"Who the hell is this guy?" Barry muttered.

Getting an idea, Barry sped around in a circle, building up a charge. Barry sped off after the man as he kicked Bucky and Sam through a glass wall. Barry threw the lightning bolt at him and it hit the man. The man cried out as he was sent flying, crashing through another class wall.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky joked as he and Sam stood up from where they had fallen.

"I hate you." Sam said as he glared at Bucky.

"No time for arguing, we gotta go." Barry said before speeding down, grabbing them, and speeding out.

They sped outside and Barry was about to speed to the Quinjet to secure it when something happened. A giant blue portal opened and everyone stopped to stare at it. Barry for a different reason than the others.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked.

"That is a breach." Barry muttered staring at it stunned.

The breach simply stood there for a second before it closed. They simply stared, wondering what that was about until Steve called to them.

"Come on, there's our ride!" Steve called out, running towards the Quinjet.

The others began following him, Barry preparing to speed towards it when a yellow beam appeared in front of them, cutting a line in the concrete. They paused, looking up as Vision floated above them.

"Captain Rogers! I know you are only doing what you believe to be right, but for the collective good, you must surrender." Vision said in a booming voice.

Barry stood between Steve and Bucky, eying their odds. As Vision floated down, Rhodey flew back in, tossing T'Challa onto the ground with the rest of Tony's side and the man in red and blue swung back over, T'Challa and the man landing gracefully. This was not good.

"What do we do Cap?" Sam questioned as they all waited for Steve's ordered.

"We fight." Steve ordered in a voice that was resigned but firm.

They began moving forward, their intentions clear. Tony and his side began moving forward as well and it was on. Clint notched an arrow, Wanda's hands glowed with red energy, and Barry sped forward. Barry jumped, speeding towards the man in the red and blue suit, landing a punch right in the kisser. The man was sent flying back but shot out more of that white substance to catch on a bridge and used it to swing himself back. Barry sped out of the way of him, grabbed him by the back, turned around at super speed, and flung him back. The man hit the side of a truck and it turned on its side as the man was dazed.

"Stay down. I don't want to hurt you but I will if I have to." Barry warned him.

"Sorry man, I got one job here and I have to impress Mr. Stark." The man said, speaking to Barry for the first time.

Barry was surprised by how young the man sounded; he couldn't have been older than eighteen. Where did Tony find someone so young?

Barry's musings were cut off when the man shot that substance at him. Barry sped out of the way but couldn't avoid the second shot. It grabbed his feet and yanked him down. Barry landed hard on his back before the man shot him all over with the substance and Barry suddenly realized what it was.

"Is this-is this webbing?" Barry asked.

"Just a gift from your friendly neighborhood Spiderman!" Spiderman said before shooting off and swinging away.

Barry scowled before vibrating his entire body. He stuck a fist out and punched through the webbing, standing up and shredding the rest. He sped after Spiderman to see him fighting Steve. As he moved to attack Steve, Barry sped over, punching him. Spiderman swung back, landing on top of a bridge.

"stark tell you anything else?" Steve asked.

"You're wrong. You think you're wright and that makes you dangerous." Spiderman said before jumping off the bridge.

He swung down and Barry intercepted him with a high speed, flying kick. It forced Spiderman back and he hit the leg of the bridge, back first. He landed on his butt and Steve threw his shield. It hit the leg and the body began to come down. Spiderman jumped to his feet, holding his hands up and catching the bridge.

"You got heart kid," Steve said as he picked up his shield, "where you from?"

"Queens." Spiderman said, grunting under the pressure and Steve chuckled.

"Brooklyn." Steve said before Barry grabbed him and sped off.

They made it to a corner by Bucky, all of them looking around.

"The guy's probably in Siberia by now." Bucky worried.

"We're wasting time. You guys get to the jet, we'll handle them." Barry told them.

"No, all three of you get to the jet," Sam said over the comms, "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to say it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint added.

"You guys sure about this?" Barry asked as he saw a matching hesitation in Steve

"We are Avengers, it is our job." Wanda said.

"This isn't the real fight." Sam added and Steve sighed.

"Alright, what's our play?" Steve asked, finally giving in.

"We need a diversion. Something big." Sam said.

"I've got something big, but I can't hold it for very long," Scott said over the comms, "On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me."

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky questioned.

"You sure about this Scott?" Steve asked hesitantly.

"I do it all the time! I mean once. In a lab. Then I passed out." Scott said growing more unsure of himself as he spoke.

They exchanged uncertain glances but there was nothing they could do. Suddenly, a giant version of Scott appeared in the air field, grabbing Rhodey by the legs.

"Wow." Barry said as they all stared.

"I guess that's the signal." Steve noted.

"I'll secure the Quinjet." Barry said as he sped forward.

He sped to the hanger but stopped, staring.

"You really wanna do this Barry?" Natasha asked as she aimed her bracelet at him.

"We both know neither of us want this but we won't stand down." Barry noted.

Natasha nodded sadly before firing at him. Barry dodged the electric discharge before speeding towards her. He aimed a punch towards her but Natasha, predicting this, had already ducked down and grabbed hold of his leg. Barry quickly snatched her off but Natasha jumped up and managed to get on his back.

"You may be faster, but I taught you how to fight. I know your moves before you do." Natasha said before blasting him with the electric discharge.

Barry cried out as she jumped off him. Barry fell to his knees, gasping in pain as Natasha took aim but didn't fire.

"I don't wanna do this Barry. Please don't make me." Natasha said as Barry noticed that, for her Natasha's voice was almost shaking.

"I have to. There are five Winter Soldiers Natasha. Even more dangerous than Barnes. The doctor, he's behind all of this Natasha. He can bring down an entire country in a single night with them." Barry explained and Natasha was silent.

They heard something begin to fall and looked over to see a bunch of rubble falling before it glowed red, suspending it.

"That's my girl." Barry said fondly as Steve and Bucky began making their way through it.

However, pride quickly turned to horror as Wanda cried out in pain and the rubble began to fall of Steve and Bucky. Acting fast, Barry sped in and got them out of there before the rubble fell on them, dragging them into the hanger.

"Is Rhodey trying to kill you?!" Barry exclaimed.

But Steve's attention was solely on Natasha and Barry paused, looking to Steve. He knew the bond that existed between them and knew this was going to be hard for both of them.

"You're not gonna stop." Natasha said knowingly.

"You know I can't." Steve said almost sadly.

Barry saw T'Challa sneaking up behind them and, acting fast, Barry rushed him. Barry punched him but T'Challa released the claws and tried to slash Barry. However, this time Barry was prepared. Barry jumped up and avoided the claws, sending a high speed kick to T'Challa's chest. He wasn't going to underestimate those claws again.

"Go." Natasha told Steve, lowering her arm and Steve nodded in thanks.

As he saw Steve and Bucky making a break for the Quinjet, T'Challa jumped passed Barry and tried to run after them. However, Barry sped over and circled him at high speed. He built up a charge before he threw a lightning bolt at him. It hit T'Challa in his chest and T'Challa was sent falling back. However, he stood right back up, although a little slower than last time.

"Just stay down!" Barry shouted in frustration.

"He killed my father!" T'Challa shouted.

"No, he didn't!" Barry shouted back.

With a roar, T'Challa rushed him but Barry ducked down and knocked T'Challa off his feet before stepping back. Hearing the blaring of engines, Barry, T'Challa, and Natasha looked up as the Quinjet roared to life. T'Challa tried to jump on it as it started taking off but Natasha blasted him with her bracelet. He went down to the ground as the jet took off.

"I said I'd help you find him, not catch him," Natasha said as he got up and glared at her through his mask, "there's a difference."

Barry sighed, knowing what he had to do now. Barry got down on his knees, holding up his hands in the air.

"Do what you gotta do Nat." Barry said resigned and she nodded.

She walked over, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

"Barry Allen, you are under arrest for violation of the Sokovia Accords, adding and abetting a fugitive, and obstruction of justice." She said sadly as she placed him in the cuffs.

Avengers Compound

Later in the afternoon

Tony was on his way to the chopper when a blue portal opened up near it. Tony stepped back, more out of surprise than anything, when a Latino man with longish black hair jumped out and the portal closed.

"Wow. Am I in the right place?" The man wondered as he looked around.

"Who the hell are you?! And where did you come from?!" Tony snarled and the man held up his hands defensively.

"Sorry to just jump in like this. My name is Cisco Ramon and I'm looking for an associate of mine: Barry Allen." Cisco said.


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